AZ was always Good to Me.

Yea, thank you AZ for paying for my son’s christening. Ok, so maybe it wasn’t a Seroquel speaker lunch for 30 on a Friday. Maybe it was my friends and family on a Saturday. My caterer didn’t care what day to swipe my card. Thanks AZ!!! Hee hee! I assume the statute of limitations applies, right?

When I retired from AZ back in 2001 after 20 years as a top level sales professional, my final base was $101,000 and I felt like I was treated fairly as a veteran field sales representative. It was never about the salary but the wonderful relationships I built and the fabulous manager I felt so honored to work for that taught me so much Thank you AZ, you were always good to me.
Appreciate your fine post. We worked when reps were valued by the health care community. We were Detail Men and Women of AZ.

Appreciate your fine post. We worked when reps were valued by the health care community. We were Detail Men and Women of AZ.

Ahhhh the good old days of being referred to as "detail people". I still look at my old sample box with the fold out top and brass snapping locks stored in my garage. That was such a distinctive sound when I would set it down on the floor in front of a sample closet and push those shiny tabs to hear the click. Boy, those were the good old days and I so proud to be a detail mat at AZ.

We always had fun the week of Halloween with wearing different costumes in the field on our sales calls. I remember the one year during our Nexium launch they gave us all purple scrub tops and me and my pod mates wore those along with purple bottoms and purple wigs and went as the Nexium capsules. That was such a good time and really got us some much added detail time with our prescribers. All of us reported to female managers at the who were always good to us here at AZ. They let us think outside the box, so no complaints on my end.

We always had fun the week of Halloween with wearing different costumes in the field on our sales calls. I remember the one year during our Nexium launch they gave us all purple scrub tops and me and my pod mates wore those along with purple bottoms and purple wigs and went as the Nexium capsules. That was such a good time and really got us some much added detail time with our prescribers. All of us reported to female managers at the who were always good to us here at AZ. They let us think outside the box, so no complaints on my end.
I remember the Nexium launch and the excitement within our sales district. We really didn't have enough samples to satisfy the overwhelming physician requests but we got through it with our sales skills and strong relationships with everyone in the doc's office. We didn't have to cater food back then and many times the office staff would provide us with donuts and coffee!! I made many good friends with my customers and really enjoyed my career at AZ!

I remember the Nexium launch and the excitement within our sales district. We really didn't have enough samples to satisfy the overwhelming physician requests but we got through it with our sales skills and strong relationships with everyone in the doc's office. We didn't have to cater food back then and many times the office staff would provide us with donuts and coffee!! I made many good friends with my customers and really enjoyed my career at AZ!'s were fun and AZ did their best...Great products and sales reps who knew how to sale!

After hearing about the sorry state of today's pharma reps, it reminds me of the Metallica song: "Sad But True". Fortunately, I was part of the golden age of pharma reps. AZ was good to me!

The Astra merger. Too many people thought THEY made Prilosec great when it was really the other way around!

Don't be jealous Astra USA. Prilosec was the 1st. Had very large H2 blocker companies putting the fear of God into providers around the boxed warning, even Merck who was semi-promoting it before the AstraMerck took the reigns and made it what it was. #bestinthebiz

AZ was a great career for me. I believe the downfall of pharma reps is due to: 1. Management allowing sales reps to become food caterers, 2. Hiring of cheerleaders and frat jocks, 3. Mirror sales forces —> increased call frequency led to rapid access decline, 4. Speaker dinner programs, 5. Promotion of Peacock reps to Management positions 6. Contract sales reps

AZ was a great career for me. I believe the downfall of pharma reps is due to: 1. Management allowing sales reps to become food caterers, 2. Hiring of cheerleaders and frat jocks, 3. Mirror sales forces —> increased call frequency led to rapid access decline, 4. Speaker dinner programs, 5. Promotion of Peacock reps to Management positions 6. Contract sales reps

Not sure about hiring of cheerleaders and frat jocks. If they can do the job well, who cares? And speaker programs? IDK, still see value there.

The other ones, spot on. One more is the dumbing down of what once was a well learned sales force that truly knew disease states, trials, etc. Now nothing more than CVA parrots. And we wonder why access is so limited. No value=no see.

In my experience with female managers at AZ, I notice a tree of certain characteristics. They are:


yep, that’s my thoughts on female managers at AZ
You’re a dumbass. Female managers - and most male managers, by the way - are butt-kissing light weights who have the unmitigated gaul to call themselves “leaders”. I say most men because there are a few good ones since they don’t benefit from the stupid affirmative action “women in leadership” programs that have catapulted incompetence to an absurd height.