B&L seeks 200 job cuts in Waterford

Well said.when valeant get there way and pearson and his crones see that waterford gave into all there requests have no doubt they will be back for more! Stick or twist I think the waterford plant is doomed it is already a winding down operation.

The workers in Waterford need to reject these proposals outright, valeant are going to run that factory into the ground, they will be back for more cuts that's what they do, thats the way they operate why should Waterford be any different, workers will end up working for less and less and then it will close anyway. Now is the time to stand together people..

The workers in Waterford need to reject these proposals outright, valeant are going to run that factory into the ground, they will be back for more cuts that's what they do, thats the way they operate why should Waterford be any different, workers will end up working for less and less and then it will close anyway. Now is the time to stand together people..

They won't stick together and it will be voted in ....why? It's because too many people care about the redundancy and not the poor bastards that are left behind.

Yes, Valeant is profit focused, but shuttering Waterford is a poor business decision. Why kill BioTrue? You can't move it and lose the experts or it will die. They're trying to lower the costs to make the Contact Lens business more attractive to sell to a competitor that knows the lens business. They do not understand lenses and will not invest in development. They are Pharma focused and wanted our strong pipeline (through acquisitions). Our lens competitors might pay premium for BioTrue and Ultra. Buy the lens business and shutter the legacy products. It's about selling the lens business. Same thought for Surgical.

Proposal needs to be rejected for the underlying reason that is being hidden behind the all the talk of redundancy package,bonus buyouts etc It is for pure greed that Valeant want these cuts,why are local senior mgmt backing it? Simple,their annual bonus is huge,this year it was 30%! And that's a fact, Cooney, Lyng etc stayed until March to get the bonus before legging it with their package. So, while mgmt spin the need to be competitive story they are only raising smoke screens. Workers will be compensated for bonus loss by 4% for 2yrs,senior mgmt will lose 4% off a 30% bonus,hardly equitable to what they are asking the people who actually make the product to take.
The threat of take it or leave it is bull too, valeant want to save $20M not lose $100M by risking loss of lens production through closure or industrial action.
Also, the dodgy reason for not having to agree new contracts with staff is total crap,they are betting on nobody challenging the legality of this,especially staff that have no collective rights.
Reject the offer, if for no other reason that it is illegal, immoral and unethical in the extreme.

Believe it or not SIPTU and TEEU are doing a great job,and I'm not in either union. Conti and Asherin are winging it back to the ego that is Pierson to ask what to do next. They have no idea how to negotiate, thought they could walk in and threaten 20% cut or closure and found that nobody laid down. Keep with your union,they will beat the greed masters.

the Union are clapping themselfs on the back, for what, right the were up in dublin all day and all nite for a week, but what did they get, sweet fuck all, they were given a letter of requests in the end, and they took it, they are getting paid enough every week, we are keeping them in jobs,I think they should be abit stronger, Top Manegment in waterford did out all the cuts, it was plain to see, but there turn will come

I also agree that this so called deal should be rejected out of hand as said before there is alot of grey areas when it comes to staff , if everything was on the table why was there free vhi not touched and also for the floor to lose all bonus and stafff to lose only 4% it's not comparable , and also I hope that siptu and the teeu are going to reduce there weekly subs to the workers to help eleviate the burden of this cripling paycut.

It's time to put up or shut up! Weekenders voted, 3shifter and day workers next. What will the outcome bring? Reduced rates and poverty....or closure..It's not good news whatever way you look on it.

I also agree that this so called deal should be rejected out of hand as said before there is alot of grey areas when it comes to staff , if everything was on the table why was there free vhi not touched and also for the floor to lose all bonus and stafff to lose only 4% it's not comparable , and also I hope that siptu and the teeu are going to reduce there weekly subs to the workers to help eleviate the burden of this cripling paycut.

4% = 4% no matter what way you look at it. Typical smuck. You assume everyone upstairs is on massive bonuses. Not so. Some of us are on 4% also. Free Vhi..You're havin a laugh, while you clock up your OT bill. We are all in this together. The only way out is if you vote No. I have no vote. That's not comparable!

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Well presented, I sincerely hope you are correct.

If I am interpreting correctly you are implying the Government are co conspirators in this, is there evidence or is that your assertion?

