Bard Access Interview...good move?

Not sure why all the drama. BAS hires young talented reps, underpays them (do you have any idea what the GP on a PICC is? It's A LOT), and burns them out. This is a strategic decision by those in higher positions than DB, just look at the other Bard divisions.

When you're paying someone 1% of what they're responsible to make sure they don't lose (even though SOLO is the most horrific product on the mkt and clots constantly and the mtkng geniuses completely missed the boat on staying ahead of the curve with a coated option), it's no wonder reps get tired of defending their business all the time. Especially when you have to sell a Ponzi scheme PIV just to "earn" your maintenance.

If you're 25-28 yrs old and want to get into medical, take the job. If not, it's probably not for you for a multitude of reasons.

1) true
2) who the fuck do you work for
3) once again who do you work for
4) untrue again
5) WTF you should quit if this is true
6) LIE, it sounds like you are on a performance plan.
7) This is your job and in fact any job woudl require to be the go to person. As the sales person it is your job to handle these issues.

Holy manager roid-rage!

I don't think each one of them is a DB robot. Some of the DMs are actually good managers that will move up in the organization.

That's where you're wrong...the good ones who actually care about their people, treat them well and are not clones will not be moved up. Look at all the good ones who left or multiple good DM's who have been passed over/not considered for promotion because they are not in the DB club.

There are a decent amount of good DM's left, it would be advisable to do homework to see if you are interviewing with one of those good ones.

As I understand it not all DMs want to become RMs. It sounds like an RM position has a ton of travel and work involved. Much like most companies there are good managers and not so good managers. If you are interviewing for a TM position you must get along well with your manager or you will most likely be unhappy.

Big talk on an anonomous blog. If this is what you think of those that spend time working to understand the business LEAVE. Actually my guess is that you don't work at BAS because nobody would be dumb enough to feel this way and stay. In the event that you do I would suggest you grow a pair and talk to your DM. You probably won't though, instead you continue to sit by yourself making no money and posting over and over again making yourself sound like the masses.

So right on. I don't get the discontent unless you are a clear under performer. I have made more money this year than anytime in the last 3. Take the advice and find something that would make you happy, like unemployment.

I am performing just fine and making good money. Not great money for all of the bullshit I deal with, but this job has become no different than when I was at Xerox. micromanaging at its finest! every rep, doing good or bad feels the same way. Why do you think we drink so much at the meetings?! and Yes even the ones who have golden terriotires and can sit back and truely manage their accounts. This place was the place to be and as soon as this year is over and I load my accounts at the end of the year, I will be gone! I have put my few years in, long enough to build the resume.

Say what you want, doesnt matter. I have used you, just like you have used me.

You will not be alone in leaving. I'm sure turnover of some big names in the salesforce will shake things up

I doubt it will. They don't care about the reps. Their mentality is to grind us as long as they can and find someone new. It isn't like we sell clinically challenging products anymore. There is Not much clinical selling in Our entire bag. It's all price driven.

Besides, they are turning this into a distributor job and they will be able to hire run of the mill reps to come to work for entry level money.

I doubt it will. They don't care about the reps. Their mentality is to grind us as long as they can and find someone new. It isn't like we sell clinically challenging products anymore. There is Not much clinical selling in Our entire bag. It's all price driven.

Besides, they are turning this into a distributor job and they will be able to hire run of the mill reps to come to work for entry level money.

This job used to be $170-180k at plan, now it's $130k. I'm bored out of my fucking skull selling the new bag with only ultrasounds, dialysis and 3CG taking any mental effort. They have worked hard to dumb down the bag, the sales process and this entire division. It's a shame as this was once one of the best device jobs.

This is the best in class device company in the world and BAS only loses people that do not want to be here or be successful. I will say that most people that have left regret their decision. The next salesperson that leaves will fall into that same category and think the grass is greener.