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As if things weren't bad enough we now have competition. Another IV NSAID now approved for pre-operative surgical use. Cumberland stock doubles on the news so Wall Street believes it will be a success. Dump yur BXRX and buy CPIX

As if things weren't bad enough we now have competition. Another IV NSAID now approved for pre-operative surgical use. Cumberland stock doubles on the news so Wall Street believes it will be a success. Dump your BXRX and buy CPIX

Now Cumberland's stock has tripled since I posted this. The inept leadership at this company has no confidence from Wall Street.

Now Cumberland's stock has tripled since I posted this. The inept leadership at this company has no confidence from Wall Street.

Don’t get too excited with the Cumberlands stock price. Once the market opens in the morning, the day traders will dump it like a bad prom date. There seems to be some interest in Baudax’s stock in after market trading. It’s not a huge jump but at this point any little bit helps.

"]Don’t get too excited with the Cumberlands stock price. Once the market opens in the morning, the day traders will dump it like a bad prom date. There seems to be some interest in Baudax’s stock in after market trading. It’s not a huge jump but at this point any little bit helps.

GG trash talking DH, JM and KP. Not helpful.

This company was a $10.00 stock in Feb. 2020 with what I thought was great potential.
I bought in at $3.50. I have been in the hospital distribution business for over forty years

First FDA approved non opiod pain management drug
Signed contracts with the three big GPO's ( Premier, Novation, Health Trust)
CPU code for reimbursement for docs and hospitals.
Outstanding white paper in reference to duration, outcomes and hospital savings.
Experienced management.

It was launched during Covid. A setback. But enough with that BS. A monkey can sell this product with all the positive aspects I cited above. I have been involved as a sales rep with launching of new products and have seen them become the standard of care.
This product has all the attributes to become one of those products.


Not sure why they don't license this product to a company that has access to the end users. Rookie sales reps are not going to do it. That is a fact.
Appears to have a high turnover rate of employees except for the non revenue generating positions. I look on web site and I see sooooo many revenue generating positions open. I am talking sales reps not management. What gives with that?

Can someone please explain to me what is going on. Please no complainers just hard facts on what is the issue. I would love to hear from upper management who if not reading the messages on this site, should be. Could be helpful to get some input on what has to change.

I am reading about some sexual harrasement. Not sure if true but company should take care of and move on. Concentrate on a business plan that works.

Very frustrated investor. What does this company need to do to hit the home run I expected

To put it simply, this company is a shit show. They allow sexual harassment to go unpunished (actually, they reward it with promotions), they fire their best reps because they aren't yes men, and they make excuses for the losers that they keep and promote. There are actually a few good reps left, but trust me, they are all interviewing because they know what is going on. When people are continually allowed to take credit for others' work and the true workers are driven out, there is no morale left.

Take the loss and sell. It will only get worse from here.

If you truly want to hear the facts, I will be happy to lay them ALL out for you. First, the original RBD's that were hired were bad, the one's that are in there now are terrible. Originally, the RBD's brought a lot of reps with them and were Infectious Disease reps. I.D. reps are used to calling on one specific area of a hospital and are not known to be "true" hospital reps and they all faltered and were let go.

The new crop of RBD's were hired because they ALL bow don to GG, which is what he wants. He always says he wants to hear the truth but that only pertains to the truth as he sees it. The Central RBD has no business being in that position. She was terrible as a trainer and is even worse as an RBD. She brings NO value to her position or to her Reps. The SE RBD does not know the product and has an inflated ego that makes him useless. All he has done since he started is drive the Number 1 producing Rep to resign and has fractured the region further. No one respects him but he bows down to GG so he is safe. The West RBD only got the job so upper management could show the field sales force that Baudax promotes within. He cannot implement any ideas because he is seen as someone who rocks the boat so he also now bows down to GG to keep his job. The new NE RBD is someone who worked for GG in the past. Need I say more.

There are Reps still employed who have not broken 100 vials FOR THE YEAR. Again, the top Rep was bringing in an average of 150 vials a MONTH but the wonderful SE RBD is so bad that he resigned within 45 days of him taking over. The key word that everyone at Baudax hears is accountability. Upper Management has none. THey all recently took promotions, and what did they do to deserve them? Does JC do anything different now that she is VP of Marketing then when she was Director of Marketing? Does PB do anything differently on a day to day basis. Word is MM is going to get promoted to the RBD of the SW. Why? SHe has done absolutely nothing since she has been here.

THe D.N.A.'s really should go to Heron and Acacia and see how to do their jobs. Acacia has 25o hospital formulary wins. They laid the foundation well before launch of their products and once they were launched had instant wins. Here, the DNA's all sit at their homes and send out Emails and call that working. They are ineffective in front of customers and should all be fired, not promoted.

Lastly, the sexual harrasment DID take place. On multiple occasions. However, since GG controls H.R. it is allowed to go on. This is only "some" of the harrasment that has taken place and brought to life. There is plenty more that has gone on, especially at one of the P.O.A.'s that were held last September. People were allowed to stay at Baudax because GG chimed in to H.R., even though there was overwhelming evidence that it took place.

