Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

Wow, it amazes me how much shade is being thrown at this company. Sometimes people may actually need this opportunity and unless you have a crystal ball, I would suggest you dial down the guzzling of all that Hatorade. Bottom line if you are happy where you are, then great. But there no need to constantly bash the folks who got offers. Also check the pipeline, this not a one trick pony situation...

Agreed! Also let’s not act as if pharma has this great track record! No one’s job is safe. The good old days are gone. So if you are in big pharma or biotech, there’s always going to be a risk.. Some people will take the path less traveled because big pharma has screwed them over in the past.

Interviewed in Philly last Tuesday, verbal offer from manager on Wednesday. Currently waiting for formal offer from HR which should come this week. According to the hiring manager, HR is backed up with needs for those reps starting on Monday, 11/11.

True!! Former Amgen manager in VA Beach was hired and she is your worst nightmare. Hope her reps like LOTS of spreadsheets, extreme micromanaging, nitpicking every word you speak on every call, 7:30 am phone calls announcing she’s riding with you that day, taking so long to approve your expense report so that your company card is turned off because she is examining expenses under a microscope. Oh, it will be fun!

So true and did you notice how all the previous posts about Diana were deleted!? How did that happen?

So true and did you notice how all the previous posts about Diana were deleted!? How did that happen?
That’s so weird. So do managers with not so great of reputations monitor the cafe pharma boards & demand that negative comments about themselves be removed? That would be a full time job for some of them.

The whole industry is risky we all know this. Jump on board make the best of it and stop the complaining and whining. Some of you people will never be happy in life. It's you my friend nothing else but YOU!

Chances make champions