it will be sooner than they think. This leadership is irresponsible and morally reprehensible. Covid is ripping through the US and yet they are holding in person meetings right after the holidays when other companies are canceling theirs. They must not be concerned about the liability of unnecessarily exposing their employees and their families. Imagine the lawsuits that will follow.

They have enough lawsuits to bring them down already!

Let's look at facts for a moment. Not people's opinions, but facts. The SE is in tatters. The totally incompetent moron that GG has decided to let run that region has lost the #1 Rep in the company, a Rep who busted their butt for the entire time she was here and achieved many great wins. His solution was to, well she is no longer here so you figure out what happened. Great morals there! Way to go GG, just another in a long line of disturbingly bad decisions made by YOU. Yes all the above are facts!!

The Central Region RBD is not the most incompetent manager of the bunch only because of the SE Region RBD still being here. But facts. Since she took over Reps have left. Good reps who did a lot of good things. Now she wants her team to come to the POA with ideas on how to drive business. Ummm,,, should you not have been doing that from day one instead of alienating existing customers who never want to see you again? Facts!

The West RBD only go there because he kissed GG ass to get it and they needed to promote from within and no one else wanted the job. He was a good guy until he became management and sadly now he has just fallen into the the same incompetent, morally lacking pattern of the rest of the RBD's. Facts!

The NE RBD is GG minion. Enough said. Facts!

The stock is in the toilet. They made a last ditch effort today to raise more money. Won't work. I feel so bad for RC. He is a good guy in a middle of idiots. I do not care what your stance on Covid is, nor am I going to preach. Logic, I know, that is lacking here and has been for a long time, says, do not make your entire company travel to do pointless activities that will not increase sales, for a company whose doors will be closed by March. Facts! Great job on deciding to put your entire company at risk. Real family atmosphere.

I think they should all give themselves promotions again and go around high fiving each other in the office on a job very poorly done. I guess one saving grace is Gerri does not have any more relatives she can hire to bail water on this Titantic!


What’s going on in the Central Region? I’ve heard there’s been some issues with the RBD?

That’s an understatement. First off she has no idea of the difference between IV and IM. She brings no value to her reps and should never have been put in the position to begin with. She is a yes woman and that’s why Gg Pronted her.

Same old barron, bitter old maids posting every hour…. Move on

When you can't argue the message, you attack the messenger.

Liars become furious when questioned; the truth welcomes debate.

The truth always comes out, no matter how hard you try to silence it.


by the way, 'barron" is spelled "barren", moron!

CONGRADULATIONS to CLT & BOD at Baudax for an apocalyptic end to 2021!
You have officially made the stock worth less then a blow-pop lollipop, 21cents!
Is Jordan Belfort, king of the penny-stock scam our financial advisor?

FYI, GG...the morale is not high, we don't trust you, we don't trust corporate, we don't trust HR, we don't trust the FLT, and we all silently pray that this company will be bought or fold. Be brave for once, take the money being wasted on the POA's, give us all a 3 month package and put us out of our misery.

CONGRADULATIONS to CLT & BOD at Baudax for an apocalyptic end to 2021!
You have officially made the stock worth less then a blow-pop lollipop, 21cents!
Is Jordan Belfort, king of the penny-stock scam our financial advisor?

FYI, GG...the morale is not high, we don't trust you, we don't trust corporate, we don't trust HR, we don't trust the FLT, and we all silently pray that this company will be bought or fold. Be brave for once, take the money being wasted on the POA's, give us all a 3 month package and put us out of our misery.
When GG is speaking at the POA, none of us will believe a word he says.

CONGRADULATIONS to CLT & BOD at Baudax for an apocalyptic end to 2021!
You have officially made the stock worth less then a blow-pop lollipop, 21cents!
Is Jordan Belfort, king of the penny-stock scam our financial advisor?

FYI, GG...the morale is not high, we don't trust you, we don't trust corporate, we don't trust HR, we don't trust the FLT, and we all silently pray that this company will be bought or fold. Be brave for once, take the money being wasted on the POA's, give us all a 3 month package and put us out of our misery.

why are they still planning on holding these super spreader events anyway?

why are they still planning on holding these super spreader events anyway?

Jarred from Subway, cancelled the SE super spreader, not because of COVID, but because our region is 70% vacant, and the 3 reps that are left have zero faith in his ability to manage, with his "player/coach" line of bull shit. Thanks for teaching us about HS football, but WOW, you suck in front of clients! AND NO, Anjeso does not take 3 hours to work you buffoon.

Only way the other 3 super spreaders will be cancelled is if Der Kommandant GG, gives the go ahead to his puppets to cancel. Obviously, ax throwing in the middle of increased spread of COVID supersedes the health and wellness of the reps. It's a "real morale builder," and will clearly help get the stock out of the toilet.

This place is such a clown show. And please, for the puppets that are going down with the ship, don't bother responding with the same old, if your not happy here then leave. Eighty percent of us are actively interviewing.

Good luck to everyone!

Jarred from Subway, cancelled the SE super spreader, not because of COVID, but because our region is 70% vacant, and the 3 reps that are left have zero faith in his ability to manage, with his "player/coach" line of bull shit. Thanks for teaching us about HS football, but WOW, you suck in front of clients! AND NO, Anjeso does not take 3 hours to work you buffoon.

Only way the other 3 super spreaders will be cancelled is if Der Kommandant GG, gives the go ahead to his puppets to cancel. Obviously, ax throwing in the middle of increased spread of COVID supersedes the health and wellness of the reps. It's a "real morale builder," and will clearly help get the stock out of the toilet.

This place is such a clown show. And please, for the puppets that are going down with the ship, don't bother responding with the same old, if your not happy here then leave. Eighty percent of us are actively interviewing.

Good luck to everyone!

Why don't they just sell the whole company? Drug is good, but over-priced. The stock is now .23 cents and money is being waisted for in-person meetings that should be Zoom. How much cash is on hand? Why isn't the BOD being fiscally responsible? At Medical Conferences there have been an entourage of people. How much $ in flights and hotels have been waisted? A lemonade stand being ran by neighborhood kids has better business sense.

How much cash is on hand? Our stock is .23 cents and while other companies are canceling meetings we are meeting in person. Why don't we save $ on flights and hotels and just have a Zoom meeting?

Why don't they just sell the whole company? Drug is good, but over-priced. The stock is now .23 cents and money is being waisted for in-person meetings that should be Zoom. How much cash is on hand? Why isn't the BOD being fiscally responsible? At Medical Conferences there have been an entourage of people. How much $ in flights and hotels have been waisted? A lemonade stand being ran by neighborhood kids has better business sense.

We're "waisting" money on a dolt that can't spell or use proper english.

How much $ in flights and hotels have HAS been waisted WASTED? A lemonade stand being ran RUN by neighborhood kids has better business sense

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