Centurion medical?

I am glad to see that more posts are describing this place. The company has hired younger people who are obviously internet savvy. There are so many older reps that probably don't know about this site. The interview process is a bait and switch process. They tell you that you are going to make a certain amount of money, then your base salary doesn't even come close. They promise you a salary with commissions, then find a way to lower your salary as you grow commissions. Too confusing to explain and will probably change again. It's a total scam compared to competitive compensation plans. I learned they changed their compensation a couple times these past 4 years. The reps who have been here forever are stuck. There are a lot of them. Some are making great money, but the new plan took a lot away. Many of these guys and gals wish they could leave and some great reps have left. There is a lot of animosity here and they really are asking the sales-force to drink the kool-aid. If you are new, good luck. You will not be getting a territory that ever did well or that someone wanted. The older reps are holding onto the good accounts, no HPG hospitals. I was shocked to learn how much the top newer representatives make. You would make double elsewhere. Easy! Oh, here is an example of the weirdness here. If they like you, you win a trip. Something you typically would want. The trip is only with company people! Are you kidding me? Give me the money so I can go on my own trip or just give me the money. I'm sure there's more. This is not what I would consider a great place to work.

This place is a nightmare. The people I looked up to are gone or are leaving. They are asking us to move the Edwards catheter. This product has nothing over the competition especially as it relates to contracts. It's another commodity item that the company uses to measure performance. There are some great sales people here and they can't move this product at all. This place sucks. Yes, I'm leaving.

this cult needs a real wake up!
products are very expensive and procurement does not care about the centurion story.
no training, mentorship, or development of employees.
not just corporate but some older reps are out of touch too.
not a place for a career!

Challenger book. What book? It's obvious most of management did not even read the Challenger book.
I'ts hard to believe that we are responsible for critical care items with no training. ie. central lines. Scary!

Oh wait, I forgot, I'm supposed to look it up on You Tube. I'm trained now. Thanks

You sound new. Welcome to the worst company in device. You should start looking for a new job now. Impossible to get paid here despite what they tell you. This place is a career killer.

I am surprised this place has managed to stay in business. All they do is basically mark up other supplier products and try to make a profit. The company is private so they can get away with way too much. It is a sales company with nothing else to offer. The company is in the middle of nowhere Michigan and the people are weird. Worst place ever with cronies.
The worst leaders are those that sit behind a desk and just send out emails.
Toxic and not worth your hard work STAY CLEAR!

So how has the experiment of making the top reps into regional directors worked out? From what I've heard, not so good. Piece of advice to senior management, because I know you read these posts, you need to put your egos aside for a few minutes and realize that the sales force will continue the high rate of turn over if you don't get back to what made this a good company. Stop changing the pay plan, stop force feeding everyone challenger, and take the time to actually listen to the field.

stupid place.. better off doing pharma.

no reason a hospital buyer would spend an institution's $ on highly-inflated, premium disposable products in this economy. Hospitals are looking to cut costs and save $. Buyers like to buy off of contracts because it makes their job easier.
Yes, it is crucial for a medical outfit to be a GPO based company if you want to negotiate and close sales in hospitals. This is something that Centurion does not understand.

advice: don't walk away from this .... run very fast! oh and stay away from a commodity.

The people running this place are weird. The whole set-up is strange. No leaders. Training is borderline goofy. The management is more like old people who need to retire. No passion. Pay-plan is terrible!

Yes its true. It's so shitty I feel like I have lost my grip on reality. These people are delusional. It's the most poorly run business I have encountered. I realize that the goober s in Michigan have made lots of money but this thing is going down at some point. The people at the top would not even qualify as reps elsewhere. No credibility with the sales force other than a couple of Kool aid drinkers. If everyone could leave that wants to right now they would go under immediately.

Centurion has its share of greedy, shady older reps that happened to get into the industry before it went down the toilet. Some of these older reps are so out of touch and would never be able to sell this crap to frugal purchasing agents if they had to start off again from scratch. I think a lot of the older reps know they are stuck.

What comes around goes around!

Agree with the previous post. Huge turnover the last couple of years. A Regional Director just got demoted. Some of the products are good and have helped to improve patient outcomes, but Centurion is mostly a commodity company. Management is horrible and really out of touch with the customer, sales reps, and the market. My best moment in years was a couple if weeks ago at the national sales meeting when a rep had asked a nurse, who was a guest speaker, what she thought of being "Challenged" by a sales rep. When she said, absolutely not, I thought management were going to crap their pants. It was priceless.

Thanks for shedding some light on what happened. Glad that piece of crap was demoted. That's probably the only correct decision management has made in the last 10 years. Many of the older reps and some who were promoted are scum bags