• Make it like cafepharma, but for different industries: over the years we’ve had suggestions for creating a site similar to cafepharma, but for different industries. Now there is a place. Check out CompanyUnderground for company forums in other industries. Don’t see a company? Request it here. Let your friends and family outside the pharma/medical sales space know they now have a safe, anonymous place to talk.


Like that POS in Cleveland, got all reps. kicked out of Cleveland Clinic, Fairview. She should be fired for how she insisted and demanded to stay during clinical patient reviews where sensitive patient information was shown. Pharmacy Director threw her out and now because of her actions everyone else as vendors suffer. We know who you are, POS in CLE. What the hell kind of company do you all work for where it’s acceptable to violate hospital policy for your own gain.

Wow! Well it just goes to show that our VP of sales hides anything negative. He sees through rose colored glasses and really doesn't listen to anyone. If this was the case this person should have been fired. I've read the comments above and yes it's a new company but many people are already looking to get out.

Like that POS in Cleveland, got all reps. kicked out of Cleveland Clinic, Fairview. She should be fired for how she insisted and demanded to stay during clinical patient reviews where sensitive patient information was shown. Pharmacy Director threw her out and now because of her actions everyone else as vendors suffer. We know who you are, POS in CLE. What the hell kind of company do you all work for where it’s acceptable to violate hospital policy for your own gain.

This sounds like what the Pfizer Celebrex rep and manager did at Columbia, could care less about policy or who they offend just to get to the doctor to throw up non-peer-reviewed data to prove a moot point. The actions of 1 shouldn't destroy the good of the many I understand but what happened at Columbia years ago is still impacting us today. Hope you get the chance to get back in there soon. We know who she is in Cleveland as well, her manager should follow up with IP pharmacy and if true she should be fired. She gives all of us a bad name and undermines our role as reps.

Like that POS in Cleveland, got all reps. kicked out of Cleveland Clinic, Fairview. She should be fired for how she insisted and demanded to stay during clinical patient reviews where sensitive patient information was shown. Pharmacy Director threw her out and now because of her actions everyone else as vendors suffer. We know who you are, POS in CLE. What the hell kind of company do you all work for where it’s acceptable to violate hospital policy for your own gain.

Call compliance. Sorry this happened.

Call compliance. Sorry this happened.

Cleveland Clinic already did contact corp compliance but you and your company will more than likely do nothing about this type of aggressive and disrespectful behavior by one of your reps. Anyone that has a BioXcel name on their business card or resume will be cast aside, you guys suck and you know it.

Cleveland Clinic already did contact corp compliance but you and your company will more than likely do nothing about this type of aggressive and disrespectful behavior by one of your reps. Anyone that has a BioXcel name on their business card or resume will be cast aside, you guys suck and you know it.

Disappointing to hear that this happened. Please know that this does not represent all of our folks! This person should be reported to compliance immediately if what is described above did occur. Again please know that this is not what we are all about.

Like that POS in Cleveland, got all reps. kicked out of Cleveland Clinic, Fairview. She should be fired for how she insisted and demanded to stay during clinical patient reviews where sensitive patient information was shown. Pharmacy Director threw her out and now because of her actions everyone else as vendors suffer. We know who you are, POS in CLE. What the hell kind of company do you all work for where it’s acceptable to violate hospital policy for your own gain.
It would be great to put a name. This post does me no good. These reps need to be, unofficially of course, blackballed. Too many good reps looking for work while terrible reps who interview well can shuffle around.

It would be great to put a name. This post does me no good. These reps need to be, unofficially of course, blackballed. Too many good reps looking for work while terrible reps who interview well can shuffle around.

Yep... there's a few here. Bottom 10% who don't have an order should leave. Come on! One year and no orders from some??? We are busting our butts out here. Why are the folks that shuffle be here???

Yep... there's a few here. Bottom 10% who don't have an order should leave. Come on! One year and no orders from some??? We are busting our butts out here. Why are the folks that shuffle be here???

In the field, quite a few people are looking. We are all watching out for one another. We definitely are working very very hard but the goals are off the charts.

In the field, quite a few people are looking. We are all watching out for one another. We definitely are working very very hard but the goals are off the charts.

So you aggressively step over your bounds, disregard established hospital and vendor policies for your own gain because you think the rules don’t apply to you. Like it was said on a previous post, “anyone with a BioXcel name on their resume will be cast aside”. If you are really watching out for each other you would take pause and think about your actions within institutions that are opening up to vendors after COVID shutdown. Now because of your careful actions watching over each other you fuck over everyone else. Not something you should be proud of at all and this is your legacy that only you made for yourself, Karma will get you sooner than later, always does.

First, anyone who legitimately works for this company can easily identify who this person is. We have large geographies and are a small group. Second, I am sorry that anyone’s actions have negatively impacted a group of reps. This has happened to many of us, and I agree, it sucks. Hopefully, the institutions will agree that banning all reps, based on one lone wolf, is extreme. Meanwhile, saying that all Bioxcel reps exhibit poor behavior, break rules, etc., means you are doing the exact same thing as the above mentioned DOP. Branding us all negligent and selfish, do you know us all? So I apologize for the actions of one at BioXcel. I’m pretty confident you have a bad egg somewhere that wears your companies name tag- no company is without faults. Have a good day and I do hope the DOP comes around sooner vs later.

First, anyone who legitimately works for this company can easily identify who this person is. We have large geographies and are a small group. Second, I am sorry that anyone’s actions have negatively impacted a group of reps. This has happened to many of us, and I agree, it sucks. Hopefully, the institutions will agree that banning all reps, based on one lone wolf, is extreme. Meanwhile, saying that all Bioxcel reps exhibit poor behavior, break rules, etc., means you are doing the exact same thing as the above mentioned DOP. Branding us all negligent and selfish, do you know us all? So I apologize for the actions of one at BioXcel. I’m pretty confident you have a bad egg somewhere that wears your companies name tag- no company is without faults. Have a good day and I do hope the DOP comes around sooner vs later.
Name the rep or you are all lumped in. Not too difficult. Continue to hide this person and you will all be blackballed.

All of us do follow the rules and actually are compliant. For the person you describe and yes we all know who she is, she should be fired. Please please know that this is not what we are about. I'm truly sorry that the actions of this idiot cause this. She's not respected here in the field anyway.

To the original poster, seems odd you don’t have a name for the pos you are so adamant about defaming? If they are so terrible, seems like you’d have a first name at a minimum? I hardly believe you have the power to blackball all in the industry with ‘BioXcel’ on their resume. You seem like a Walmart Karen, or Karman. Rest assured, there’s this drug called Igalmi that could probably help with your extreme agitation due to bipolar disorder.

Please be honest. Is anyone out here looking for another opportunity? That seems to be the consensus because of a variety of things here. I'm just curious what the sense is.