Comp plan 149P

Congrats to the Energy team for your outstanding sales of the Containment system and AIM product lines. I am sure these will pass Sonicbeat sales. We have best in class stuff why can't you sell it? PAY US THE COMMISSION and WE WILL

Why does it always feel as though the other shoe is going to drop working here at OCA?
Nothing happens except for mass sales rep resignations. No management firings, no firings in Marketing, Sales Operations, nothing! Things are the worst they have ever been and nothing happens, except some stock buyback horseshit to make our company APPEAR as its doing a good job and making money.
Who else is embarrassed to say that they are a rep for Olympus?

It’s an employee’s market for now and a great time to move ahead in your career.

Increase your financial opportunity, quality of life, or just move up the rank to selling better devices/equipment etc. Now is definitely the time to make a move.

Whatever you decide, make sure it is not with Olympus Corporation Of The Americas!
Management will continue to steal from the reps to keep their ridiculously high salaries and pensions.
Since the company is no longer profitable, they have to steal from the reps to avoid salary cuts themselves.
Remember that a certain % of the profit after EBITDA has to be returned to the bank accounts after salaries and overhead is accounted for under their sham financial practices.

With a formula like this, as a rep, why would you knowingly stay and work for an organization like this?
You'd have to be a fricken idiot.

TGIF everyone, oh and make sure to take the day off, since Olympus isn't paying you to work hard anyway.

We all have started side gigs and are not lifting a finger for OCA.
Fuck Olympus. OCA is a really shitty company to work for.
Do not apply or take an offer with Olympus. You will be VERY sorry if you do.

I have heard that the urology division is under fire from a new company on the scene selling very competitive bipolar electrodes at a fraction of the cost. Its only a matter of time before OCA's huge bipolar business is commoditized and converted to another company. If you are an OCA sales rep in Urology, I would get out now. This is going to happen whether you bitch and gripe or not. It is a reality. The smartest thing you can do is resign and find a new job as soon as possible. Its over for Olympus.

Karma is a plate served cold.

12 months for a direct competitor in the same territory is not allowed. Call HR for a copy of your non-compete agreement specifically. You should understand exactly what it is that you signed.
Everyone needs to get out of Olympus asap! This place is a swamp of negativity and unhappiness.

Mass exodus right before Christmas!
Watch what happens in GI my friends.