B&L seeks 200 job cuts in Waterford

Sadly there's going to be a lot forced out the door on compulsory redundancies

Don't play Russian roulette, take control and leave now, while you have the choice. The first deal is always the best. MP's letter/word is not worth the paper it's written on. He is what they call a Liar! Stay and you pay...Big time!

Bromance - who said I was male ?

I know that the vote was carried and "We're all back working normally" but if the no voters had their way we would have no job to be "Working normally" at, thats the original issue here.

The level of stupidity I witnessed in this plant around the time of the voting was incredible, people had facts arse ways, passing on here say in the name of truth when it was anything but.
Some of the questions asked at the meeting in the canteen were unbelievable, someone even asked that when the €20m was saved up, would we get our wages back to normal again ?
The level of idiocy was unreal, it was embarrassing at times, and there was a lot of people of the above caliber that voted no.
I even overheard one person say "Aaah sure Im votin no, sure every wan is arent they ?", in other words this person had no personal idea of what was at stake and was just happy to follow who they thought were the majority crowd.
All you need then is a few of the loud mouths on shift to start bawling and the poor idiots with no brains will follow their every word, we all know who we're talking about, theyre on every shift.
As for the TEEU lads, it was the first time they had to stick to a deal that everyone else were getting and no little extra deals were done for them.
Make no mistake, if SIPTU were getting a 9% pay cut and the TEEU done a deal at 7.5%, the yes vote would have been even higher, the TEEU dont give a fiddler about the SIPTU workers and have looked after themselves with little deals fore years in here, tough shit for them, we're all on a level playing field in here for once.
If the TEEU lads had voted no and went outside the door, theyd have very little support internally and externally and whats more they knew it, thats why they voted yes in majority.

So taking in to account the above, forgive me if I keep my opinion of the no voters intact.

Remember: Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart.

Ah wise one, where do I start?
Your mask slipped, as everybody expected and you have finally shown your true colours.
Your description of your co-workers defies belief, and I quote "The level of stupidity I witnessed in this plant around the time of the voting was incredible" "The level of idiocy was unreal, it was embarrassing at times, and there was a lot of people of the above caliber that voted no"
This is not about workers, or anybody else making a decision, voting on it and accepting the result. This is about you and your inability to accept not everybody will agree with you. I bet you are a barrel of laughs on a night out.
My advice to you when you reply to this post, and you will reply, is start with a grovelling apology to your co-workers for your attack on their integrity and honesty.
Just so you finally understand what everybody else knows, when I refer to you as wise one I am being sarcastic.
I'll sign off now, you are not worth wasting more time on.
Slán leat.

Do people here still believe that this deal was not arranged about 8 months ago between government, IDA, TEEU and SIPTU? No point fighting each other, the proposal included just the right amount of carrot and stick to ensure a Yes majority. 2 weeks in Faithleg was merely a cosmetic exercise for the powerless onlookers.
I have nothing but admiration for those with the courage to vote no. I also realise that many people were forced to swallow their vomit and vote yes, against their better instincts. It is what it is now, until the next round of threatening begins.
yippeekiyea motherfuckers.

Ah wise one, where do I start?
Your mask slipped, as everybody expected and you have finally shown your true colours.
Your description of your co-workers defies belief, and I quote "The level of stupidity I witnessed in this plant around the time of the voting was incredible" "The level of idiocy was unreal, it was embarrassing at times, and there was a lot of people of the above caliber that voted no"
This is not about workers, or anybody else making a decision, voting on it and accepting the result. This is about you and your inability to accept not everybody will agree with you. I bet you are a barrel of laughs on a night out.
My advice to you when you reply to this post, and you will reply, is start with a grovelling apology to your co-workers for your attack on their integrity and honesty.
Just so you finally understand what everybody else knows, when I refer to you as wise one I am being sarcastic.
I'll sign off now, you are not worth wasting more time on.
Slán leat.

Sorry, but I'm not the only one who found some of the questions asked at the meeting embarrassing. Some people genuinely hadnt a clue what was going on.
I heard a lot of people around me giving out about their co-workers aswell and the silliness of some of the questions so the feeling of bemusement wasnt just held by myself alone.

I wasnt attacking co-workers integrity and honesty, if you got off your soap box and stepped down from the moral high ground and actually read what I had written youd see I was commenting on the small minority (thankfully) of ops who showed how genuinely inept they are and one wonders how on earth they actually passed the test to get in here in the first place. Its actually dangerous giving people like that a vote, they can sway a decision that affects everyone simply based on misinformation or just being too thick to understand whats being told to them verbally or written in front of them.

As for grovelling for an apology......I think not, who would I be grovelling to, YOU or the idiot minority, I think not.

Thanks for clearing up the confusion as to why you called me Wise One.....and here was me thinking you WERENT being sarcastic....deary me, you really are an unfortunate!

not "too thick to understand", but too experienced to be deceived. (you are such a prick).

"Too experienced to be deceived", hahaha, now THAT'S funny !!!

Some of the people at the meeting couldn't even spell DECEIVED, you're obviously one of the slightly more intelligent ones.
Then again, when you have to resort to childish name calling to get you're message across it shows your intellect and articulation skills are quite limited.

Now go back to work you silly person LOL !!!

