Angelo Counti is a poor emisary.
He bumbled and mumbled badly at recent staff meetings in Waterford.
He had the body language of someone who is very nervous.
He looked to be trying to hide the haystack, rather than hide behind it or in it.
When challenged to close the plant, he claimed no plan existed.
The previous day he threatened immediate closure citing a detailed plan.
It seems Valeant came to the Emerald Isle with only 1 card to play - workers dread of redundancy. Remove that and they have no cards at all.
When challenged with regard to WFD profitability Counti admitted that profits were never better. Not surprising, as productivity gains at WFD have been huge over the past 5 years.
Why all this confusion??? Sack that dreadfully inept spin doctor!
We may have the answer now.
A source suggests an unofficial plan existed to reduce the cost of closing WFD last year.
This involved three separate rounds of deep pay cuts(eg 20%, 15%,10%) aimed at driving away the majority of the 1200 workers, without having to pay redundancy.
But at this time, Mike P gave his personal word of honour that terms and conditions
would remain unaltered for BL WFD workers.
Is this the same word of honour, he is currently providing that the 20% cut currently sought shall be the last?
Unfortunately neither Mike nor the "Counti", realised that pay cuts are a breach of contract in Ireland, - unless the company is in administration or suffering a Force Majeurs. Neither obtain in this case.
The pay cuts are therefore a non-runner, in any guise, as they have no legal or moral basis.
Valeant are expected to remove this from the table early next week and apologise for their breach of faith.
But the mask has slipped and broken.
Valeant now have a major asset preservation concern in Ireland.
A >1 billion business is at risk at BL WFD.
In addition, Valeant's tax avoidance operation in Ireland is seriously threatened.
Given Valeant's enormous debt levels, a return to paying normal tax rates could cause the collapse of the Tower of Valeant.
Watch out for an announcement from a damaged government.
It is not often you see a government masterminding, in secret, a "shock and awe" plan which breached employment law.
Not very distinguished. Personally I find it rather disgusting.
The European Court may be the ultimate judge,and executioner
of a feckless,inept and hopeless government.