The lack of representation by the Waterford Senior staff on behalf of the employees has also been shocking.

these are the ones that did up the wage cuts , we have 2 accountants running Bausch and Lomb waterford, they had already put some of these cuts to the workers months ago to reduce costs, so how did Valient come up with the same cuts, one of these accountants is damien Finn, head ponco, and the other is a lassie, Shame on both of them, they should be trying to give waterford money instead of taking it out,
If only Valient could wake up and see who is pulling the wool over there eyes, waterford have more H.R people with nothing to do, but there all related so they keep hiding,

Valient get a few of your people in here to see what really needs to be done

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

these are the ones that did up the wage cuts , we have 2 accountants running Bausch and Lomb waterford, they had already put some of these cuts to the workers months ago to reduce costs, so how did Valient come up with the same cuts, one of these accountants is damien Finn, head ponco, and the other is a lassie, Shame on both of them, they should be trying to give waterford money instead of taking it out,
If only Valient could wake up and see who is pulling the wool over there eyes, waterford have more H.R people with nothing to do, but there all related so they keep hiding,

Valient get a few of your people in here to see what really needs to be done

Yes you are right. Call the cops. Its a conspiracy. Management actually have a say in running the factory.

Are you delusional ? Give you money when Valiant say the site is too expensive ? If what you say is true about local management trying to get some of these cuts months ago maybe you should have listened to them. They are smarter than you are. Then maybe Valeant would not have come swinging the big axe. We might not like it, but it could be worse. We all took a cut, and hopefully gave the site 10 more years. If you can't handle it - leave. See how that works out for you.

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Yes you are right. Call the cops. Its a conspiracy. Management actually have a say in running the factory.

Are you delusional ? Give you money when Valiant say the site is too expensive ? If what you say is true about local management trying to get some of these cuts months ago maybe you should have listened to them. They are smarter than you are. Then maybe Valeant would not have come swinging the big axe. We might not like it, but it could be worse. We all took a cut, and hopefully gave the site 10 more years. If you can't handle it - leave. See how that works out for you.

I was probally one of the lucky one,s, waited untill by bonas was due in march, 30% bonas, then walked out the door with my big fat cheque, after 30 years,you see I can do the books too, but I still have family members on the floor, (union )that did,nt have my choice, .
Bausch and Lomb were a great company, that I owe alot too. I wish all well on both sides, Waterford and Rochester.

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Yes you are right. Call the cops. Its a conspiracy. Management actually have a say in running the factory.

Are you delusional ? Give you money when Valiant say the site is too expensive ? If what you say is true about local management trying to get some of these cuts months ago maybe you should have listened to them. They are smarter than you are. Then maybe Valeant would not have come swinging the big axe. We might not like it, but it could be worse. We all took a cut, and hopefully gave the site 10 more years. If you can't handle it - leave. See how that works out for you.

I was one of the lucky one,s, waited until march and got my 30% bonas, then walked out the door with my big fat cheque after 30 years, That was I did, the acc books,

But I do have family members (union) AND LIFE LONG friends, that did not have the choice that I had, well I was cut also but could afford to go.

But I wish Both Waterford and Rochester many years ahead

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Yes you are right. Call the cops. Its a conspiracy. Management actually have a say in running the factory.

Are you delusional ? Give you money when Valiant say the site is too expensive ? If what you say is true about local management trying to get some of these cuts months ago maybe you should have listened to them. They are smarter than you are. Then maybe Valeant would not have come swinging the big axe. We might not like it, but it could be worse. We all took a cut, and hopefully gave the site 10 more years. If you can't handle it - leave. See how that works out for you.

Gone since March, waited for my 30% bonas and went out the door with my big fat cheque after 30 years doing the books, europian, but still have Family members on the floor (union) and life long friends, that did not have my choice, wish Waterford and Rochester many years ahead

Re: Valeant's Plan to reduce BL Waterford Closure Cost

Gone since March, waited for my 30% bonas and went out the door with my big fat cheque after 30 years doing the books, europian, but still have Family members on the floor (union) and life long friends, that did not have my choice, wish Waterford and Rochester many years ahead

Get back to work you idiot. We all know this isn't the person you are pretending to be! After 3 different attempts and between poor grammer and bad spelling, I'd say you're a Blister inspector. Lol!