B&L seeks 200 job cuts in Waterford

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Gone since March, waited for my 30% bonas and went out the door with my big fat cheque after 30 years doing the books, europian, but still have Family members on the floor (union) and life long friends, that did not have my choice, wish Waterford and Rochester many years ahead

And tonight Matthew....I'm going to be P.L. Get back to work and keep those Moulding machines running. You know how annoying it is to see them down!

A sad day really all round. Basically a loaded gun was pointed at the heads of all SIPTU members. They were left to feel as though the future of the whole South East region was at stake by how they voted. A shocking thing to do to ordinary working people. I for one will never forget the part local senior management played in this charade. They should be ashamed of themselves. As for Valeant, if anyone thinks this will stop anymore cuts further down the line well the bad news is it won't. They'll be back for more and more. Next question to be answered will be what happens when TEEU vote a big fat NO?? Let's see what happens then?? Are we looking at a situation where they go into dispute and maybe industrial action further on. This still has to be played out. As for SIPTU voting 24 hours before TEEU what can I say. Mind boggling stuff really. The least those clowns on the SIPTU union could have done was keep the ballot boxes closed until tomorrow. Just seemed they couldn't wait to run out and tell Tiernan the result for the 6 0' Clock news. I'd say Conti was on the blower 5 minutes later to Senior Mgement laughing his bollocks off.

This thread should be more exposed to the American media...it would allow more people to see what is more to come to hard working employees employed by Valeant's need for more greed or cost cutting synergies as they call it.

My heart goes out to all those affected.

A sad day really all round. Basically a loaded gun was pointed at the heads of all SIPTU members. They were left to feel as though the future of the whole South East region was at stake by how they voted. A shocking thing to do to ordinary working people. I for one will never forget the part local senior management played in this charade. They should be ashamed of themselves. As for Valeant, if anyone thinks this will stop anymore cuts further down the line well the bad news is it won't. They'll be back for more and more. Next question to be answered will be what happens when TEEU vote a big fat NO?? Let's see what happens then?? Are we looking at a situation where they go into dispute and maybe industrial action further on. This still has to be played out. As for SIPTU voting 24 hours before TEEU what can I say. Mind boggling stuff really. The least those clowns on the SIPTU union could have done was keep the ballot boxes closed until tomorrow. Just seemed they couldn't wait to run out and tell Tiernan the result for the 6 0' Clock news. I'd say Conti was on the blower 5 minutes later to Senior Mgement laughing his bollocks off.
Well said I agree with you 100% , the company now have to put loads of spin on everything , if they don't they will have a work force that will do fcuk all for them so they will tell us that investment is coming that they won't touch or terms and conditions again but they will at the end of the day its valiants company they can do what they want, so if people think its over there wrong

So TEEU have agreed to accept the cuts too, a bit surprising the 2/3s majority in both unions ballots but then again when people are bullied and scared it's difficult to see reason. Unfortunately, this is probably the thin end of the wedge, Pearson and Asherrin have no credibility having lied their way through all their takeovers. Hopefully the Allergan shareholders see through the lies and resist the takeover.
As for B&L (not Bausch, not B+L) the best can happen is to be sold/divested to a real company that are actually interested in developing new products. Valeants greedy, egotistic performance in Waterford aided by the local Senior Muppet Team will haunt a lot of people for a long time but it will be repaid with less productivity and flexibility for at least 2 years. The real losers have been all the employees (staff and union members), little consolation but they can hold their heads up high as united they met the most horrible demands of junk rated corporate executives with honesty, integrity and humility. Valeant may have won the battle but they will never win the war, truth always wins out and Pearson and co will be found out sooner than later.

If the mafia comes to your door and tells you that you have to give them 16% if your income to guarantee future earnings it's a protection racket.

If Angelo does it it's a re alignment of the cost base, please confirm the difference ? Locusts feed and then move on, they are currently feeding, and B&L is on the menu, they will move on, but only when there is nothing left.

I wonder will there be a secret ceremony in Waterford to acknowledge Mike's new "made men", Faithlegg is generally the location of choice.


If someone forced me into 8% paycut just so they could line their own pockets I would give that much less effort in quality and productivity. And I would hope to be divested to a more sane company.

157 siptu workers voted no, they wanted to show valeant that they were not going to roll over easily and maybe they would have got a better deal if everybody had stuck together, sadly this was not the case the vote was rushed and workers panicked believing valeants threat, would they really have closed shop in Waterford?????

157 siptu workers voted no, they wanted to show valeant that they were not going to roll over easily and maybe they would have got a better deal if everybody had stuck together, sadly this was not the case the vote was rushed and workers panicked believing valeants threat, would they really have closed shop in Waterford?????

Who says the threats wouldnt be carried out by Valeant.
Their history dictates that closing WF wouldnt give them a 2nd thought if they got pissed enough with the unions etc.

The 157 who voted no to the agreement were probably the usual big mouths in the factory who always mouth about management and them upstairs.
The same 157 that were willing to jeopardize the jobs of everyone else so because THEY believed that Valeant were bluffing....thats a big gamble to take and would without doubt resulted in Valeant closing the WF plant with the same loud mouths then whinging that they were made redundant and had to sign on at the social.
Theres no accounting for idiocy

O Dear managment and them upstairs quote just shows what side of the fence you are on , just remember when you are dishing out your new orders from your valeant pay masters that it was the siptu workers in the factory that saved your job.so just remember to thank us all as you walk the corodors.