You are both like kids trying to get the last say. Either be brave enough to argue it out in person which I very much doubt or give it a rest. Now you should both get back to making/packing lenses! It's getting boring.

Sorry, but I'm not the only one who found some of the questions asked at the meeting embarrassing. Some people genuinely hadnt a clue what was going on.
I heard a lot of people around me giving out about their co-workers aswell and the silliness of some of the questions so the feeling of bemusement wasnt just held by myself alone.

I wasnt attacking co-workers integrity and honesty, if you got off your soap box and stepped down from the moral high ground and actually read what I had written youd see I was commenting on the small minority (thankfully) of ops who showed how genuinely inept they are and one wonders how on earth they actually passed the test to get in here in the first place. Its actually dangerous giving people like that a vote, they can sway a decision that affects everyone simply based on misinformation or just being too thick to understand whats being told to them verbally or written in front of them.

As for grovelling for an apology......I think not, who would I be grovelling to, YOU or the idiot minority, I think not.

Thanks for clearing up the confusion as to why you called me Wise One.....and here was me thinking you WERENT being sarcastic....deary me, you really are an unfortunate!

So , what are the redundancy terms for employees, and what is the maximum payment for long service employees, is it 2.5 years max?

So they are hiring in Waterford again: getting ready to sell off more like

HEALTHCARE products firm Bausch+Lomb is to create 50 new jobs in Waterford and to invest €41m.

Earlier this year, staff at the company had to take pay cuts and there were 200 redundancies.

Since then there has been a restructuring at the firm and the plant was upgraded.

The company said today the investment will be in its manufacturing facility at the Waterford IDA industrial estate.

what a joke yesterday, announcing 50 new jobs, and 42 million investment.

Half of the people that took redundancy will not be finishing up until the end of 2015, and they are hiring poor yellow pack workers that will be on the new wage they brought in(lower than the minimum wage, the 20 million they took from us is half the investment, And to make things better, they are getting money of the government to train the new workers, shower of wankers ,

Since their failed Allergan takeover on Nov. 17, Valeant has been busy pushing up their stock price (which had taken a big hit after the drip drip drip of information on their suspect financial practices during the past year):

1.) Immediately announced $2-billion in potential stock buyback (never mind that this is something they announce every year around this time, but rarely execute even a small portion of a buyback. The Valeant board approves the potential buyback for one year, the approval expires, and then the board announces a new buyback. Share price goes up. Lather, rinse, repeat.)

2.) Announced FDA approval of Onexton Gel, a reformulation of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide for acne treatment. Announced to showcase their R&D chops, which took a big (deserved) hit in the Allergan battle. There is nothing novel about Onexton, but a regular person --even a regular financial analyst person-- would not know that from reading the Valeant press release.

3.) Started their public Jublia campaign, having received a delayed FDA-approval in Q2 2014. This is the one that Pearson is staking his (meager) research dollars on. Nail fungus is very difficult to cure, and even Jublia, which is in some ways an improvement, can only cure about 10%+/-5% of fungal infections after months of expensive daily treatment. Here is where Pearson has started purchasing direct-to-consumer advertising (including TV ad spots) so people will initiate demands for Jublia treatment from their physicians.

4.) Jeffrey Ubben of Valueact, 2nd highest holder of Valeant stock and a newly appointed VRX board member during the difficult days of the hostile AGN takeover attempt, buys an additional 210,000 shares of VRX, worth about $30-million. A show of confidence in the stock in which he is already highly invested (and also a possible value trap).

5.) Valeant announces 29 Nov they are to redeem $445-million aggregate principal amount of 6.875% senior notes due 2018. They are trying to beat down their heavy debt, which stood at over $17-billion (!) during the Allergan takeover attempt. They did another similar debt reduction a month or two ago. When this goes through, their debt should be just under $16-billion. Their leverage is a real problem, as they are still rated as junk bond/high yield by rating agencies, a real turn-off for companies that are offered a combination of some cash and predominately Valeant's junk-rated stock as reward for selling their company to Valeant. Hmmmmm, interesting...just noticed the amount of the prinicipal senior note reduction is almost the amount that Ackman wired to them as their spoils in the failed AGN takeover. Hope they still have access to a reserve to cover the insider trading lawsuits that are coming their way...

6.) "Goldman Sachs Reinstates Valeant Pharmaceuticals at Buy" 1 Dec 2014. This is interesting, because Goldman Sachs was the sole underwriter for a $2.3-billion offering of new VRX shares just a year ago, showing the confidence to place these shares with their institutional investors. Goldman even exercised their option to buy VRX for itself, buying up $300-million in shares. But then during the Allergan takeover, AGN hired Goldman Sachs to advise them, and by the end of Sept 2014, Goldman Sachs had sold off a lot of their VRX shares and disappeared from the scene. But no harm done between bankster friends, because after Allergan was removed from play on Nov 17, barely a week later Goldman Sachs is ready to step in again with a coveted BUY rating on Valeant stock, and a new price target of $178. With all the deals that Valeant enjoys performing, and that massive and lucrative junk bond debt that needs to be continuously written for Valeant, Goldman Sachs would be foolish to let this customer go by the wayside. And did I remember to mention that Valeant CFO Howard Schiller used to be Goldman Sachs COO before he moved to Valeant? The financial world goes round and round for Team VRX...