B&L seeks 200 job cuts in Waterford

Your missing the point completely, the siptu members who voted no didn't do it to close the place they voted no to try and get a better deal, not to be walked on , isn't that what people are meant to do fight for their rights, nobody wanted the factory to close, don't criticise people for standing up for themselves

Well said

you seem to be forgetting that the majority of SIPTU workers voted in favour of the deal, far outweighing the 157 idiots that voted against it.
If the 157 "Principled" idiots you speak of that voted against it had their way, i would be telling my children why daddy has to go down and sign on the dole from now on.
As far as growing a pair is concerned, its the majority of SIPTU workers that voted in favor of the deal that had the balls to swallow the bitter pill in order to keep their jobs and the region at large still afloat financially, if it were up to the 157 idiots with their "Principles" we'd all be down the Cork rd. signing on, but then again those 157 could ring their banks and ask them if they could trade in their brave principles for mortgage payments to keep their homes

Ah wise one, I am so happy to see you have taken some time off from brown nosing the gang of four.
You seem to miss the whole point of a ballot, it is how democracy works. The principled 157 accept the result of the ballot box.
I have seen valeant are back in town with a 6 million investment. Who do you think is paying for that, valeant??? Wake up and smell the coffee, not the other brown stuff. We are, you, I and every other tax payer in the Country through the I.D.A.
Valeant have succeeded in one thing, that is starting the race to the bottom for every other private sector worker in the Country.
So yes I do suggest you sit your children down and explain why daddy sold their future short.

you seem to be forgetting that the majority of SIPTU workers voted in favour of the deal, far outweighing the 157 idiots that voted against it.
If the 157 "Principled" idiots you speak of that voted against it had their way, i would be telling my children why daddy has to go down and sign on the dole from now on.
As far as growing a pair is concerned, its the majority of SIPTU workers that voted in favor of the deal that had the balls to swallow the bitter pill in order to keep their jobs and the region at large still afloat financially, if it were up to the 157 idiots with their "Principles" we'd all be down the Cork rd. signing on, but then again those 157 could ring their banks and ask them if they could trade in their brave principles for mortgage payments to keep their homes

there,s more than one way to skin a cat,
alot of those no votes can hold the workers to ransom, think about it, small cut in there big wages, I leave my tools at home, lol oops

Ah wise one, I am so happy to see you have taken some time off from brown nosing the gang of four.
You seem to miss the whole point of a ballot, it is how democracy works. The principled 157 accept the result of the ballot box.
I have seen valeant are back in town with a 6 million investment. Who do you think is paying for that, valeant??? Wake up and smell the coffee, not the other brown stuff. We are, you, I and every other tax payer in the Country through the I.D.A.
Valeant have succeeded in one thing, that is starting the race to the bottom for every other private sector worker in the Country.
So yes I do suggest you sit your children down and explain why daddy sold their future short.

youre obviously one of the 157 principled idiots.
The long and short of it is that the majority voted in favour of the deal, and a very small minority voted against it.
Whatever ideology the no voters, yourself included want to run with, go ahead if it makes you feel better about yourselves and the way ye are in the minority.
Thankfully the vast majority of the workers had sense and didnt play russian roulette with their livelihoods so as to make a principled stand albeit a futile one.
Its idiots like ye who have the big mouths on the floor but if everyone went with ye and voted against the deal and Valeant closed the plant, I guarantee ye'd be very f***ing quiet and would be keeping yere heads down, denying ye had anything to do with the closure.
So in short f**k off, ye were out voted by people with sense, simple as that, no get over yerselves

Your missing the point completely, the siptu members who voted no didn't do it to close the place they voted no to try and get a better deal, not to be walked on , isn't that what people are meant to do fight for their rights, nobody wanted the factory to close, don't criticise people for standing up for themselves

Isnt it lucky not everyone decided to vote against it and "Stand up for themselves", because if they did, the plant WOULD have closed and no better deal would have been gained

youre obviously one of the 157 principled idiots.
The long and short of it is that the majority voted in favour of the deal, and a very small minority voted against it.
Whatever ideology the no voters, yourself included want to run with, go ahead if it makes you feel better about yourselves and the way ye are in the minority.
Thankfully the vast majority of the workers had sense and didnt play russian roulette with their livelihoods so as to make a principled stand albeit a futile one.
Its idiots like ye who have the big mouths on the floor but if everyone went with ye and voted against the deal and Valeant closed the plant, I guarantee ye'd be very f***ing quiet and would be keeping yere heads down, denying ye had anything to do with the closure.
So in short f**k off, ye were out voted by people with sense, simple as that, no get over yerselves

