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BMS attributes Sotyktu failure to access, but it's really SAFETY

Not a single mouth ulcer in my territory. I am in the top 10 consistently and do programs weekly. No one has complained once.
If you are top 10, then you must really have a 40% NBRX share like we told the street we had as a company 3 quarters ago....and you must have at least 2 TRX a month. We only had 231 as a nation last quarter.

Well, at least now that they are paying us only on new starts, I guess we will all lose our refills.

Not a single mouth ulcer in my territory. I am in the top 10 consistently and do programs weekly. No one has complained once.
If you are top 10, then you are a tall midget. We don't have a single territory that is performing the way we envisioned this at launch. Our number 1 rated territory is a colossal failure. Hey rep -here's an idea - why don't you get off the bitch board and go do your job - get in front of and sell customers on prescribing Sotyktu - its superior on nearly all measures versus the leading pill and you are failing.

If you are top 10, then you are a tall midget. We don't have a single territory that is performing the way we envisioned this at launch. Our number 1 rated territory is a colossal failure. Hey rep -here's an idea - why don't you get off the bitch board and go do your job - get in front of and sell customers on prescribing Sotyktu - its superior on nearly all measures versus the leading pill and you are failing.
What is considered the #1 territory?

Important to clarify the majority if not all the people you brought over from Novartis were originally from Galderma. MT brought over her Galderma buddies and that was based upon who she liked not who was good at their job. That’s one reason why this drug is failing

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6836908"]The Novartis people here blow! That being said, there are good, hard working, competent people at every company. You just have to do your homework and find them. We didn’t do that! The people here hired their friends. They don’t know how a HUB works, or how to get drug on plan, programs don’t work! If you get a great manager, which is rare, they know how to deflect and they just want us to sell. This drug is over a year in and there won’t be a recovery from the LT’s mistakes along the way. it’s a shame because there are some good people here but they are in the wrong spots. Monica is in over her head and is worried Carlos is going to fire her, so she is pressuring Pete and Andy. Which is why they are pressuring our managers. I think everyone should be worried about changes within the next 6-8 months.[/QUOTE]

Important to clarify the majority if not all the people you brought over from Novartis were originally from Galderma. MT brought over her Galderma buddies and that was based upon who she liked not who was good at their job. That’s one reason why this drug is failing

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6836908"]The Novartis people here blow! That being said, there are good, hard working, competent people at every company. You just have to do your homework and find them. We didn’t do that! The people here hired their friends. They don’t know how a HUB works, or how to get drug on plan, programs don’t work! If you get a great manager, which is rare, they know how to deflect and they just want us to sell. This drug is over a year in and there won’t be a recovery from the LT’s mistakes along the way. it’s a shame because there are some good people here but they are in the wrong spots. Monica is in over her head and is worried Carlos is going to fire her, so she is pressuring Pete and Andy. Which is why they are pressuring our managers. I think everyone should be worried about changes within the next 6-8 months.
Absolutely. This is the most accurate post on CP. Monica is bringing pressure to all and honestly if you demand metrics the majority will give you what you want and you won’t see results. She is painting every territory with a broad brush and doesn’t realize it is not one size fits all. I get being worried about losing your job but how about trying a different strategy?

yup, that's why the drug is failing-Monica, metrics and all of 2 people who came here from Novartis-that's definitely why this launch is terrible...thx for letting us know Karen,now stop blaiming everyone else and go back to filling out your fake Hub forms

yup, that's why the drug is failing-Monica, metrics and all of 2 people who came here from Novartis-that's definitely why this launch is terrible...thx for letting us know Karen,now stop blaiming everyone else and go back to filling out your fake Hub forms

Okay first off it’s “blaming.” And there are plenty of reasons this thing is a failure. Inexperienced leadership for a launch is a bad idea. Reps that sold a cream and just had relationships but not selling skills could be to blame. And the rep that was filling out start forms got fired.

yup, that's why the drug is failing-Monica, metrics and all of 2 people who came here from Novartis-that's definitely why this launch is terrible...thx for letting us know Karen,now stop blaiming everyone else and go back to filling out your fake Hub forms

Sorry I forgot we are at 100% market share in the oral space. No one is to blame. We are all crushing the goals. Whew. Thank you for bringing me back to reality.

