Centurion medical?

I've been here for a few years and what I've read on this site does not reflect my experiences. Every company has it's issues, some more than others. To say that life at Centurion is always fun or that the life of a sales rep is easy, would be grossly inaccurate. However, I feel that this is a great time to work for Centurion. Like it was said at the National Sales Meeting, it is a get rich slow company; but with time, effort, hard work, and sacrifice you can definitely earn a very nice income.

The problem with this site is that only negative comments are shared here. I have found that it is culture where new ideas are shared, hard work is rewarded, and we have cutting edge products that make a difference. Management has an open door policy, as evidenced by some of the announcements at the sales meeting - strategic partnerships with distributors, taking significant others on the rewards trip, and innovative new products are on the way.

If you are willing to put in the time to grow your business, and invest in your own future then this is the place for you.

Are you on drugs? You can't work for the same CMP that everyone else does. No one feels that way about this company.

I'm interviewing for a sales position in the South. I was told that the expectation is a jacket and tie everyday in the field. Is this what really happens or do the CMP reps wear scrubs.

One other question, there is some pretty crazy stuff on this board. How much of it is accurate?

I'm interviewing for a sales position in the South. I was told that the expectation is a jacket and tie everyday in the field. Is this what really happens or do the CMP reps wear scrubs.

One other question, there is some pretty crazy stuff on this board. How much of it is accurate?

Yes. Many wear scrubs.

Why don't you do some homework and call multiple reps, not just the ones they give yoU. Takes about 10 minutes these days to look that up

That's funny! This person sounds like a manager on drugs. Or this person hasn't lost a huge contract. This place is lame! I'm wasting my time. Yes, I'm leaving.

You've made to recent posts stating that the company is lame. What makes Centurion lame? I think everyone has felt the sting of losing a huge contract at one point or another. You just have to find something else to sell. I'm guessing you aren't willing to make the sacrifices that are required to grow your business and commissions.

You've made to recent posts stating that the company is lame. What makes Centurion lame? I think everyone has felt the sting of losing a huge contract at one point or another. You just have to find something else to sell. I'm guessing you aren't willing to make the sacrifices that are required to grow your business and commissions.

How does it help you to keep repeating this crap over and over?

Because I believe in what I do, the products that I sell, and the company I work for. If you are so unhappy, then leave; get a new job. I'm in this for the long haul. Like the theme of the sales meeting - I'm up for the Challenge.

You've got to be one of the clowns in the home office or a regional manager trying to stop his reps from leaving the company. I can't think of one of the many reps that says the crap you just did.

You've got to be one of the clowns in the home office or a regional manager trying to stop his reps from leaving the company. I can't think of one of the many reps that says the crap you just did.

Agreed. This is obviously someone who loves the Kool Aid. "Up for the challenge" How dumb! Every sales position is a challenge. They should have called the meeting "Going nowhere fast". And to add to the long haul comment, yes, I'm leaving. And my numbers are better than most. I am thankful for my good friends. Other than that, my skin crawls hearing the messages we are supposed to digest.

Agreed. This is obviously someone who loves the Kool Aid. "Up for the challenge" How dumb! Every sales position is a challenge. They should have called the meeting "Going nowhere fast". And to add to the long haul comment, yes, I'm leaving. And my numbers are better than most. I am thankful for my good friends. Other than that, my skin crawls hearing the messages we are supposed to digest.

Going nowhere fast, I like it!! Good luck with Centurion University and that making a difference. The one thing I took away from that meeting was that management reads this website, so they are well aware of the feelings of the sales force. It's unfortunate that this is our only forum, because we can't go to our managers and corporate.

Agreed. This is obviously someone who loves the Kool Aid. "Up for the challenge" How dumb! Every sales position is a challenge. They should have called the meeting "Going nowhere fast". And to add to the long haul comment, yes, I'm leaving. And my numbers are better than most. I am thankful for my good friends. Other than that, my skin crawls hearing the messages we are supposed to digest.

Now that's funny. Sad but true!

Agreed. This is obviously someone who loves the Kool Aid. "Up for the challenge" How dumb! Every sales position is a challenge. They should have called the meeting "Going nowhere fast". And to add to the long haul comment, yes, I'm leaving. And my numbers are better than most. I am thankful for my good friends. Other than that, my skin crawls hearing the messages we are supposed to digest.

it seems to me that all of the posts here would fall into the rational drowning phase of challenger. Apparently, it took 15 years for the 3% market share to have an emotional impact. #UpForTheChallenge

You get out of the job what you put into it. Is this company perfect, no. Is there a lot that management can do to help the reps get business, absolutely. But some of these posts are way off base here.

I'm interviewing for a sales position with this company and would appreciate some honest feedback. Some of the posts on here sound like they were made by an HR person, while others are just too crazy to be how this company is really ran. My recruiter gave me numbers for 2 current reps, left them messages 2 days ago and have not heard back.

From what the hiring manager and recruiter have said, this company is a market leader in the custom tray, instrument, and IV dressing markets; but according to some of my current customers, the only difference between them and other kit packers is that this company is way overpriced, and that they are not even on the radar of IV dressings. They've also told me that a realistic first year total compensation was around $115,000. Is that possible? I know that recruiters and managers paint the best picture possible, but do first year reps really make that kind of comp? If you can tell me anything about the corporate culture and upward mobility, it would be a big help. When I asked about the culture I was told to read a book about The Challenger, and to look on the website and that I would learn everything I needed to know about the company there.

Like I said earlier, any honest feedback and information that you can provide me would be a huge help.

Re: Centurion medical

Any idea what the opportunity for upward mobility is? What type of $ do the Regional Directors make?

There is no upward mobility. No matter how incompetent the Regional Directors are, they aren't going anywhere. You might get picked to be a mentor if you stick around long enough, that's about your best shot.

I work for Centurion as a sales rep now. It's the type of job to get your feet wet, make connections, get experience, and find a better paying job when you can and run like HELL.

The sales reps backstab each other and is not a great company culture to be part of because you can't trust anyone. Your mentors will steer you in the wrong direction if they feel they will benefit From your mistakes. The company is unorganized. The training is a joke.

The salary is not desirable and they only pay you 50% commission although they expect you to maintain the business for free. Plus they overwork you and expect you to work on weekends. They have no boundaries. Greedy cheap company with overpriced commodity products.

Get the experience if you need, and run off to a real job with a nice salary. You will not make $115k the first year. I know this from personal experience btw.

I work for Centurion as a sales rep now. It's the type of job to get your feet wet, make connections, get experience, and find a better paying job when you can and run like HELL.

The sales reps backstab each other and is not a great company culture to be part of because you can't trust anyone. Your mentors will steer you in the wrong direction if they feel they will benefit From your mistakes. The company is unorganized. The training is a joke.

The salary is not desirable and they only pay you 50% commission although they expect you to maintain the business for free. Plus they overwork you and expect you to work on weekends. They have no boundaries. Greedy cheap company with overpriced commodity products.

Get the experience if you need, and run off to a real job with a nice salary. You will not make $115k the first year. I know this from personal experience btw.

Couldn't find a better explanation of how life really is at Centurion. I'd like to add that you will get NO support from your manager or corporate. I've had my manager call my accounts to see if I've actually made the calls that I reported to him. When the bridge was burned with the customer, I was expected to fall on my sword. Prices are significantly higher than what is common in the industry and it will be extremely difficult to gain new business.

If you are considering a sales position with this company, I'd suggest talking to purchasing at some of the hospitals in your prospective territory and ask them about Centurion. You will definitely get some eye opening feedback.