Who says the threats wouldnt be carried out by Valeant.
Their history dictates that closing WF wouldnt give them a 2nd thought if they got pissed enough with the unions etc.

The 157 who voted no to the agreement were probably the usual big mouths in the factory who always mouth about management and them upstairs.
The same 157 that were willing to jeopardize the jobs of everyone else so because THEY believed that Valeant were bluffing....thats a big gamble to take and would without doubt resulted in Valeant closing the WF plant with the same loud mouths then whinging that they were made redundant and had to sign on at the social.
Theres no accounting for idiocy

You have seen through our cunning plan o wise one. 157 card carrying commie sleepers carried out the orders of our great sleeper leader J Mikeal Pearsonovski to vote against his plan to slash pay and conditions in Waterford. O wise one, we the 157 have a soft spot for you. a bog in the west of Ireland.
Seriously, have you considered an alternative view that 157 people made a very principled stand under very difficult circumstances to protect pay and conditions, including yours.
Perhaps you should now take time to explain to your children why they will work for minimum wage because daddy had no cahones.
Be under no illusion the craven gang of four who facilitated J Mikeal Pearsonovski will come after you again and again. Maybe then you will find a voice.
Sorry, I just drifted into an alternative universe, for a moment I thought you grew a pair.

Who says the threats wouldnt be carried out by Valeant.
Their history dictates that closing WF wouldnt give them a 2nd thought if they got pissed enough with the unions etc.

The 157 who voted no to the agreement were probably the usual big mouths in the factory who always mouth about management and them upstairs.
The same 157 that were willing to jeopardize the jobs of everyone else so because THEY believed that Valeant were bluffing....thats a big gamble to take and would without doubt resulted in Valeant closing the WF plant with the same loud mouths then whinging that they were made redundant and had to sign on at the social.
Theres no accounting for idiocy

157 workers had guts , I likeeee it yea.........up yours management!!

The Valeant Goons arrive back to WF tomorrow to gloat and demonstrate that they mean business. They will probably rub all your noses in it..Thanking you all for the Vote of confidence!

You have seen through our cunning plan o wise one. 157 card carrying commie sleepers carried out the orders of our great sleeper leader J Mikeal Pearsonovski to vote against his plan to slash pay and conditions in Waterford. O wise one, we the 157 have a soft spot for you. a bog in the west of Ireland.
Seriously, have you considered an alternative view that 157 people made a very principled stand under very difficult circumstances to protect pay and conditions, including yours.
Perhaps you should now take time to explain to your children why they will work for minimum wage because daddy had no cahones.
Be under no illusion the craven gang of four who facilitated J Mikeal Pearsonovski will come after you again and again. Maybe then you will find a voice.
Sorry, I just drifted into an alternative universe, for a moment I thought you grew a pair.

you seem to be forgetting that the majority of SIPTU workers voted in favour of the deal, far outweighing the 157 idiots that voted against it.
If the 157 "Principled" idiots you speak of that voted against it had their way, i would be telling my children why daddy has to go down and sign on the dole from now on.
As far as growing a pair is concerned, its the majority of SIPTU workers that voted in favor of the deal that had the balls to swallow the bitter pill in order to keep their jobs and the region at large still afloat financially, if it were up to the 157 idiots with their "Principles" we'd all be down the Cork rd. signing on, but then again those 157 could ring their banks and ask them if they could trade in their brave principles for mortgage payments to keep their homes

you seem to be forgetting that the majority of SIPTU workers voted in favour of the deal, far outweighing the 157 idiots that voted against it.
If the 157 "Principled" idiots you speak of that voted against it had their way, i would be telling my children why daddy has to go down and sign on the dole from now on.
As far as growing a pair is concerned, its the majority of SIPTU workers that voted in favor of the deal that had the balls to swallow the bitter pill in order to keep their jobs and the region at large still afloat financially, if it were up to the 157 idiots with their "Principles" we'd all be down the Cork rd. signing on, but then again those 157 could ring their banks and ask them if they could trade in their brave principles for mortgage payments to keep their homes

Your obviously a "yes" man with no backbone, what happens when valeant come back looking for more cuts, which in time they will, will you vote yes again , as for calling the 157 who voted no idiots.. look in the mirror and you'll see the idiot

you seem to be forgetting that the majority of SIPTU workers voted in favour of the deal, far outweighing the 157 idiots that voted against it.
If the 157 "Principled" idiots you speak of that voted against it had their way, i would be telling my children why daddy has to go down and sign on the dole from now on.
As far as growing a pair is concerned, its the majority of SIPTU workers that voted in favor of the deal that had the balls to swallow the bitter pill in order to keep their jobs and the region at large still afloat financially, if it were up to the 157 idiots with their "Principles" we'd all be down the Cork rd. signing on, but then again those 157 could ring their banks and ask them if they could trade in their brave principles for mortgage payments to keep their homes

Your missing the point completely, the siptu members who voted no didn't do it to close the place they voted no to try and get a better deal, not to be walked on , isn't that what people are meant to do fight for their rights, nobody wanted the factory to close, don't criticise people for standing up for themselves