Has anyone received an offer from the LA interviews recently or have all of the offers been made for the LA group? Just curious....not so bummed if I didn't get the job....bummed that I wasted 3 days in the interview process!!!!

for anyone who has a f2f interview Thur in NC have you gotten your flight arrangements yet? I got the e-mail on Fri with to schedule my interview along with the role play and assessment and it said I would get an e-mail in 2 days with flight info and I have yet to receive it. I even called the number and left a message and still have heard nothing???

I'm curious to know if anyone received an offer that didn't have 3 interviews. I know they said it didn't matter, but it sounds like it did...and I was at DC interviews and they did say they made 18 offers in LA and 15 accepted.

They never emailed me a business plan and I confirmed with them that it was not something that I had to complete, I would complete if I was ever sent one....any word on what the range of the salary offers was?

Has anyone gotten an offer for any of the Chicago positions? I interviewed in LA on the 31st and haven't heard anything but not hopeful because I only got one interview.

I am in the same situation...LA...31st...1 interview...nothing. You would think that they could be respectful of our time and just give us the rejection call, or form email at the minimum. Personally, I thought the whole interview process was the goofiest thing I have experienced. Waste of time...thanks, but no thanks!!

for anyone who has a f2f interview Thur in NC have you gotten your flight arrangements yet? I got the e-mail on Fri with to schedule my interview along with the role play and assessment and it said I would get an e-mail in 2 days with flight info and I have yet to receive it. I even called the number and left a message and still have heard nothing???

I have my F2F in NC as well. Did you have to do a business plan? I didn't receive any information on doing one but I notice that many others had to. I live in NC so I didn't need any flight arrangements.

I have my F2F in NC as well. Did you have to do a business plan? I didn't receive any information on doing one but I notice that many others had to. I live in NC so I didn't need any flight arrangements.

No I was told that I didn't have to do a business plan, and that they had eliminated them from this part of the interview process. What territory are you interviewing for

For those interviewing in NC I never got any info about doing a business plan until today when I got confirmation of my travel plans. It said "have your business case study prepared for review"???? I never got a business case study, only the wine role play. This has been really confusing. Any ideas???

I have my F2F in NC as well. Did you have to do a business plan? I didn't receive any information on doing one but I notice that many others had to. I live in NC so I didn't need any flight arrangements.

Have interview on Thursday in Charlotte, never received anything about business plan or assessment. Should I call?

For those interviewing in NC I never got any info about doing a business plan until today when I got confirmation of my travel plans. It said "have your business case study prepared for review"???? I never got a business case study, only the wine role play. This has been really confusing. Any ideas???

I got the same email but I never received anything about a wine role play! What is a business case study? I called them and told them I never received the email confirmation and they never said anything about any attachments.

Are they throwing curveballs in the role play?

I think it will depends on who you get; my roll playing guy threw all soft balls I thought.
Where as the third guy I interviewed with decide to do another roll play with me to see if I was as good as my resume said. Regardless, I would say eat your Wheaties kids it’s going to be a full day. And as far a travel notification goes, don’t sweat it my email came two days before I was suppose to leave. Good luck NC group!!

I think it will depends on who you get; my roll playing guy threw all soft balls I thought.
Where as the third guy I interviewed with decide to do another roll play with me to see if I was as good as my resume said. Regardless, I would say eat your Wheaties kids it’s going to be a full day. And as far a travel notification goes, don’t sweat it my email came two days before I was suppose to leave. Good luck NC group!!

Are the interviews literally three hours long?