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Anything new in Metabolic division?

Its called "creating a diversion" they are merely trying to keep us so busy that we don't focus on the ax hanging over our heads and then stop working. Plain and simple. It wont be long now. I am "working" really hard. LOL

There's no ax hanging over our heads! You fools been screaming ax and layoffs for over a year...and what? NOTHING!

There's no ax hanging over our heads! You fools been screaming ax and layoffs for over a year...and what? NOTHING!

You're kidding, right? There is no generic A 1.0 coming just around the corner? All A scripts will not immediately be switched to the generic? This market is not being deeply questioned for safety? We be f'ed bro.
tic toc......

What's up with teleconference on July 11th? Wondering if there is a re-org coming. There is no topic mentioned for the teleconference. Metabolic and GI included as well as outside agency used during layoffs.

some dividing of districts due to DMs leaving and the hiring freeze.

just curious. what exactly are they telling you guys in Androland? Are they being forthright or just giving you a load of BS? You do know that when it goes generic you will be gutted, right?
There is no magical home for you. HCV certainly doesn't need you nor duopoopa. Hope you don't get screwed out of a decent severance. I heard the cardio people were kept up to date on a regular basis on their status and there were no surprises plus a pretty generous sev pkg. I am new and with HCV and not very comfortable they they haven't over hired and are being out maneuvered by Merck and Gilead. Just curious if they are gong to be above board with us.

DD was generous, but you had to earn it. Not a gimme.

It was not until the last 90 days: layoff call, Dallas Professional meeting, the Duffy is over call, that we were informed. There was a lot of informal chatter.

Meaningful communication depends on mgmt. do you trust em? Not your DM, she does what she is told. Do you trust your senior leaders? If so, then you are getting what you need.

I was redeployed into metabolics with no choice! I gave it a fair shot, but really have to say the old cardiovascular division could outsell this one hands down! this division has no clue what they are doing, they are not innovative and do they really think less gel will matter when 1% goes generic? MTC is a doof, time for new leadership. He is trying to hang his hat on challenger, which has been a failure. with the old abbott when things werent working they would scrap it and try something else, not in Metabolics, its like groundhog day every day.

just curious. what exactly are they telling you guys in Androland? Are they being forthright or just giving you a load of BS? You do know that when it goes generic you will be gutted, right?
There is no magical home for you. HCV certainly doesn't need you nor duopoopa. Hope you don't get screwed out of a decent severance. I heard the cardio people were kept up to date on a regular basis on their status and there were no surprises plus a pretty generous sev pkg. I am new and with HCV and not very comfortable they they haven't over hired and are being out maneuvered by Merck and Gilead. Just curious if they are gong to be above board with us.

If you are looking for a warm fuzzy, you are at the wrong place. We haven't been given a real straight answer re Andro or our fate. Just blowing smoke up our ass.
If HCV hiccups or becomes obviously overstaffed, start looking for another job. Don't wait to be given clear, candid direction

If you are looking for a warm fuzzy, you are at the wrong place. We haven't been given a real straight answer re Andro or our fate. Just blowing smoke up our ass.
If HCV hiccups or becomes obviously overstaffed, start looking for another job. Don't wait to be given clear, candid direction

We have not been told anything other than a "new" Androgel is coming. MC and JH claim to be transparent but havent told us about when 1% goes generic. MC is such a clown he thinks that less gel really will make a difference competing against generic pricing? Also, what is up with the increase in cost without telling us? AbbVie raised the price, not the pharmacies, dorks. Its up to $350-375 now. Where is transparency? How can this sales force support the declining market, testim generic and this other new gel? Then 1% generic next year? bad business model. Lets start by cutting the REAL fat that contributes nothing to the bottom line and that is the worthless GPAE's then go from there. That is what I would want to see as a shareholder.

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