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Metabolic Team: Sucks to be you

ANOTHER 40% reduction for Androgel in quarter to quarter revenue!!!
Man we are on a real roll with this gem.
What a complete disaster but we are making our plan!! Wooohoo!
When plan hits 0 we will be really making HUGE bonus, right Jimmy?

This thing is on a complete death spiral. Second quarter looks to be even much worse.
Just keep paying me for doing nothing. I'll take it!

Can you please reconsider that severance pkg or are you going to mislead us on that too?

This company runs on lies and politics. Who the hell keeps a 350 rep sales force employed with shit Metabolic results like this?
The Board better wake up before the stockholders start kicking some ass!

This company runs on lies and politics. Who the hell keeps a 350 rep sales force employed with shit Metabolic results like this?
The Board better wake up before the stockholders start kicking some ass!

The stockholders are more concerned about Humira. As for Metabolics, I heard there will be a large scale lay off at the end of September.

Yes we did and we're a cash cow, an ATM for AbbVie. Almost pure profit to Abbvie's bottom line for everything we sell. What don't you fools understand?!
Our cash cow is turning into a cash midget. The margin on Synthroid is high, the margin on Androgel is not! The gross revenue on Agel is dropping like crazy which only makes it more insignificant. Add in the expense of supporting our huge sales force and its not good.
Keep in mind the Synthroid piece is purely a sample gig. Heard they are looking at reemphasizing online ordering. That leaves us naked.
I do not kid myself and have my eyes wide open and am pursuing other opportunities. Unfortunately they will have to be external as don't see much here other then onc slots and know we wont get any of those.

Our cash cow is turning into a cash midget. The margin on Synthroid is high, the margin on Androgel is not! The gross revenue on Agel is dropping like crazy which only makes it more insignificant. Add in the expense of supporting our huge sales force and its not good.
Keep in mind the Synthroid piece is purely a sample gig. Heard they are looking at reemphasizing online ordering. That leaves us naked.
I do not kid myself and have my eyes wide open and am pursuing other opportunities. Unfortunately they will have to be external as don't see much here other then onc slots and know we wont get any of those.

Yes Einstein and believe it or not Synthroid is promtionally sensitive that's why its a Sample gig and there are so many of us. So stop complaining, you're cash Ricky's checks aren't you?

Yes Einstein and believe it or not Synthroid is promtionally sensitive that's why its a Sample gig and there are so many of us. So stop complaining, you're cash Ricky's checks aren't you?

You bet I do Albert and I suggest you start saving as much of your check as possible.
So there are 350 of us costing a fortune to promote a drug that gross less then 200M?
And we are primarily providing samples, which the home office has and will continue to promote to key offices via email? You aren't Einstein, closer to Beavis.

You bet I do Albert and I suggest you start saving as much of your check as possible.
So there are 350 of us costing a fortune to promote a drug that gross less then 200M?
And we are primarily providing samples, which the home office has and will continue to promote to key offices via email? You aren't Einstein, closer to Beavis.

No different than HCV except we sold more. We can stay, Beavis!

Not to worry. We are all safe. There will be no cuts in metabolics. We are the premier sales force so they will keep us indefinitely.
We only dropped another 40%. Any other sales force would of dropped uh uh...never mind all those little details.
Don't look behind the curtain. That man is not the all powerful Oz. We are all safe. We are the premier sales force and will be the last to be laid off.
This is a recording.
Just go out there and continue to embarrass yourselves. Show you will do anything and are undaunted by your sales results. Don't listen to the docs and staff laughing at you after you have fed them. Just keep it coming. Keep throwing more money away with lunches and programs that no one attends.
The stockholders are counting on you to keep the stock propped up. Or is it down?

Are they even leveling with you guys? You don't think that as sure as the sun is gonna rise, at best, you are looking at a 50-75% headcount reduction? Very soon. Compounding 40% revenue reductions and a 50 plus yo drug that is merely sample driven. I do not fear for my longevity as we have many patent blocking options and our revenue is growing. Hcv has a slow start but they have a known follow on and a huge market to tap. Metabolics is in a completely opposite circumstance, ie perfect storm.
I don't haye or even give you guys a second thought. Things will get addressed and the right balance will be reached. Abbvie has a relatively small menu and firmly believe there are plans drawn up strategically for all of them.
Best of luck to you, but you're gonna need more then luck to stay afloat much longer. like a future and reasonable results.

