
I was there for 2.5 years and watched the company make one false step after another. It really was surreal to see them self destruct with a good product approved. There was so much arrogance and so many dumb decisions along the way. Still SMH.

They wouldn't listen to the people doing the work with customers and physicians. Stock low of 0.38 yesterday. I was hoping for a buyout, but hard to see anyone wanting to take on their debt. Bad move cutting sales and med affairs.

This company is complete rubbish. Management must be beyond incompetent. And the guy obsessed/in love with Bart can shove my shares up his ass.
BB, no one is obsessed with you. It’s just that we laugh at you and you have always entertained us. Unlike an obsession, we think of you only seldom but when we do, you’re the butt of all jokes. We still would like to know if you’ve been able to keep your mouth shut during the re-election of Trump. We know you’re just frantic over it and have TDS so bad that you can’t sleep at night but tell us: are you able to keep your big mouth shut or have you had to do a public apology call there yet like you did at BTAI? Just entertain us, BB. Like old times.