Jeeeez get over yourself man, you can't seem to handle the fact that people have a mind of their own, now get back to your little desk upstairs like a good little boy

Isnt it lucky not everyone decided to vote against it and "Stand up for themselves", because if they did, the plant WOULD have closed and no better deal would have been gained

Really well if that's your thinking there's no hope for any of us, your another one who doesn't grasp the concept of a vote, some vote yes others vote no, freedom of thinking and all that, the valeant bullies are watching and waiting to pounce again, when the 2 year pay freeze has expired they'll be back for more and will keep coming back until everyone is working for minimum wage, have a nice day now

Really well if that's your thinking there's no hope for any of us, your another one who doesn't grasp the concept of a vote, some vote yes others vote no, freedom of thinking and all that, the valeant bullies are watching and waiting to pounce again, when the 2 year pay freeze has expired they'll be back for more and will keep coming back until everyone is working for minimum wage, have a nice day now

If Valeant come back for more cuts in the future, this plant will close as no one will be willing to accept any further cuts, people would rather f**k up Valeants supply of lenses for the 18 or so months it would take them to wind the WF plant down to closure and I for one would enjoy doing it.
They would not only be a distant 4th, theyd be a distant last as they would have no lenses to supply anyone with.

Really well if that's your thinking there's no hope for any of us, your another one who doesn't grasp the concept of a vote, some vote yes others vote no, freedom of thinking and all that, the valeant bullies are watching and waiting to pounce again, when the 2 year pay freeze has expired they'll be back for more and will keep coming back until everyone is working for minimum wage, have a nice day now

I fully understand that concept of a vote, majority rules and the YES voters were in the vast majority. the concept of losing a vote seems to be lost on you, hence your stupid posts on here spouting about no voters having principles and all that shite

The NO voters LOST, the YES voters WON get over it or if it doesnt suit ya resign and sign on the dole because thats where you would have ended up if the no vote won you clown

I fully understand that concept of a vote, majority rules and the YES voters were in the vast majority. the concept of losing a vote seems to be lost on you, hence your stupid posts on here spouting about no voters having principles and all that shite

The NO voters LOST, the YES voters WON get over it or if it doesnt suit ya resign and sign on the dole because thats where you would have ended up if the no vote won you clown
Your still not getting it, the point your missing is people have the right to vote whatever way they want,who are you to slate people for voting no, each person makes up their own mind, the vote is in and workers are getting on with things, everyone has principles both the yes and no voters, now get back to work the circus is calling you

youre obviously one of the 157 principled idiots.
The long and short of it is that the majority voted in favour of the deal, and a very small minority voted against it.
Whatever ideology the no voters, yourself included want to run with, go ahead if it makes you feel better about yourselves and the way ye are in the minority.
Thankfully the vast majority of the workers had sense and didnt play russian roulette with their livelihoods so as to make a principled stand albeit a futile one.
Its idiots like ye who have the big mouths on the floor but if everyone went with ye and voted against the deal and Valeant closed the plant, I guarantee ye'd be very f***ing quiet and would be keeping yere heads down, denying ye had anything to do with the closure.
So in short f**k off, ye were out voted by people with sense, simple as that, no get over yerselves

O wise one, I am lost as to where you are going with this!
Just as I thought we were developing a beautiful bromance you resort to foul and abusive language. Or, is it possible you are in denial?
Let me for the the sake of clarity restate what we already know. The company proposals of cuts were carried. 157 SIPTU members voted against. A sizable number of TEEU members voted against it. Clerical & technical wanted a vote but did not have one. All have accepted the result. We are now working as normal. What part of that do you not understand?
The fact remains a sizable number of employees exercised their right under law to dissent.
History has proved that dissenters improved the lot of ordinary people, including the right to free speech, free association and freedom from subjugation.
Without dissent we would still be peasants.
Can I suggest some reading material which may enlighten you? No, maybe not, it does'nt have bubble captions.
remember, "Tis better to be a man of character than a man of substance".

O wise one, I am lost as to where you are going with this!
Just as I thought we were developing a beautiful bromance you resort to foul and abusive language. Or, is it possible you are in denial?
Let me for the the sake of clarity restate what we already know. The company proposals of cuts were carried. 157 SIPTU members voted against. A sizable number of TEEU members voted against it. Clerical & technical wanted a vote but did not have one. All have accepted the result. We are now working as normal. What part of that do you not understand?
The fact remains a sizable number of employees exercised their right under law to dissent.
History has proved that dissenters improved the lot of ordinary people, including the right to free speech, free association and freedom from subjugation.
Without dissent we would still be peasants.
Can I suggest some reading material which may enlighten you? No, maybe not, it does'nt have bubble captions.
remember, "Tis better to be a man of character than a man of substance".

