Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

Not around

Greetings comrades,

A drunk driver ran into my parked fleet car NY eve, completely rendering the vehicle totalled. Fleet has me in a rental car and I'm waiting for a new order email.

Any idea what our option (s) are ? Is it still the same or have things changed? A car is a car, just curious.

BTW, I don't wish my situation on anyone! The guy that hit me has insurance and was arrested. Fleet actually questioned why I wasn't parked in my driveway and they keep sending me online driver safety courses I must complete.

They have removed all motivation due to the current ic plan unless you have a headache center- The only territories that are rewarded at this point are high volume territories.
There is no way a territory can compete (rank or ic) without a headache center. There is something broken with an ic plan that only rewards the same territories over and over.
There has been no consideration for covid shutdowns. There are so many territories and states that are still extremely limited with face to face interactions due to covid and it’s been swept under the rug.
No rep is motivated by being “at goal” and then throw in the fact that some territories have a 500% growth expectation (yes- you heard that right) to be at goal... you tell me if that’s fair or right?
this is a launch- ic should be based on growth. By the time the company recognizes the flawed ic plan, the smaller volume territories will have maxed out growth and will once again be screwed.
Reevaluating my decision to come here everyday as I know many of my colleagues are...

This is a very accurate comment. I was in one of those territories with a near 70 percent market share but continuously just missing goal..while territories a trained squirrel could work were raking it in and being treated like