Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

Told them could not take less than
125 I’m still being flown to one
of the mass interview sessions,
hopefully not a waste of time,
they were completely aware of
what I told them I would accept.
I do not know anybody at all at
the company.

told the recruiter the exact same and was low balled during the interview. It is a primary care job and they are prepared to pay the same way.

BEWARE! If your a experience rep and make $110k or above your wasting your time! If your getting your hopes up because you've been invited to come interview DON'T. They are just bringing you there to get information about your territory. PERIOD. Total waste of time.

BEWARE! If your a experience rep and make $110k or above your wasting your time! If your getting your hopes up because you've been invited to come interview DON'T. They are just bringing you there to get information about your territory. PERIOD. Total waste of time.
Simply not true. That might have been your experience but not mine.

Time to get informed. Biohaven is being run by all former TAKEDA and a few AZ/BI managers. They know exactly what they want and exactly what they’re doing. They went after their former colleagues to fill regional and district manager positions and sales reps. If you haven’t been hired yet they are now going outside to fill the second wave beginning in December. Everyone who they really wanted is in place. They gave the front runners the bigger salaries. If you’re already employed you can give this place a second look but don’t expect to be bumped to a higher salary. If you are unemployed this would be a great opportunity for you.