Bromance - who said I was male ?

I know that the vote was carried and "We're all back working normally" but if the no voters had their way we would have no job to be "Working normally" at, thats the original issue here.

The level of stupidity I witnessed in this plant around the time of the voting was incredible, people had facts arse ways, passing on here say in the name of truth when it was anything but.
Some of the questions asked at the meeting in the canteen were unbelievable, someone even asked that when the €20m was saved up, would we get our wages back to normal again ?
The level of idiocy was unreal, it was embarrassing at times, and there was a lot of people of the above caliber that voted no.
I even overheard one person say "Aaah sure Im votin no, sure every wan is arent they ?", in other words this person had no personal idea of what was at stake and was just happy to follow who they thought were the majority crowd.
All you need then is a few of the loud mouths on shift to start bawling and the poor idiots with no brains will follow their every word, we all know who we're talking about, theyre on every shift.
As for the TEEU lads, it was the first time they had to stick to a deal that everyone else were getting and no little extra deals were done for them.
Make no mistake, if SIPTU were getting a 9% pay cut and the TEEU done a deal at 7.5%, the yes vote would have been even higher, the TEEU dont give a fiddler about the SIPTU workers and have looked after themselves with little deals fore years in here, tough shit for them, we're all on a level playing field in here for once.
If the TEEU lads had voted no and went outside the door, theyd have very little support internally and externally and whats more they knew it, thats why they voted yes in majority.

So taking in to account the above, forgive me if I keep my opinion of the no voters intact.

Remember: Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.

Bromance - who said I was male ?

I know that the vote was carried and "We're all back working normally" but if the no voters had their way we would have no job to be "Working normally" at, thats the original issue here.

The level of stupidity I witnessed in this plant around the time of the voting was incredible, people had facts arse ways, passing on here say in the name of truth when it was anything but.
Some of the questions asked at the meeting in the canteen were unbelievable, someone even asked that when the €20m was saved up, would we get our wages back to normal again ?
The level of idiocy was unreal, it was embarrassing at times, and there was a lot of people of the above caliber that voted no.
I even overheard one person say "Aaah sure Im votin no, sure every wan is arent they ?", in other words this person had no personal idea of what was at stake and was just happy to follow who they thought were the majority crowd.
All you need then is a few of the loud mouths on shift to start bawling and the poor idiots with no brains will follow their every word, we all know who we're talking about, theyre on every shift.
As for the TEEU lads, it was the first time they had to stick to a deal that everyone else were getting and no little extra deals were done for them.
Make no mistake, if SIPTU were getting a 9% pay cut and the TEEU done a deal at 7.5%, the yes vote would have been even higher, the TEEU dont give a fiddler about the SIPTU workers and have looked after themselves with little deals fore years in here, tough shit for them, we're all on a level playing field in here for once.
If the TEEU lads had voted no and went outside the door, theyd have very little support internally and externally and whats more they knew it, thats why they voted yes in majority.

So taking in to account the above, forgive me if I keep my opinion of the no voters intact.

Remember: Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.
Oh not this again give it a bloody rest and get a life

He \ she's made you look like a bit of an idiot hast he \ she ? LOL

Hey we all know that your the he/she stop trying to make out your someone else, now your the only idiot here and what's worse is you know it, now give it a rest this is starting to get boring but hey I suspect you'll be back on here again as you obviously want the last word

All that can be said is, take the redundancy and run. This is the best time to go..at the start of the end. B&L is no more. Valeant have broken their word so many times already that if you believe they'll live upto their promises ie. No more cuts...then all I can say is that you deserve what you get. Get out NOW!

All that can be said is, take the redundancy and run. This is the best time to go..at the start of the end. B&L is no more. Valeant have broken their word so many times already that if you believe they'll live upto their promises ie. No more cuts...then all I can say is that you deserve what you get. Get out NOW!

True, valeant are only starting, this is only the first round of redundancies, the majority of workers know that it's on the way out, I hope people won't be stupid enough to vote in more cuts because rest assured they will come back looking for more

True, valeant are only starting, this is only the first round of redundancies, the majority of workers know that it's on the way out, I hope people won't be stupid enough to vote in more cuts because rest assured they will come back looking for more

Sadly there's going to be a lot forced out the door on compulsory redundancies