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Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

If you didn’t make it to the RD interview the same day you’re most likely out of contention unless the one chosen to move forward blew up in front of the RD. Many were qualified but didn’t get moved on. That’s the breaks. Move on and be thankful you had a shot.

not entirely true. There were days with interviews at two different sites and days the particular RD wasn’t available and situations where not all candidates interviewed on the same day. I know ORIGINALLY they wanted it all wrapped up with RD interviews the same day but it didn’t pan out that way

not entirely true. There were days with interviews at two different sites and days the particular RD wasn’t available and situations where not all candidates interviewed on the same day. I know ORIGINALLY they wanted it all wrapped up with RD interviews the same day but it didn’t pan out that way

So is there still hope if you didn’t speak the RD the same day? I was told by the coordinator the same day that a recruiter will be in contact with me. Some were told by the coordinator that the DM denied them to move forward. Very confusing!

not entirely true. There were days with interviews at two different sites and days the particular RD wasn’t available and situations where not all candidates interviewed on the same day. I know ORIGINALLY they wanted it all wrapped up with RD interviews the same day but it didn’t pan out that way

depends on the territory. Was this Atlanta RD?

This company is shady. So many unanswered questions. Good luck to those of you going here. Very high risk.. sketchy..

I’m sorry to read you were passed over & have not heard back.

“very high risk” “sketchy” ...what is your basis for this assessment other than being passed over? Please let us know because I’ve it an offer & Im on the fence...

I’m sorry to read you were passed over & have not heard back.

“very high risk” “sketchy” ...what is your basis for this assessment other than being passed over? Please let us know because I’ve it an offer & Im on the fence...

This opportunity is not for everyone. Is it a risk?...yes. If you already have a solid job that you can or want to tolerate....I would stay away. If you are someone who is in a position to roll the dice and maybe make a few bucks.. then go for it. All these people talking about the company getting bought out in a negative light I believe are forgetting that that could actually be a very good thing. Will it? We will see. But every person needs to weigh their own current situation job-wise. For me...I was offered, and its a perfect fit..even if it doesn't pan out down the road.
Many people come on here just to whine about how bad a whole company is just because whomever they interviewed with was not pleasant, not clear on things, etc. Personally, I would not just decide the whole company is sketchy based on somebody on cp who had a bad experience.

Absolutely agree to the above. I had a good experience but was told right away there were more interviews later in the week. So I’m just sitting back waiting. I’m willing to roll the dice if the money is right. But I’m certainly not going to band mouth them if it isn’t or I get passed over

So the highest offer I could get was 85k base. They still cannot disclose the med. benefits or what the car amount that comes out of your paycheck will be. Has anyone heard what this will be? I’m still on the fence

So the highest offer I could get was 85k base. They still cannot disclose the med. benefits or what the car amount that comes out of your paycheck will be. Has anyone heard what this will be? I’m still on the fence

ive heard of higher base. I don’t know medical deductions but the cars are a Volvo sedan and Volvo SUV The SUV is about $100 more

So the highest offer I could get was 85k base. They still cannot disclose the med. benefits or what the car amount that comes out of your paycheck will be. Has anyone heard what this will be? I’m still on the fence
That is on the very low end for base. The Regional in Philly said the average base is $105 with some getting more based on experience. They are offering stock options to some reps. Benefits are standard...4% match 401k, car is a Volvo, 3 weeks vacation 1st year and 4 the second.

That is on the very low end for base. The Regional in Philly said the average base is $105 with some getting more based on experience. They are offering stock options to some reps. Benefits are standard...4% match 401k, car is a Volvo, 3 weeks vacation 1st year and 4 the second.

Thank you for the honest answer! I’m going to pass. Best of luck to you!

So the highest offer I could get was 85k base. They still cannot disclose the med. benefits or what the car amount that comes out of your paycheck will be. Has anyone heard what this will be? I’m still on the fence

I was offered 100 and countered. They rejected it. Don’t know much about med yet. Car is $150/mo and suv is $224/mo. I have specialty, CNS and experience. This is a low offer and expensive output for car a still on the fence

I passed too. Too much of a shit show. Sketchy feeling. Risky...not getting straightforward answers..good luck if you decide to go here

This was not my experience at all. I’m curious if those calling it a “shit show” and claiming there has been too many unanswered questions has ever launched a product in a new class? Sketchy/risky? Are you currently in pharma? You may need to look into a career change because the only thing for certain about our jobs is uncertainty...

This was not my experience at all. I’m curious if those calling it a “shit show” and claiming there has been too many unanswered questions has ever launched a product in a new class? Sketchy/risky? Are you currently in pharma? You may need to look into a career change because the only thing for certain about our jobs is uncertainty...
This is perfect! I was thinking the same thing. The people posting those comments are clearly in big pharma and should stay there. They will give you all the answers and micro managed direction you need. Just don't be disappointed when you find out ALL pharma companies are risky. One day you might even be able to prove your value through experience, negotiate a top salary and join us!