Centurion medical?

Hello all! I must say as a prospective employee this thread is not encouraging! I understand that people all over have different experiences based on their situation, it's sales so that's typically the case.

I'm looking at a role in Little Rock, AR. Does anyone know about this territory and it's potential? Who is the manager, I believe his name is Tom per the recruiter?

Emotions always run high in the sales space so I appreciate any constructive feedback.

One thing to mention is that I'm looking to get into medical sales, I'm currently in IT sales.

Thank you for your time.

Also who would your manager be? Henke? Worthless assclown with an ego problem.

Sorry to tell you but John Henke is a total a-hole! Always has been and always will be. You are what you are!

Can't say about your income opportunity because they keep changing how the reps are paid or how they are fined on sales. What I mean by that is they will look for any way possible to take money away from you. You will pay a part of the fee that distributors will charge Centurion for working with them. Should be the cost of doing business right? Should already be factored into your final price right? Not here! The worst part is you won't find out about all these fees/penalties until you start with the company. In the old days you could have made some decent money and put these crazy fees aside, but this is today we are talking about.

Let's be honest. Anyone who tells you nothing but perfect things about this company is upper management disguising themselves as sales reps. Yes, no company is perfect but this one is just a shell of what it used to be and you can thank people like Tom Archilpey, Mike Goro, John Bauer, etc.

Hello all! I must say as a prospective employee this thread is not encouraging! I understand that people all over have different experiences based on their situation, it's sales so that's typically the case.

I'm looking at a role in Little Rock, AR. Does anyone know about this territory and it's potential? Who is the manager, I believe his name is Tom per the recruiter?

Emotions always run high in the sales space so I appreciate any constructive feedback.

One thing to mention is that I'm looking to get into medical sales, I'm currently in IT sales.

Thank you for your time.

I do realize that a lot of things found on this website are just angry employees or former employees trying to stir the pot. With that said, what you have seen on this thread is the closest to the truth that you will find about Centurion Medical Products (CMP). The positive comments are most likely coming from the owner and management, who at the sales meeting a couple of years ago admitted that they read these posts; in fact, the owner Tom admitted that because of what they read on this site, they were going to start allowing reps to bring their spouses on the rewards trip. So take it with a grain of salt.

If I were you, I would go through the interview process so you can see for yourself the type of people that are involved in this, and by that I mean the recruiters, management, and the guy that would be your manager John Henke. As a former employee of his region, he is a horrible manager who will give you no support. I would ask him why in his opinion he has so much turnover. You will probably get some BS answer, but if you are interviewing for Little Rock, then you would be the 4th rep in maybe the last 2 years. Memphis has probably seen 6 reps in 4 years, both territories in Louisiana have been filled more than once in the last 3 years, a bunch of positions in Texas have consistent turnover, and it goes on and on. John will lie to you, the recruiters from Michigan will lie to you, and so will anyone else that will tell you it is a good job.

My suggestion would be to reach out to former employees and get their thoughts. When I was there, you had whole training classes of 6-8 reps all leave within the first 6-9 months of starting. These were all people who never knew each other prior, but had the same experience with CMP - they were lied to about the income potential, about the management style, about everything. There was a rep in the Memphis area who found out in training, that John Henke (who was now the regional manager and former Memphis rep) would be keeping some of the accounts. That left the new rep with all of John's scraps.

Good luck with your search. If you do interview and ask about these things, please post John's and anyone else's response.

For those asking if anyone has had any luck with the DisImpactor, reach out to Whitney Woods and ask. There are reps selling it to non-acute and acute markets and she would be happy to help you if it is needed.

For those asking if anyone has had any luck with the DisImpactor, reach out to Whitney Woods and ask. There are reps selling it to non-acute and acute markets and she would be happy to help you if it is needed.

This is absolutely hysterical. Thanks for the update. Yes I'm sure the commissions are massive.

Centurion Medical Products of Williamston, MI, initiated the recall of 1000 Centurion Convenience Kits containing its Multi-Med single-lumen catheters, FDA announced in the Class I recall notice. The kits were distributed in the U.S. between May 23 and October 18, 2016, and are marked with the codes ECVC1680, ECVC4785, M11620HKIC, M11620HKICNL, M11620HS, M11620KC, M11620KCNL, M12013K, and M12013KNL.