Important to clarify the majority if not all the people you brought over from Novartis were originally from Galderma. MT brought over her Galderma buddies and that was based upon who she liked not who was good at their job. That’s one reason why this drug is failing

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6836908"]The Novartis people here blow! That being said, there are good, hard working, competent people at every company. You just have to do your homework and find them. We didn’t do that! The people here hired their friends. They don’t know how a HUB works, or how to get drug on plan, programs don’t work! If you get a great manager, which is rare, they know how to deflect and they just want us to sell. This drug is over a year in and there won’t be a recovery from the LT’s mistakes along the way. it’s a shame because there are some good people here but they are in the wrong spots. Monica is in over her head and is worried Carlos is going to fire her, so she is pressuring Pete and Andy. Which is why they are pressuring our managers. I think everyone should be worried about changes within the next 6-8 months.
So accurate. Monica is concerned and I don’t blame her. I feel badly for her. She is left clean up the mess that Marni made and it isn’t fair. She hired her friends that severely lack leadership skills. BMS saw through Marni but they need to pop the hood on leadership below Monica because that is where the true problem lies.

So accurate. Monica is concerned and I don’t blame her. I feel badly for her. She is left clean up the mess that Marni made and it isn’t fair. She hired her friends that severely lack leadership skills. BMS saw through Marni but they need to pop the hood on leadership below Monica because that is where the true problem lies.[/QUOTE]

New data says we only get 3 RxS filled out of 10 … we are only hurting ourselves until we figure out what’s going on.

Writing a Rx that bounces back ONLY frustrates our customers. And we only get a few of these situations before customer give up. THIS is the issue. Only 20% of our accounts are set up to go directly to a hub, what do we do with the 80%?

Again, THIS is the issue.

So accurate. Monica is concerned and I don’t blame her. I feel badly for her. She is left clean up the mess that Marni made and it isn’t fair. She hired her friends that severely lack leadership skills. BMS saw through Marni but they need to pop the hood on leadership below Monica because that is where the true problem lies.

New data says we only get 3 RxS filled out of 10 … we are only hurting ourselves until we figure out what’s going on.

Writing a Rx that bounces back ONLY frustrates our customers. And we only get a few of these situations before customer give up. THIS is the issue. Only 20% of our accounts are set up to go directly to a hub, what do we do with the 80%?

Again, THIS is the issue.[/QUOTE]


New data says we only get 3 RxS filled out of 10 … we are only hurting ourselves until we figure out what’s going on.

Writing a Rx that bounces back ONLY frustrates our customers. And we only get a few of these situations before customer give up. THIS is the issue. Only 20% of our accounts are set up to go directly to a hub, what do we do with the 80%?

Again, THIS is the issue.

Important to clarify the majority if not all the people you brought over from Novartis were originally from Galderma. MT brought over her Galderma buddies and that was based upon who she liked not who was good at their job. That’s one reason why this drug is failing

QUOTE="anonymous, post: 6836908"]The Novartis people here blow! That being said, there are good, hard working, competent people at every company. You just have to do your homework and find them. We didn’t do that! The people here hired their friends. They don’t know how a HUB works, or how to get drug on plan, programs don’t work! If you get a great manager, which is rare, they know how to deflect and they just want us to sell. This drug is over a year in and there won’t be a recovery from the LT’s mistakes along the way. it’s a shame because there are some good people here but they are in the wrong spots. Monica is in over her head and is worried Carlos is going to fire her, so she is pressuring Pete and Andy. Which is why they are pressuring our managers. I think everyone should be worried about changes within the next 6-8 months.

New data says we only get 3 RxS filled out of 10 … we are only hurting ourselves until we figure out what’s going on.

Writing a Rx that bounces back ONLY frustrates our customers. And we only get a few of these situations before customer give up. THIS is the issue. Only 20% of our accounts are set up to go directly to a hub, what do we do with the 80%?

Again, THIS is the issue.



Anyone else enjoy watching the Karens on their teams cry,complain,lie,blame everyone else for their crappy numbers? The Karens on my team have grown into full blown depressed alcoholics- thanks BMS for allowing us to watch their demise and the demise of their Karen egos!-the best part of this launch!

Anyone else enjoy watching the Karens on their teams cry,complain,lie,blame everyone else for their crappy numbers? The Karens on my team have grown into full blown depressed alcoholics- thanks BMS for allowing us to watch their demise and the demise of their Karen egos!-the best part of this launch!

No. Because if so many of us are failing we increase the chances that we get laid off. If people are upset because their numbers are down it means they actually care about their jobs and they most likely aren’t mailing it in. My numbers stink. It just means I need to do better.