Let’s just sit back and think about this for a minute. We did a reverse stock split of 40/1. The stock was around .18 when it took place. The stock plummeted from the $7 range to $5 range within 1 day. At the current time the stock is trading at just over $4. If you go back to a week ago before the split, and use the current value, that would mean we’re in the .10 range today. If your resume isn’t updated, you better start working on it ASAP. The company cannot continue the downward spiral it’s been on for the last 2 years much longer without something major happening.

Oh boy... .05c a share after the RS. What a sh*t show

This is sad news. As an original Recro-er, I still followed the company and was pulling for them. One bad break after another--2 CRLs, followed by horrible timing when they ultimately got approval.

This is sad news. As an original Recro-er, I still followed the company and was pulling for them. One bad break after another--2 CRLs, followed by horrible timing when they ultimately got approval.

Bad breaks? Leadership (and I use that word loosely) is a disaster! This company is a disaster, and leadership is still getting rich! There is more upper management than there are reps. GG and his minions are riding this out, putting their money in the bank, while running what is left into the grave.

Sad that anyone ever believed in these morons! It was a decent drug, but it didn't have a chance with the idiot patrol in charge!

If SS is making $250k as "HR", what do you think GG is making??? Can you say sham???

Bad breaks? Leadership (and I use that word loosely) is a disaster! This company is a disaster, and leadership is still getting rich! There is more upper management than there are reps. GG and his minions are riding this out, putting their money in the bank, while running what is left into the grave.

Sad that anyone ever believed in these morons! It was a decent drug, but it didn't have a chance with the idiot patrol in charge!

If SS is making $250k as "HR", what do you think GG is making??? Can you say sham???

Every time we thought the CLT couldn't sink any lower, they proved us wrong.
GH and GG are masters of destruction, deceit, lies and are morally bankrupt.

As a final confirmation of how the snake rots from the head, 8 weeks severance given to home office personnel, while the field only got 6. Real "survivors guilt," GFY!

Every time we thought the CLT couldn't sink any lower, they proved us wrong.
GH and GG are masters of destruction, deceit, lies and are morally bankrupt.

As a final confirmation of how the snake rots from the head, 8 weeks severance given to home office personnel, while the field only got 6. Real "survivors guilt," GFY!

How about the fact that the original reps were given the same amount of severance as reps with 6 months or less of time?!?! Loyalty is not rewarded that’s for sure.

The (cough) promotions of some of the home office people were given knowing that this was imminent. Those who were promoted got, or will get, well more than 6-8 weeks. Try 6, 9, or 12 months and it was part of the promotion “package”

Any tears they shed or sadness they feel for you is rehearsed.

I agree with an above poster. This makes me so sad to see how this has turned out. I had signed on and was excited to work w the team at Recro. That third round of management hires though is what really gave me pause. Also the toxic NAD that was in my area. When I found out he was going to be my NAD that was the tipping point for me to stay where I was. I'm not sure he's even found a job yet. I'm telling you though, the first rounds of managers and NADs (minus JS) were amazing. They would've killed it. Most all of them landed in great spots though which is great.

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