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Biogen to Layoff 1000


Very sad. Seems every post/remarks from CEO is how woke Biogen is. Every initiative appears to be about diversity. inclusion etc. Biotech is a business not a daycare center. Focus (Like they used to) on bringing real treatments for unmet needs. Aduhelm should have never been pursued and pushed for approval. A foolish gamble that tortured data could result in a blockbuster therapy. A shameful marketing plan to play on the hopes of those with a devastating disease. When is this board going to wake up and fire MV? His leadership in the face of adversity is dismal.


Completely agree. If the number quoted in the articles is accurate, the layoffs will be across all divisions. Good luck to everyone, we were put in a position to fail.

I was laid off in 2018 without a need among with a group of other people. Funny how everyone ignored us and treated us like lepers. It was good to see who your true friends were. We are now all in a better place any so will you. Just be prepared for the shock of being ignored by your so called work friends after the axe comes down.

Completely agree. If the number quoted in the articles is accurate, the layoffs will be across all divisions. Good luck to everyone, we were put in a position to fail.

There will be minimal impact on the MS or SMA divisions, other than using this excuse to eliminate dead weight.

Alzheimer’s will be gone. They will offer the few (very few) from that division that they wish to retain openings on the MS side and cut the rest.

The board here is as guilty as anyone. They’ve watched our CEO prioritize his wokeness over making sound business decisions for years now, and done nothing to correct it. They and the share holders are now feeling the effects of his actions and their inaction.

Good luck to my old colleagues, some were great people and partners! I’m glad I got out when I did!

Just offer first come, first served packages to leave or retire. They would probably get more than 1000 volunteers in a week with decent severance and retirement packages. Problem is the ones that they want to keep will leave by choice. But they will leave anyways so who cares.

At this point does it even matter? How can it? It is a full gut job if not a teardown.

Just offer first come, first served packages to leave or retire. They would probably get more than 1000 volunteers in a week with decent severance and retirement packages. Problem is the ones that they want to keep will leave by choice.

That’s just it. The ones that would stick around are not the ones the company wants to retain.

Expect a 2-3 week per year package, depending on how generous the company wants to be. For the Alzheimer’s team, that won’t do much as most of them only have a year or 2 there.

No no no

you guys don’t get it. If I update my spreadsheet it will fix everything.

I’m dead.

Seriously, though, Adam at STAT has no inside connection. He may as well go write for USWeekly. That being said, the company would be dumb not to layoff half of the people with the exception of the SMA group.

I’m dead.

Seriously, though, Adam at STAT has no inside connection. He may as well go write for USWeekly. That being said, the company would be dumb not to layoff half of the people with the exception of the SMA group.

The 1000 number is a joke. The author of STAT simply is trying to cause a stir. Alzheimer's is not gone. They have promised the world this is an area of focus. So this doomed drug will be around a bit more and then more focus on future pipeline. Layoffs will be in the 300-400 range.

No no no

you guys don’t get it. If I update my spreadsheet it will fix everything.


Hit those priority targets at least once a day.

Make sure to bring your RSD with you as often as possible to model the most powerful messaging and to provide valuable feedback and coaching.

Bingo, company saved.

White Christian males will be first laid off…and that’s the truth

Well, white Christian males caused the mess so…..

(I love how white men always leave that part out when they complain about diversity, as though they haven’t been running things for the past 300 years!)

“We caused the mess, but getting rid of women and minorities will allow us to clean it up!”

The 1000 number is a joke. The author of STAT simply is trying to cause a stir. Alzheimer's is not gone. They have promised the world this is an area of focus. So this doomed drug will be around a bit more and then more focus on future pipeline. Layoffs will be in the 300-400 range.

Face pubes Sandrock is already on the way out, so it’s only 999.

Well, white Christian males caused the mess so…..

(I love how white men always leave that part out when they complain about diversity, as though they haven’t been running things for the past 300 years!)

“We caused the mess, but getting rid of women and minorities will allow us to clean it up!”

I really like how racists lump people with the same skin color and sex together. Because some white guy did something, all white guys should pay - how racist can you get