Biohaven Pharmaceuticals

I agree with poster #374. It seemed that what they really wanted to know was how their competitor PAYS,
key targets that lead to my success and to get a free high quality business plan.
PS. I showed the plan and did not let them keep it because I smelled a rat!

I agree with poster #374. It seemed that what they really wanted to know was how their competitor PAYS,
key targets that lead to my success and to get a free high quality business plan.
PS. I showed the plan and did not let them keep it because I smelled a rat!

Didn't they pay for your flight there? Definitely not free.

BEWARE! If your a experience rep and make $110k or above your wasting your time! If your getting your hopes up because you've been invited to come interview DON'T. They are just bringing you there to get information about your territory. PERIOD. Total waste of time.

This may be true, I was flown out to one of the Cattle call interview places and
I was clear with them I couldn’t take less than 125, Before I was flown, out they knew this. And I Currently sell a Migraine drug, in the interview they asked about specific local things in the territory such as key doctors places you have access to who are the big players in Migraine in that territory ect, I was telling them tons of information specifically. The two people interviewing me were writing down stuff like crazy taking all the information I was giving them, drs names info ect.
They were literally writing down tons of notes and info. Thought the interview really went well we will see if I go to the next step. Money was never discussed In the face to face only in recruiter phone interview and with the manager in the 1st phone interview. Waiting to see if I move on to next step.

This may be true, I was flown out to one of the Cattle call interview places and
I was clear with them I couldn’t take less than 125, Before I was flown, out they knew this. And I Currently sell a Migraine drug, in the interview they asked about specific local things in the territory such as key doctors places you have access to who are the big players in Migraine in that territory ect, I was telling them tons of information specifically. The two people interviewing me were writing down stuff like crazy taking all the information I was giving them, drs names info ect.
They were literally writing down tons of notes and info. Thought the interview really went well we will see if I go to the next step. Money was never discussed In the face to face only in recruiter phone interview and with the manager in the 1st phone interview. Waiting to see if I move on to next step.

if you didn’t speak with the regional that same day, then you’re out.

BEWARE! If your a experience rep and make $110k or above your wasting your time! If your getting your hopes up because you've been invited to come interview DON'T. They are just bringing you there to get information about your territory. PERIOD. Total waste of time.
I turned down flying to Atlanta. No way they were going to pay what I’m looking for. Plus just seems weird that first time I’d speak to DM it would be in The panel interview

This may be true, I was flown out to one of the Cattle call interview places and
I was clear with them I couldn’t take less than 125, Before I was flown, out they knew this. And I Currently sell a Migraine drug, in the interview they asked about specific local things in the territory such as key doctors places you have access to who are the big players in Migraine in that territory ect, I was telling them tons of information specifically. The two people interviewing me were writing down stuff like crazy taking all the information I was giving them, drs names info ect.
They were literally writing down tons of notes and info. Thought the interview really went well we will see if I go to the next step. Money was never discussed In the face to face only in recruiter phone interview and with the manager in the 1st phone interview. Waiting to see if I move on to next step.

Perhaps you’ve never done this before, but what you’re describing is a typical interview... where the interviewer asks the interviewee for specific examples regarding his or her territory....
You’re portraying some odd conspiracy theory as are so many other posters based on your not having been chosen.
At the end of it all, the person with the best fit is chosen. Many of you have never had to “post and COMPETE” and it shows.

BEWARE! If your a experience rep and make $110k or above your wasting your time! If your getting your hopes up because you've been invited to come interview DON'T. They are just bringing you there to get information about your territory. PERIOD. Total waste of time.
I agree super low ball discussion at the actual interview when I had been clear with the recruiter on salary range. Indicated they have had many misunderstands & there will not be experienced Neuroscience rep salaries offered

I agree super low ball discussion at the actual interview when I had been clear with the recruiter on salary range. Indicated they have had many misunderstands & there will not be experienced Neuroscience rep salaries offered

this was not my experience at all. I make 130 now and they came in about 8k less. I’m still Thinking I’ll take out because the Territory size is much more manageable & bonus is uncapped. I had a recruiter tell me they base was 65-80 and thank me for my time. Another Recruiter pushed me Through yo Atlanta & if you can SELL yourself, you can get it.

this was not my experience at all. I make 130 now and they came in about 8k less. I’m still Thinking I’ll take out because the Territory size is much more manageable & bonus is uncapped. I had a recruiter tell me they base was 65-80 and thank me for my time. Another Recruiter pushed me Through yo Atlanta & if you can SELL yourself, you can get it.

You went to Atlanta interviews? When did you here and get offer?

this was not my experience at all. I make 130 now and they came in about 8k less. I’m still Thinking I’ll take out because the Territory size is much more manageable & bonus is uncapped. I had a recruiter tell me they base was 65-80 and thank me for my time. Another Recruiter pushed me Through yo Atlanta & if you can SELL yourself, you can get it.

The above post is BS. You make $130 and was offered ‘about’ 8k less? What, they offered $122,350? You wouldn’t have used that verbiage. Also, they are only using one recruiting firm, so another recruiter wouldn’t have ‘pushed’ you through

The above post is BS. You make $130 and was offered ‘about’ 8k less? What, they offered $122,350? You wouldn’t have used that verbiage. Also, they are only using one recruiting firm, so another recruiter wouldn’t have ‘pushed’ you through

If that makes you feel better about being passed over, Then yes. I’m full of it. Good luck!

If you didn’t make it to the RD interview the same day you’re most likely out of contention unless the one chosen to move forward blew up in front of the RD. Many were qualified but didn’t get moved on. That’s the breaks. Move on and be thankful you had a shot.