Only went through 1 interview in DC and was presented with an offer for the Cleveland territory. They offered 63k, I countered with 68k, and they agreed!

I was nervous because I only went through 1 interview, but I called the recruiter to thank them for their assistance through this process and asked how I was fortunate to get the job with only 1 interview and they said, "because I had 10 years b2b experience and great documented sales numbers they felt no need to make me go through the other 2 interviews"! They said they were being a little more cautious with people who only had pharma sales experience and that is why they had a process of 3 set interviews.

See everyone in training!

Only went through 1 interview in DC and was presented with an offer for the Cleveland territory. They offered 63k, I countered with 68k, and they agreed!

I was nervous because I only went through 1 interview, but I called the recruiter to thank them for their assistance through this process and asked how I was fortunate to get the job with only 1 interview and they said, "because I had 10 years b2b experience and great documented sales numbers they felt no need to make me go through the other 2 interviews"! They said they were being a little more cautious with people who only had pharma sales experience and that is why they had a process of 3 set interviews.

See everyone in training!

Congrats and thanks for the info. When did they call you with an offer?

Only went through 1 interview in DC and was presented with an offer for the Cleveland territory. They offered 63k, I countered with 68k, and they agreed!

I was nervous because I only went through 1 interview, but I called the recruiter to thank them for their assistance through this process and asked how I was fortunate to get the job with only 1 interview and they said, "because I had 10 years b2b experience and great documented sales numbers they felt no need to make me go through the other 2 interviews"! They said they were being a little more cautious with people who only had pharma sales experience and that is why they had a process of 3 set interviews.

See everyone in training!

Hey just curious are you the same guy I rode back to the airport with from Wilberforce?

did my interview a while ago in DC (+role play), just got the offer today. Compensation was too low tho, theres a similar opening on the cafepharma job center that looks more exciting.

i got an offer from DC rounds of interview. Was offered 63k and I accepted. Not a Novartis employee. From my experience if you didnt make it through all 3 rounds (i know they said it didnt matter) I really dont think these ppl got offered the job. DId get my official offer letter via email on Thursday night, but I was told I would recieve it Friday or Monday. If you have questions call the candidate care hotline.

I received an offer from NC rounds.. I made it through all 3 rounds as well and then some...
It was a verbal offer and should get all the paper work mon/tues also. Very excited!!