The central venous catheters have a potential for excess material to remain at the tip of the catheter from the manufacturing process, according to FDA. If this occurs, the excess material may separate from the catheter during use and could enter the patient’s bloodstream. This can result in serious adverse health consequences such as the development of blood clots, embolism of the excess material to vital organs, or death.

The agency did not reveal whether any patients were harmed by the Centurion catheters. A review of adverse event reports related to Centurion products revealed one instance in which a patient suffered atrial fibrillation possibly related to a cracked catheter with a different model number, but no reports on the recalled product.

I worked at Centurion Medical Products full-time (More than a year)
I do NOT Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO

-Mostly a M-F scheduled
-Stay to get experience, FIND a NEW job ASAP which will pay much better and better work culture and RUN AWAY from CMP.

-No room for career advancement
-No bonuses
-They stress "at will employment"
-401 k program is below average, no dental, no vision and mediocre medical insurance
-Poor management. Yes...very poor management who will throw you under the bus quickly to save themselves.
-No real training program

-Once you leave, they will only confirm dates of employment and pay, nothing more, even if you were an outstanding employee with lots of contributions
-Employees are poorly compensated and assigned more responsibility with no increase in pay

-Over priced products that are NOT on contract.
-You often have to sneak into the hospitals because as stated above, they are NOT on contract.

I worked at Centurion Medical Products full-time (More than a year)
I do NOT Recommend
Negative Outlook
Disapproves of CEO

-Mostly a M-F scheduled
-Stay to get experience, FIND a NEW job ASAP which will pay much better and better work culture and RUN AWAY from CMP.

-No room for career advancement
-No bonuses
-They stress "at will employment"
-401 k program is below average, no dental, no vision and mediocre medical insurance
-Poor management. Yes...very poor management who will throw you under the bus quickly to save themselves.
-No real training program

-Once you leave, they will only confirm dates of employment and pay, nothing more, even if you were an outstanding employee with lots of contributions
-Employees are poorly compensated and assigned more responsibility with no increase in pay

-Over priced products that are NOT on contract.
-You often have to sneak into the hospitals because as stated above, they are NOT on contract.

All I can say is only take the job if you want medical sales experience. Don't expect to make much money. The old days you could. Expect to stay a year or so and then move on to a company who has products and a way of thinking that would benefit anyone or an account/hospital in today's marketplace. Centurion is still way behind in their thinking and that comes from the people up top. To be honest, I had to laugh at a recent previous post. If the thrill of being able to call the CEO by his first name, then sign up for this job today! If that is the best thing that a current employee or management person can say about him or the company, then good luck to everyone! Your future is not bright!!

When you say don’t expect to make much money, what is the expected approximate income for a sales rep?

END OF THREAD. Sure gonna miss all the reps crying about not getting paid, how terrible management was, not having products on GPOs, and how this company has changed for the worst in the past 10 years. Good Luck to all the good reps at Centurion that lived through the good the bad and the ugly with the company. R.I.P CMP


Not sure if this is Tom, Goro, or Moyer but I’m hoping one of you can answer a few questions for me, please.

First, do you want the Centurion story binders back? That was a genius idea, I particularly enjoyed the stories that included the phrase: this one really tugs at the heartstrings.

Next, on the first Centurion University exam you had a question that asked something about if we should or shouldn’t order the business cards with the embossed shield. Great question, by the way. What was the correct answer?

Also, Goro whomever told you the mo k turtleneck and blazer look was still in style, must have really used the “emotional impact” tactic on you. Not a good look, homie.

Finally, this is just between us, but I heard that what Medline was really interested in was the Chinese buffet calendars. So do you have any left that can hook a brother up with?

Wow, I am not surprised they sold. This was not a fun place to work. I heard stories about how you could make tons of money. Mostly from the Regional Managers they conjured up. Oh how they loved themselves. Then all the BS comp packages changing all the time. Then finding ways to charge sales reps for sales they made for stupid reasons. It just kept getting worse and worse. One failed launch after another. I'm wondering who got hurt the most in the sale. Hopefully not too many good people. And I'm definitely not talking about the ridiculous regional managers they created. I hope most of the good sales people landed on their feet and are doing good. Whats Brian A up to? I liked that guy. The rest, meh!