Here's the deal: majority got offers on Friday for the nc Ivs. If you have not heard anything yet the reason is because they are doing background checks on the candidates that were offered a position. If something goes wrong then they will contact the next candidate in mind.

I got an offer out of the DC IV~ was notified about a background screening & drug screening. Is this the only part of the bg check? I am excited about starting but they have been tremendously quiet about the entire process

I also had 3 great interviews in NC and the regional told me to make sure I kept near my phone over the weekend and that he thought I would be a great fit. Still no news via phone or email, good or bad. I am thinking it's not going to work out, but holding out hope that something quirky is going on and I will hear something positive. The background checking post makes sense, hoping that's not the case and maybe there's a backload of work as they are getting close to the training start date. Also, giving 2 weeks is the right thing to do, but I have never been asked to stay on more than a couple of days at most to transition any loose ends and turn in company property.

So I am getting the feeling if you did not get to the the third IV you don't have a chance? I was in NC and have heard nothing.

I was told when they were takin gme to my third interview that you had to make it to 3 be in contention, but who knows how reliable that was...I lot of things happen that aren't the norm..

3 IVs in NC and still no news here either....called the candidate care line again at about 3pm and was told I was still being considered. She said if there was an offer it would be by phone or email, and if a rejection an email only.

3 IVs in NC and still no news here either....called the candidate care line again at about 3pm and was told I was still being considered. She said if there was an offer it would be by phone or email, and if a rejection an email only.

Thanks for your update, I'm still waiting as well. Did they give you any indication of timeframe? Did you interview on the 14th or 15th, just wondering if that has anything to do with it..