BMS attributes Sotyktu failure to access, but it's really SAFETY

The Novartis people here blow! That being said, there are good, hard working, competent people at every company. You just have to do your homework and find them. We didn’t do that! The people here hired their friends. They don’t know how a HUB works, or how to get drug on plan, programs don’t work! If you get a great manager, which is rare, they know how to deflect and they just want us to sell. This drug is over a year in and there won’t be a recovery from the LT’s mistakes along the way. it’s a shame because there are some good people here but they are in the wrong spots. Monica is in over her head and is worried Carlos is going to fire her, so she is pressuring Pete and Andy. Which is why they are pressuring our managers. I think everyone should be worried about changes within the next 6-8 months.

Carlos has already made the decision. You will see. Come Spring, we will be in Immunology PODs combined with Neuro and GI, responsible for all immunology business in defined zip codes. We will cut 40% this way.

Carlos has already made the decision. You will see. Come Spring, we will be in Immunology PODs combined with Neuro and GI, responsible for all immunology business in defined zip codes. We will cut 40% this way.

How you gonna do that? You can hardly sell your own indication now you're gonna magically sell two additional? GTFOH

Anyone in MS best run for Ze Hills!! These soulless vampires never cared about the MS Mkt. It was only a means to an end for UC where the big side of the never attainable forecast is. Its coming and the same self-important BMS geniuses blame us in private and take no responsibility are the ones who will announce the cuts, then post on LinkedIn how they love BMS culture and have openings on their team. I hate this place so much that I wont quit and give them the satisfaction of letting me go without paying me to do so. I havent made a real call in months and dont plan to again. My side hustle game has gotten pretty strong so I will keep focused there and wait for the email to be sent out that we are being cut.

Anyone in MS best run for Ze Hills!! These soulless vampires never cared about the MS Mkt. It was only a means to an end for UC where the big side of the never attainable forecast is. Its coming and the same self-important BMS geniuses blame us in private and take no responsibility are the ones who will announce the cuts, then post on LinkedIn how they love BMS culture and have openings on their team. I hate this place so much that I wont quit and give them the satisfaction of letting me go without paying me to do so. I havent made a real call in months and dont plan to again. My side hustle game has gotten pretty strong so I will keep focused there and wait for the email to be sent out that we are being cut.

These BMS'rs can all eat taint as far as I am concerned. I am faking every call I can get away with and am only in the field when I have to be for ride withs or some other BS reason. This company shows no regard and gives nothing but lip service to its employees so thats what I give back. When the day comes that I get separated, I will gladly take my severance and focus on my other job full time. FU BMS and all your lunatic, poorly skilled "leaders"

These BMS'rs can all eat taint as far as I am concerned. I am faking every call I can get away with and am only in the field when I have to be for ride withs or some other BS reason. This company shows no regard and gives nothing but lip service to its employees so thats what I give back. When the day comes that I get separated, I will gladly take my severance and focus on my other job full time. FU BMS and all your lunatic, poorly skilled "leaders"

couldn’t have said it better myself

These BMS'rs can all eat taint as far as I am concerned. I am faking every call I can get away with and am only in the field when I have to be for ride withs or some other BS reason. This company shows no regard and gives nothing but lip service to its employees so thats what I give back. When the day comes that I get separated, I will gladly take my severance and focus on my other job full time. FU BMS and all your lunatic, poorly skilled "leaders"
Exactly how I feel. We were lied to and asked to attack Otezla from before launch. Texas was bad and Florida was worse.

I quite months ago and don't plan on doing anything but faking it until they can me. I'll take my severance and go somewhere not focused on activity.

Exactly how I feel. We were lied to and asked to attack Otezla from before launch. Texas was bad and Florida was worse.

I quite months ago and don't plan on doing anything but faking it until they can me. I'll take my severance and go somewhere not focused on activity.

Dude...if they can you ...severance is out....Derm rep math in full effect.

Dude...if they can you ...severance is out....Derm rep math in full effect.

Pretty sure they are implying being laid off. BMS loves layoffs. Most people in derm are waiting to be laid off. We know this ship is going under. Honest question: what exactly are the regionals responsible for? I am not being sarcastic. I feel like our leaders our overwhelmed by how badly this has performed.

First off please stop calling them leaders. They are so far from that it’s not even funny. My manager doesn’t have a clue how to deal with anything. He hangs up on us and then has another call to say we all need to be positive. He’s losing his mind because he’s not #1. Guess what you will never be #1. If you lined up the entire Derm “leadership” team, maybe you find 1-2 people who can actually lead.

Let's not get distracted by our sorry leadership. The fact is that this product is toxic and this launch is a bust.

Meanwhile, chart audits show that Rinvoq is cleaning up in PSO without an indication. They know how to sell, how to pull through, how to massage positioning. They have a pure JAK, no indication and are getting BSAs less than 3 right and left while we are still lying about having a 40% NBRX share.

This place is a dump. We are focused on silliness like "high gain questions" and pre-call planning.

BMS is a joke.

Let's not get distracted by our sorry leadership. The fact is that this product is toxic and this launch is a bust.

Meanwhile, chart audits show that Rinvoq is cleaning up in PSO without an indication. They know how to sell, how to pull through, how to massage positioning. They have a pure JAK, no indication and are getting BSAs less than 3 right and left while we are still lying about having a 40% NBRX share.

This place is a dump. We are focused on silliness like "high gain questions" and pre-call planning.

BMS is a joke.

honest question here…they know how to sell, how to pull through, how to massage positioning…isn’t that what you should be doing? Maybe what they are doing is exactly what you’re complaining about…

honest question here…they know how to sell, how to pull through, how to massage positioning…isn’t that what you should be doing? Maybe what they are doing is exactly what you’re complaining about…

Some of us are doing those things. However, a total lack of leadership is killing us. We rarely know what is going on. Changes come and we find out last minute. If you speak up and ask questions are blackballed.

Facts are impossible to ignore.

We have a more efficacious product.
We have a favorable dosing schedule.
We have fewer AEs.

yet we have a 2.5% market share of actual commercial fills vs our cruddy competitor which has a 79% share.

It's not just on sales.

This is a flop for the record books.

The fact is a major media outlet in the Pharma space has published an article calling Sotyktu a failure to date. Read that again: a FAILURE.

What you gonna do about it? I suggest you get our early, stay out late and make some extra calls. Do some extra programs. Call on some Specialty Pharmacies. Employ some high gain questions. Do your job.

You were handed a blockbuster and you have turned it into a turd. You need to to fix it. This is a sales problem, not a marketing one.

Some of us are doing those things. However, a total lack of leadership is killing us. We rarely know what is going on. Changes come and we find out last minute. If you speak up and ask questions are blackballed.

Honest question: if you are really doing those things, what difference would “leadership” make? Put another way, if you had “leadership,” what would be different for you?