Comp plan 149P

So, first off, if you are a corporate employee checking this board then you really are a waste of life. Get back to work and figure out how to motivate your reps through selling / being paid appropriately, not motivate through fear of lost compensation. If you choose the latter, then understand the unintended consequences of reps not wanting to give their "A" effort and sales / customers perceptions will suffer as a result. What good does this do to anyone involved at Olympus? If sales are bad enough, corporate positions are not safe from layoffs either...

Secondly, whoever said "We will become Boston Scientific and thank God" is a fucking imbecile. You literally have the IQ equal to a dull person, which is below 70. Seriously, you want to become BS??? I cannot tell you how many of my customers hate doing business with them and look at every angle to stop. We have in a sense become them in the fact that Olympus has no focus on the customer, rather trying to only protect their ass from big brother. But it can change and we don't want to fully be BS. So, the new leadership can impose their "known" way of doing business and reps will continue to purposely underperform. Oh, you'll get rid of these reps? Sure, go ahead and fire reps with shit-tons of experience and relationships. Customers will follow us and we have more influence on them than you think. Don't fucking kid yourself.

Or, here's a simple solution: Listen to the life-blood of the company. Be transparent with the sales reps. The more we know what you are tasked with as a company and the more you understand our needs / challenges the better each other can do to be a part of the synergistic relationship. If you don't give a shit about the reps (as evidenced by the sheer volume of lost comp potential), then expect to continue to miss your number these next 2 years until your contract is up. (I bet Japan won't renew your candy asses missing the number each year...)

So, Olympus upper management, the ball is in your court. Do you make things "right" in 150P (there is still time to get it finalized!)? Or do you continue on being self-righteous, shallow corporate punks who only care about themselves. You chose your course of action and we'll chose ours. The proper result will follow.

I'm so tired of these awful upper managers who fight back against the reps, when they know full well that they are screwing the reps two ways to Sunday. Shows you what they are made of. Nothing. They keep their salaries and pensions. We get cut to the bone. Fucking bullshit.

Sales Ops Dick loves to suck and swallow men's dicks. What a dirty and disgusting fucker. A homo too!
Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a 12 yr old boy?

Are you on some sort of pituitary meds?
There's something majorly wrong with your ass...

Olympus is flat broke! The comp plan that was just rolled out, to all of the divisions totally reiterates the fact that this company is drowning. This company is washed up. Filled with useless middle and upper management, who will soon be out of a job.


Olympus is flat broke! The comp plan that was just rolled out, to all of the divisions totally reiterates the fact that this company is drowning. This company is washed up. Filled with useless middle and upper management, who will soon be out of a job.


I truly believe this to be 100% accurate.
Start looking for a new job Usen!
You are out!!

Nothing ever changes at this dump.
Same douchebag managers year in and year out. Japan should be totally embarrassed and ashamed at who they have running OCA. What a joke!

Terminate Nils & SOD... USELESS MULES