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Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

Has anyone heard of a offer
being a base of 120K+ ?
or are those completely
non existent for reps

I’ve heard of one person with 140k.... I know I was offered 120k and told that was as high as they could go and not many would be offered that. A friend countered her 120 offer and asked for 130 & she didn’t get it...

So the receptionist can take
your iPad and get a signature
and you can leave a few samples
at the front desk.
Been a specialty rep for 15 years. The chairs in the waiting room in my neurology office feel just the same as in my primary care office and the wait is just as long. Doesn’t make a bit of difference to me.I’m getting paid.

Been a specialty rep for 15 years. The chairs in the waiting room in my neurology office feel just the same as in my primary care office and the wait is just as long. Doesn’t make a bit of difference to me.I’m getting paid.

Yes! Preach on...I’m “Specialty” too... those who act like there’s a huge difference between pc and specialty are lying to themselves.

Agreed! Also let’s not act as if pharma has this great track record! No one’s job is safe. The good old days are gone. So if you are in big pharma or biotech, there’s always going to be a risk.. Some people will take the path less traveled because big pharma has screwed them over in the past.

Big pharma, small pharma, it doesn’t matter. This is a risky industry all around. It’s like gambling in Vegas, the odds are stacked against you. Save money while you have a job, because there’s never any way to tell how long it’s gonna last.

I agree. It had the feel of a pompous clique. Very glad I am not moving on with them and I also will be happy to stay where I am. The manager I interviewed with had no CNS/migraine experience in the past 15 plus years and I could tell right away we would have clashed. I sold triptans for years. Anyone who turns up their nose when you try and discuss your strategy, KOL's ect when they dont know them themselves should see that as an asset. Not this person.

Many managers are intimidated by reps with skill and experience. You do not want to work for this type of manager. They will make your life miserable due to their own insecurity.

Thanks for the link! Don't think It'll have much weight as Rimegepant is intended as alternative therapy for patients who can't tolerate or don't receive adequate efficacy from triptans. ICER usually doesn't look favorably on new to market branded drugs anyway. A good rep worth their salt can position and clinically sell this drug even in the face of managed care access and cost challenges.

Many managers are intimidated by reps with skill and experience. You do not want to work for this type of manager. They will make your life miserable due to their own insecurity.
True, I had one, they suck. Instead of them looking at you as an asset to help out your numbers and theirs, they see you as a threat. Your ideas are no good and they’ll pick apart every little thing. There’s a special place for them.