I went through 3 rounds of interviews in LA, I had the wine role play for the 2nd round. I also had to turn in a business plan (info was provided in an email) and the online testing. Yesterday I got a call from the local manager and I am meeting him on Monday.
I know that they are hiring for a training class starting on May 3rd, so we should all hear soon. I also found out that they rated each candidate on a point scale, and then discussed the outcomes each evening. From what I gathered, you pretty much needed to make it through the 3 rounds in order to be considered for the jobs. There are a ton of territories open right now though, so who knows.
I am looking forward to seeing if anyone gets an offer this coming week....

I went through 3 rounds of interviews in LA, I had the wine role play for the 2nd round. I also had to turn in a business plan (info was provided in an email) and the online testing. Yesterday I got a call from the local manager and I am meeting him on Monday.
I know that they are hiring for a training class starting on May 3rd, so we should all hear soon. I also found out that they rated each candidate on a point scale, and then discussed the outcomes each evening. From what I gathered, you pretty much needed to make it through the 3 rounds in order to be considered for the jobs. There are a ton of territories open right now though, so who knows.
I am looking forward to seeing if anyone gets an offer this coming week....

Good for you but not completely true! I had one interview and got an offer Friday. Base was decent, bonus is 3 months long in and out of the field.

I am waiting on an offer and although the 3 month training has been mentioned, it is still completely unclear how much of that 3 months is out of town. Does anyone know the answer to this? Thanks

Can anybody give me an idea of what they did for their business plan? My interview is tomorrow and I didn't get confirmation from the company until today, that they will pay for my overnight, so I didn't do it yet. Just thought, if they weren't going to pay for the room, I wasn't going anyway. So, now I'm under the gun. What did you include in the plan?

Can anybody give me an idea of what they did for their business plan? My interview is tomorrow and I didn't get confirmation from the company until today, that they will pay for my overnight, so I didn't do it yet. Just thought, if they weren't going to pay for the room, I wasn't going anyway. So, now I'm under the gun. What did you include in the plan?

Are you serious? I spent days on mine. I doubt anyone is going to give you any pointers. If you really wanted this job you should have planned ahead regardless of whether or not they would pay for your overnight (Which they made clear in the email that they would.)

I was the poster about not having a business plan...Definitely no business plan mentioned in my confirmation email. Just the wine business role play and telling me to take the online assessment one week prior. I haven't had my f2f yet, I guess for the area that I'm interviewing for, ivs are falling later than other areas. It's scheduled for next week. I was really excited about this interview but after reading this, I have to say I am a little nervous. I want this job!

I am in the same situation. I have an interview scheduled for this week, no business plan requested, just the wine role play information and the online assessment. Wonder why some people have to do a business plan and others do not?

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

Whats the comp plan ?

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

I thought the instructions for the business plan were pretty clear. They put in bullet point form what they expected. It seems a "Circle of Excellence" winner would be able to follow basic instructions instead of asking others how they did theirs.....

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

I thought the instructions on the business plan were pretty clear. They put in bullet point form what they wanted. It seems a "Circle of Excellence" winner would be able to follow basic instructions and not ask others how they did theirs.....

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

I agree with the above posts. If you think you can put together a plan with all the info they asked for the night before and have it be any good - best of luck. These managers are going to be seeing HUNDREDS of these from the combined 3 interview events and you think yours is going to stand out by scrambling the night before? Anyone who has been in sales can throw a plan together with the info they asked for. But who wants to turn in a mediocre plan - are you a mediocre rep?? I wanted mine to stand out so I spent quite a bit of time on it as well.

A. I got no email telling me anything about who was going to pay for an overnight. They only sent me an email of the plane ticket confirmation and I wasn't going to pay for the overnight myself for the chance to interview for about 40% of what I used to make.
B. I have won 3 Circle of Excellence awards for managing REAL territories and don't need to waste my time making up a plan for a fake territory that I am not even responsible for yet.

Come on here... if you spent days on yours, you must never have done one. I didn't spend days on my real one.

Well then maybe that's why you no longer work there.

I agree with the above posts. If you think you can put together a plan with all the info they asked for the night before and have it be any good - best of luck. These managers are going to be seeing HUNDREDS of these from the combined 3 interview events and you think yours is going to stand out by scrambling the night before? Anyone who has been in sales can throw a plan together with the info they asked for. But who wants to turn in a mediocre plan - are you a mediocre rep?? I wanted mine to stand out so I spent quite a bit of time on it as well.

So the Vision jobs require you to make all kinds of chit up just like in Pharma? They are already getting the most creative people on the planet built by their very own system. What more could they want to know?

I went through 3 rounds of interviews in LA, I had the wine role play for the 2nd round. I also had to turn in a business plan (info was provided in an email) and the online testing. Yesterday I got a call from the local manager and I am meeting him on Monday.
I know that they are hiring for a training class starting on May 3rd, so we should all hear soon. I also found out that they rated each candidate on a point scale, and then discussed the outcomes each evening. From what I gathered, you pretty much needed to make it through the 3 rounds in order to be considered for the jobs. There are a ton of territories open right now though, so who knows.
I am looking forward to seeing if anyone gets an offer this coming week....

How did your meeting go on Monday? Did you receive an offer? If so, congrats. Did they mention anything about the LA interviews or their job offer process?

Has anyone who had interviews on March 31st heard anything yet? I'm expecting the worse hoping for the best. I only had one interview too. And I'm a pharma rep now which may have worked against me based on what I've been reading in these messages.