I was also at the event yesterday, it was an extremely long day. Like the PP said, if they liked what you did in your first interview, you advanced to the next........ if not, they sent you on your way. The first one was STAR format with 2 interviewers, the second one consisted of 2 role plays, and the third was another STAR format with one of the directors. I went through the third round, I am not sure if there was another one. They said we should hear back within the next 2 weeks, the training class starts on May 3rd.

I was also at the event yesterday, it was an extremely long day. Like the PP said, if they liked what you did in your first interview, you advanced to the next........ if not, they sent you on your way. The first one was STAR format with 2 interviewers, the second one consisted of 2 role plays, and the third was another STAR format with one of the directors. I went through the third round, I am not sure if there was another one. They said we should hear back within the next 2 weeks, the training class starts on May 3rd.

I only got through the 1st round of IV's, but when I returned home I had an e-mail from the local district manager to meet here locally so not sure what that means, maybe an offer!

I only got through the 1st round that doesn't mean you are not getting hired? Did they even ask you for your business review? I put so much time into it and they didn't even ask me for it!!!!!!

I only got through the 1st round that doesn't mean you are not getting hired? Did they even ask you for your business review? I put so much time into it and they didn't even ask me for it!!!!!!

yes they asked for the business reviews in the general room where we first all sat down.

I am curious were anyone's meals provided? I am being told they will not reimburse me for
the expenses of food while out in LA because breakfast, lunch, and dinner was if so where?!?! What was stated in the info I got is incidentials are covered by the candidate but then they gave us an expense form for mileage and parking....

yes they asked for the business reviews in the general room where we first all sat down.

I am curious were anyone's meals provided? I am being told they will not reimburse me for
the expenses of food while out in LA because breakfast, lunch, and dinner was if so where?!?! What was stated in the info I got is incidentials are covered by the candidate but then they gave us an expense form for mileage and parking....

Will you people quit your bitching already! Why can't you just be happy and fortunate that you were called in for an interview? Yeah it sucks that maybe you didn't get the position, but think of the 100+ that applied for each territory/position and didn't even get a response back. You are in fact one of the 3-4 applicants that got called in for a chance to get the position....and so what if you had to buy your food, you would have to buy your food or groceries at home anyways...wait let me guess, you expect every company you apply for at home to reimburse you for food you buy and eat while applying for jobs at home! Jackasses!

As for mileage and parking, same damn song and dance...who cares! Be fortunate you were even selected as one of the hopeful candidates.

And, for what its worth, I was selected to come out to the interviews for the f2f (and even though it was a lot of bullshit pre-work they wanted us to do, I turned the interview down cause I lucked out and got a job doing medical supplies sales.

Will you people quit your bitching already! Why can't you just be happy and fortunate that you were called in for an interview? Yeah it sucks that maybe you didn't get the position, but think of the 100+ that applied for each territory/position and didn't even get a response back. You are in fact one of the 3-4 applicants that got called in for a chance to get the position....and so what if you had to buy your food, you would have to buy your food or groceries at home anyways...wait let me guess, you expect every company you apply for at home to reimburse you for food you buy and eat while applying for jobs at home! Jackasses!

As for mileage and parking, same damn song and dance...who cares! Be fortunate you were even selected as one of the hopeful candidates.

And, for what its worth, I was selected to come out to the interviews for the f2f (and even though it was a lot of bullshit pre-work they wanted us to do, I turned the interview down cause I lucked out and got a job doing medical supplies sales.

yeah right!

you turned down the IV but just had to check this board to tell us that....liar!

yeah right!

you turned down the IV but just had to check this board to tell us that....liar!

Actually, fag, I was checking this board just to see how the interviews went. For a f2f it seemed like a crazy amount of pre-work so I was curious to see how it went for those who weren't "bitching", like you probably have been doing while sitting in your mother's basement at the age of 33

I was disappointed that I only got one IV out in LA too. They made it seem as if that didn't mean you didn't get the job, but I suspect I didn't get an offer. I hadn't heard anything since the interview on yesterday. What do you think the chances of getting hired are if you only got one IV? I am already a pharma rep. I hope that didn't work against me.

I was disappointed that I only got one IV out in LA too. They made it seem as if that didn't mean you didn't get the job, but I suspect I didn't get an offer. I hadn't heard anything since the interview on yesterday. What do you think the chances of getting hired are if you only got one IV? I am already a pharma rep. I hope that didn't work against me.

I wouldn't read into it, CIBA is a bit snobbish. They like to hire newbies so they can mold their people...and they like to tout that they are a "medical device" when everyone knows lenses really aren't.

To the other douche on this board who is coming back and calling people names, grow the F up! You have issues and the fact that you got soooooo angry makes be highly doubt you had and IV set up or got hired by a device company. Keep smoking that crack!

you people who don't think contacts are devices are probably the same people who think it's ok to swap your plano fashion lenses with your friends with a quick spit rinse.

Where did you get direction that you had to prepare a business plan? I have a f2f scheduled, and in my confirmation email it tells me to take the online assessment 1 week before the interview, and then it gives me the wine role play info. I don't have anything about needing a formal business plan prepared, and nothing about taking 2-4 hours to prepare something....What am I missing here? My interview is scheduled for the week after next

Also, they ask for salary requirements on the phone interview, and mine was above $60K, but they still gave me a f2f so I thought that meant they were fine with my salary requirements

Where did you get direction that you had to prepare a business plan? I have a f2f scheduled, and in my confirmation email it tells me to take the online assessment 1 week before the interview, and then it gives me the wine role play info. I don't have anything about needing a formal business plan prepared, and nothing about taking 2-4 hours to prepare something....What am I missing here? My interview is scheduled for the week after next

I had a similar situation. I also had a first interview that I didn't need the business plan for. I am now scheduled for my second and recieved the info for the business plan. I think they are doing some interviews a little differently.

wait so u didn't have to do a plan for the 1st iv? Are u not part of the hiring events they are doing? I didn't have to role play...i went fom the 1st iv to the role play but i did have to turn in a business plan...kind of a weird way to do things no consistency and everyone was REALLY hard to read.

I was the poster about not having a business plan...Definitely no business plan mentioned in my confirmation email. Just the wine business role play and telling me to take the online assessment one week prior. I haven't had my f2f yet, I guess for the area that I'm interviewing for, ivs are falling later than other areas. It's scheduled for next week. I was really excited about this interview but after reading this, I have to say I am a little nervous. I want this job!

I will say from what I know they screened the applicants VERY well.

What is that supposed to mean? I can tell you I was out in LA and I met some real winners....most people I met came from organizations such as yellow book, promotional item sales, enterprise rent-a-car... I am not too sure they did a good job at screening, A LOT of the people I met ou in LA didn't progress past interview #1.

Since there seems to be a lot of questions about how the offer process is going to proceed, perhaps people can post when they have received an offer. Then others will have a general idea of when to expect to hear. No need to list your geography.