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BMS attributes Sotyktu failure to access, but it's really SAFETY

I'm not complaining about IC. There is no perfect IC plan. I work whatever they create.

What I am telling you numbnutz is that dermatology is different. They hate BMY. Don't be fooled by the pros at taking our money (Stroeber, Armstrong, et al). They don't matter. The rank and file derm hates BMY because they like a single rep coming in. Full Stop.

We instead apply our big Pharma mind to the problem and ignore the customer.

Derms like 2 things:

1-support their meetings
2-take care of their offices

We need access for sure, but what we really need is for Princeton to stay out of the way and let us make calls. Stop with all the time sucks. Let us make calls.

The reason I can type this from home is that I am on yet another call. 4th this week.

6 hours a week on calls? Help me understand that. I can see a district call every now and then but tell me what the other calls are....

6 hours a week on calls? Help me understand that. I can see a district call every now and then but tell me what the other calls are....
Standing District Call. Training Call. Call for meeting preparation. Medical Call. Regional Call. DEI call. Cross functional (run by market access) call. Plus ad hoc calls that come up because people snap when the numbers come out.

Standing District Call. Training Call. Call for meeting preparation. Medical Call. Regional Call. DEI call. Cross functional (run by market access) call. Plus ad hoc calls that come up because people snap when the numbers come out.

BIYOTCH please. You are not having that many calls. You have maybe a district call a week. Medical isn't calling unless a change has been made to label or new data posted. Training isn't calling because you aren't close to POA and there hasn't been DEI calls since COVID.

I know who you are calling though...your dentist, dry cleaner, your proctologist, and your mama!!!!

Seriously come back when you actually do something AMGEN REP!

Please don’t suggest anyone from Novartis.

oh please no

Novartis and galderma folks tanked this launch and dug a hole so deep we won’t dig out of it

and we all know it

who thought it was a bright idea to bring these people over with stale tactics

too late to dump all of them out and save us

what a shame for such a good drug

please enligthen us as to what these stale tactics were...Thx Karen ;)

Seriously? The Novartis folks bungled this launch in every way, and it was not out of laziness, and bringing over so many of them who did not work hard over at Novartis. Their experience was with an already established drug with great access, not with launching a new drug. They had no clue how to grow this drug. Combination of poor strategy and poor work ethic was fatal.

Thanks Karen- you still have have not provided any specific actions taken by these managers that destroyed the launch-what strategies did not work? how does a manager being lazy have anything to do with market share? Managers provide no value to sales at all-they check boxes and write coaching reports-thats it

Thanks Karen- you still have have not provided any specific actions taken by these managers that destroyed the launch-what strategies did not work? how does a manager being lazy have anything to do with market share? Managers provide no value to sales at all-they check boxes and write coaching reports-thats it

Yes, you're right, David, you could eliminate all middle managers, save millions, and not lose sales

Karen can you please explaing how a manager working "harder" affects sales? Still have not provided any specific tactics/strategies these managers deployed that failed...fact is you signed up to sell a dog product and now you are pointing fingers for your lack of sales-make better career choices

Here’s how this was supposed to work:
1. Everyone knew access would be bad at launch for a new drug in this category. You were told this at the launch meeting.
2. To gain access, BMS needed to prove there was demand in the market for it, so that payers would give up existing, lucrative rebates from other drugs in favor of Sotyktu financial incentives.
3. It was reps’ job to generate demand based on clinical superiority to Otezla AND the guarantee of free drug while the access situation was poor. Cozy relationships with Derms were supposed to help with the sale because non-Derm reps can’t even get in the door.

Bottom line: if there’s no demand, then access won’t happen. Those are just the facts of this market.

So what would you brainiacs have done differently?