what was too low for you? the base or bonus?
the bonus plan is very low for a position of this caliber, only $6,500/quarter

What industry are you coming from? 6500 per quarter is pretty good (average). I have pharma experience and was the top rep in my the COUNTRY (JNJ) and my average bonus was about 10000 a quarter. I know there are companies that will tell you that bonuses are unlimited, but I havent met too many ppl that brag about his/her bonuses. I have found that most ppl arent happy with bonus plans. Pharma bonuses on average are about 20k per yr

Exactly key word "Pharma" -- you don't know any different so you were happy with 10K a quarter..... on a fantastic quarter i'd make 20-30K , which is 8-10K a MONTH !!
Industry is med device/direct sales.... which is what this position will be, therefore i feel the bonus structure is pretty weak. It should be be 40K a Yr at plan, but they are growing so there is hope for change.

Exactly key word "Pharma" -- you don't know any different so you were happy with 10K a quarter..... on a fantastic quarter i'd make 20-30K , which is 8-10K a MONTH !!
Industry is med device/direct sales.... which is what this position will be, therefore i feel the bonus structure is pretty weak. It should be be 40K a Yr at plan, but they are growing so there is hope for change.

Has anyone from NC interviews received a rejection email?????

Never received a rejection letter from the LA interviews. Most respectable companies will at least provide you with that consideration. Good luck to all of you that secured a may need it!

Never received a rejection letter from the LA interviews. Most respectable companies will at least provide you with that consideration. Good luck to all of you that secured a may need it!

Never received a rejection letter from the LA interviews. Most respectable companies will at least provide you with that consideration. Good luck to all of you that secured a may need it!

I received an offer from the LA interviews last week but they told me it would be 2 to 2 and a half weeks because they wanted to complete ALL the interviews before making final decisions. So I am sure rejection letters will be coming this week.

I made it through 3 interviews in NC and called today and was told that final decisions were still being made and that I was still in consideration. I asked if I wasn't chosen at this point would they have told me on the phone, and they said yes. Anybody else hear anything that went to NC?

Went through 3 IV's in correspondence yet. I called the candidate care line and no decisions have been made yet for the territory I was interviewing for.
I was told to keep an eye out for emails...they want a May 1 start date.

Went through 3 IV's in correspondence yet. I called the candidate care line and no decisions have been made yet for the territory I was interviewing for.
I was told to keep an eye out for emails...they want a May 1 start date.

I also heard that offers would come via phone...what territory were you interviewing for..did they give you any indication either way, or were they vague? Did they say also to look for a phone call?

I am so glad to see the above two posts! I had 3 ivs in nc, I thought I did fairly well, but I've heard nothing. I called rti as well and was told that some offers had come through, but nothing had been decided for the territory I iv'd for. I heard that training starts May 3 from the Trainer that was at the nc iv event, and today would have been the day that someone would have needed to give a 2 wks notice to their employer to meet that deadline. But maybe since it's initially home study that May 3 date is flexible. My stomach is in knots, I'm mad every time my phone rings bc I get my hopes up that it's an offer and it hasnt happened yet. The iv process was grueling, and now waiting it out is even worse. I want this job so bad! But at least if multiple people who had 3 ivs have heard nothing, then maybe there's still hope and they're just not through with everything yet. Good luck to everyone:)