The bottom line is there is ineffective leadership, and absolutely NO accountability. There are currently 24 reps I believe and in actuality 15 of them should be let go due to poor performance and ineffectiveness. At Baudax that only means they are in line for a promotion.

Truer words were never spoken.

I assume you have worked for the company knowing all this inside information.

I completely agree with you on the Infectious Disease reps sells call on Infectious Disease dept. Who is the Einstein that decided to hire that type of rep? Is he or she still with the company?
Do you have any insight on why they don't licence the product this?? Is there any chance they might do this and that would take care of all the issues you pointed out. As well as reduce overhead.

This company is bleeding cash. If they keep this same BS up they will be bankrupt soon.
I am in jeopardy of losing over 100K. Trying to figure out if I go down with the ship or bail while I have some money left. It was .47 today. Soon to be delisted if something doesn't happen soon
Is the product priced right?.
Do you see anything changing soon?
Does Gerry have relatives working in key positions? Is some relative in charge of HR?
Why don't they just clean house?
DOES THE PRODUCT WORK? OD's from opiods tripled in the US just announced today.
Even with these issues in upper management that should not stop reps from selling and putting money in their pockets.
Are the reps on salary? or are they on a small salary with the opportunity to make big commissions if they do well with stock options?

In my estimation if this product is available and a doctor uses an opiate
for pain he or she must be crazy because of liability. This just does not make sense to me.

I am trying to get some insight so I can decide to stay or sell. From what you pointed out I think it is time to sell.

Does anyone have any encouraging insight on why this company could be successful.
What are some of the things they are doing right?

All I see is them burning money, doing a reserve split and doing another offering soon to raise capital.
Why in the world do people stay with this company if there is not anything positive going on?

There is no chance for this ship to turn around. Five months into launch last year they laid off 1/2 of the sales force just before Christmas. No reason given except for panic over covid. These were good reps, too. Of the ones that were left, the top producers got overlooked every time they did something good and the liars took credit for their work.

When liars and sexual harassers are promoted and their victims swept under the rug, it is completely demoralizing. The producers here are all looking to leave, and trust me, when they are gone, there will be nobody left except for the losers who are just sitting around collecting paychecks. The doctors who have relationships with the good reps that they screwed over know all of this too, and they have already begun to quit buying. This ship is sinking like the Titanic!

That is sad to hear. I thought this company had the product that was going to kick butt and take names. My fault for not doing more due diligence on upper management if what you say is true.

Is it possible to get any other feed back on how the reps are paid?
Does the product work?
Is there a possibility of licenseing? or being bought.?
Stock took a beating today. Sold a few shares myself.

All I see on every site I go to is negative.

Did the last commentor say that some reps have not sold 100 vials a year that equals 8 vials a month. WOW !
Did you say the rep in Southeast sold 150 vials a month?
If so what gives with that? Why is she successful and why don't other reps get her input and take some advise from her.

That rep was #1 in the Country and is a solid rock star! He was passed over for promotion for a yes man who doesn't know the difference between IV and IM. He left for much greener pastures where he is actually. valued and respected. Baudax is toxic!

If you're really an investor, and not just a made up person one of the Baudax Cafe Pharmatrolls made up, I would recommend against taking investment advice for your $100K from someone that uses 10 exclamations to end a sentence.

You only hear bad things about the company on here because it's only the people who are personally failing in their job who post on here. No one who is successful in the field is pissing away time posting on here.

The company has great leadership, GG, PB, and JC are universally incredibly intelligent people who bring a ton of value to the company. Well, at least to the people more motivated to sell this drug than to post on here. Internet trolls aren't a big focus of the company, so the few ppl you see on here probably don't see a lot of value from leadership.

The people on here giving you investment advice are on here as a defense mechanism to deflect from their failures. I'd bet none of them have sold more than 100 vials this year.

Also, they talk about the top rep in the company leaving like it's a tragedy. He had one big account and that account's sales have gone up since he left. So I don't think he was providing a lot of value.

Do yourself a favor, and seek investment advice elsewhere. This is closer to an episode of Springer than anything remotely insightful.

You want to know how insightful the ppl posting on here are? On Nov 12, they posted about reps in the Central region of the company working 2 jobs. It took a day or two, but they eventually realized what they did and took it down. It can take a troll a few days to realize what they're doing. Don't take investment advice from ppl like that.

Everything you just said is laughable. Quit trying to cover for GG. The jig is up. Everyone knows. Your lies won't save you now.

Disgruntled former employee - your just because we fired you!
The one that is still here and posting it is so obvious who you are your time here is soon to be over!
Please note the use of a single exclamation point being all that is needed.

Maybe if you did your job instead of trying to insult the people you are screwing over there might be hope for this company. But you would rather take issue with exclamation points?????????????????????

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