We're "waisting" money on a dolt that can't spell or use proper english.

How much $ in flights and hotels have HAS been waisted WASTED? A lemonade stand being ran RUN by neighborhood kids has better business sense

Correcting the poster’s grammar isn’t going to change the facts that this is a very poorly run organization that is very fiscally irresponsible. But keep on deflecting

We're "waisting" money on a dolt that can't spell or use proper english.

How much $ in flights and hotels have HAS been waisted WASTED? A lemonade stand being ran RUN by neighborhood kids has better business sense

Careful posters, there is a grammar Nazi RBD/CLT monitoring the posts.

Maybe if they worried less about grammar, and the laughable "Integrity Selling," they might find themselves being actually effective at...nevermind, these RBD's/CLT don't have the capacity to be effective at anything.

I digress.

BTW: grammar Nazi...feel free to come after my spelling, punctuation and grammar. I'm up for actually learning something at this company, because you sure as shit didn't teach us anything about Anjeso, hospital selling, our competitors, or the P&T process. HUGE FAILURES!

why are they still planning on holding these super spreader events anyway?
God, stop with the superspreader events bullshit...You ever watch sports ? Arenas were packed with people and NOTHING FUCKING HAPPEN....God, such mindless idiots that work for a pharmaceutical company that doesn't know we've been had....All of us...Go get your 14 booster and continue to create more variants and more chaos in the country...At that rate, Covid with never go away but at the end of the day, did anybody really believe it would with the clown in office we have now ? Wake the fuck up..

it will be sooner than they think. This leadership is irresponsible and morally reprehensible. Covid is ripping through the US and yet they are holding in person meetings right after the holidays when other companies are canceling theirs. They must not be concerned about the liability of unnecessarily exposing their employees and their families. Imagine the lawsuits that will follow.

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....
OMG?!!! GFY…

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....
Thanks GG!

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....
This "fake" virus has killed 825,000 people - but isn't impacting anything - is why all our hospitals have shut us out, aren't doing elective surgeries, haven't held any P&T meetings and have no budget for our product that may have some value. But go ahead and keep living in your MAGAt/Newsmax/FoxNews/OAN bubble. How's that working out for you?

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....

What? Over? Did you say 'over'? Nothing is over until we decide it is! Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!...

It ain't over now, 'cause when the goin' gets tough, the tough get goin'. Who's with me? Let's go! Come on!...

What the f--k happened to the Delta I used to know? Where's the spirit? Where's the guts, huh? This could be the greatest night of our lives, but you're gonna let it be the worst. 'Ooh, we're afraid to go with you, Bluto, we might get in trouble.' (shouting) Well, just kiss my ass from now on! Not me! I'm not gonna take this. Wormer, he's a dead man! Marmalard, dead! Niedermeyer...

Jarred from Subway, cancelled the SE super spreader, not because of COVID, but because our region is 70% vacant, and the 3 reps that are left have zero faith in his ability to manage, with his "player/coach" line of bull shit. Thanks for teaching us about HS football, but WOW, you suck in front of clients! AND NO, Anjeso does not take 3 hours to work you buffoon.

Only way the other 3 super spreaders will be cancelled is if Der Kommandant GG, gives the go ahead to his puppets to cancel. Obviously, ax throwing in the middle of increased spread of COVID supersedes the health and wellness of the reps. It's a "real morale builder," and will clearly help get the stock out of the toilet.

This place is such a clown show. And please, for the puppets that are going down with the ship, don't bother responding with the same old, if your not happy here then leave. Eighty percent of us are actively interviewing.

Good luck to everyone!

.20c a share and we're still putting job postings on LinkedIn like this is the greatest opportunity in the pharma industry. Everyone is leaving, we can't sell anything and we're running out of cash, but "come on in, that's not blood and the shark's ignore it." And GG wonders why nobody trusts him

OMG...please stay locked down in your home, wear triple masks and get your 13th booster...Do us all a favor....Maybe you shouldnt leave your house to go to the store either because you might get struck by lightning or get hit by a car....Do us all a favor and stay the fuck home...None of these draconian methods worked from the beginning but here we go again doing the same fucking thing over and over expecting a different result....The vaccine doesnt work, doesn't keep you from getting the virus nor spreading it, but MAYBE might reduce some of the hospitalizations, so they tell us...Meanwhile, our government is bribing us with hotdogs and hamburgers to get the jab or forcing you to get it with fake mandates that isn't even an actual law...Congress passes laws and nothing has been passed with regards to these fake vaccine mandates....Its about control and conformity and you clowns eat it up....You don't research anything and just go along with whatever stupid Joe Biden and dumb Fauci tell you to do....And don't give me that bullshit you do it for others and if I choose not to get the jab then I'm a selfish prick.....Maybe its you vaccinated sheep that are spreading it to others ? Maybe, just maybe, these vaccines are actually causing the virus to stick around by eradicating protective antibodies making us more susceptible to the disease, creating more of these weaker variants....I had Covid and I don't need a fucking vaccine and so tired of these whiny asses that work in pharmaceuticals and should know better that this is all about the mighty dollar, not public health...Does Covid exist? Sure it does, but the manipulation of data and fake science to keep this thing going just blows my mind...You just stay your ass home and live your life in fear...I'll live my life fearless because that what we did before this fucking virus came....
I'll tell you what doesn't fu**ing work and that's Anjeso. You can talk about the vaccines not working all day long but they serve more of a purpose than your product.

Why so quiet on here lately? Is everyone too busy working their other jobs?

No, but in interviews trying to figure out how to explain.19 stock price. No one buying "covid". Crap studies, 2 CRLS, and then ridiculous asking price that can't be justified? Marketing around for YEARS b4 rollout and No one questions them. and then JC gets promoted? med affairs never went thru layoffs or had the pressure we do. SO sick of sales getting all the blame.

Why so quiet on here lately? Is everyone too busy working their other jobs?

I think we all got sick of the corporate/RBD illiterati, jumping on the thread and defending, what is one of the most poorly run organizations in the history of pharma.

We all know corporate (specifically HR) read this thread religiously, and have even gone as far as to request posts be taken down. They're worried about CP, but not worried about the opinions of investors on other sites.

And, yeah, we are all busy interviewing, because we all know that "integrity selling" is not going to save this shit show.

"And, yeah, we are all busy interviewing, because we all know that "integrity selling" is not going to save this shit show."

Don't cha need integrity in order to "integrity sell" or are we still out there trying to push the 1980's trope of selling on our prior relationships? Ahh, the good old days of begging doctors to "just buy one vial so I can keep my job". That's rich.

"And, yeah, we are all busy interviewing, because we all know that "integrity selling" is not going to save this shit show."

Don't cha need integrity in order to "integrity sell" or are we still out there trying to push the 1980's trope of selling on our prior relationships? Ahh, the good old days of begging doctors to "just buy one vial so I can keep my job". That's rich.

I truly hope everyone is interviewing! 17 cents a share, this company is a joke just like the leadership team!