Metabolic deadbeats winding up in Humira positions. Help!

Bear with it. At most less then 10% of them will be placed. Humira is getting bloated already
and the offices will start writing something else if they get too irritated with seeing too many
nagging reps. That is most likely what contributed to the Androgel sales disaster. Too many
reps in this healthcare environment is a big negative.

Are they even leveling with you guys? You don't think that as sure as the sun is gonna rise, at best, you are looking at a 50-75% headcount reduction? Very soon. Compounding 40% revenue reductions and a 50 plus yo drug that is merely sample driven. I do not fear for my longevity as we have many patent blocking options and our revenue is growing. Hcv has a slow start but they have a known follow on and a huge market to tap. Metabolics is in a completely opposite circumstance, ie perfect storm.
I don't haye or even give you guys a second thought. Things will get addressed and the right balance will be reached. Abbvie has a relatively small menu and firmly believe there are plans drawn up strategically for all of them.
Best of luck to you, but you're gonna need more then luck to stay afloat much longer. like a future and reasonable results.

So a few of Metabaholics will be placed in Humira. Let me guess, you have to interview for these few slots and there are about 50 applicants per opening. That's exactly what they did with Cardio before it was completely collapsed. I landed in Rheum but had to go through a ton of BS to finally get the job. Getting written references from RMs and above, etc, A real circus. Then BAM! they killed the remaining 98% of the CV salesforce and that was it. The parallels are very similar except CV sales results weren't nearly as disasterous as Metabolics when they shut it down. Good luck and get your nose well greased when your fight for these few "opportunities" to keep employed. It gets rather cutthroat and nasty.

So a few of Metabaholics will be placed in Humira. Let me guess, you have to interview for these few slots and there are about 50 applicants per opening. That's exactly what they did with Cardio before it was completely collapsed. I landed in Rheum but had to go through a ton of BS to finally get the job. Getting written references from RMs and above, etc, A real circus. Then BAM! they killed the remaining 98% of the CV salesforce and that was it. The parallels are very similar except CV sales results weren't nearly as disasterous as Metabolics when they shut it down. Good luck and get your nose well greased when your fight for these few "opportunities" to keep employed. It gets rather cutthroat and nasty.

Was same for me but ended up in HCV. Yikes. But I would rather be here with at least a small chance of lasting another year, then sitting like a blind, one winged duck in the Metabolics meadow with shotgun Sam approaching. I still cannot believe that Met franchise still exists, not to mention how many of them there are still milling around while their numbers and future keep tanking. I must admit, if I had ended up there under those circumstances, as some of my buddies have, I would milk it dry and do absolutely nothing too. Whats good for RG is good for me too.

Was same for me but ended up in HCV. Yikes. But I would rather be here with at least a small chance of lasting another year, then sitting like a blind, one winged duck in the Metabolics meadow with shotgun Sam approaching. I still cannot believe that Met franchise still exists, not to mention how many of them there are still milling around while their numbers and future keep tanking. I must admit, if I had ended up there under those circumstances, as some of my buddies have, I would milk it dry and do absolutely nothing too. Whats good for RG is good for me too.

"Rather be here with at least a small chance of lasting another year"? Sounds to me like you're milking it too only in HCVland. Wonder who got screwed...you did.

Not to worry. We are all safe. There will be no cuts in metabolics. We are the premier sales force so they will keep us indefinitely.
We only dropped another 40%. Any other sales force would of dropped uh uh...never mind all those little details.
Don't look behind the curtain. That man is not the all powerful Oz. We are all safe. We are the premier sales force and will be the last to be laid off.
This is a recording.
Just go out there and continue to embarrass yourselves. Show you will do anything and are undaunted by your sales results. Don't listen to the docs and staff laughing at you after you have fed them. Just keep it coming. Keep throwing more money away with lunches and programs that no one attends.
The stockholders are counting on you to keep the stock propped up. Or is it down?


So you are making your plan numbers in Metabolics, eh? Well genius, that means they obviously booked a steeply dropping plan number because your actual numbers have been falling like a rock for quite a while now.

Let me explain to you what all this really means. The company has accepted the fact that your business is a loser, they are making it easy on you in the very SHORTTERM.
BUTTTTTTTTT, they know this is not an ongoing venture that is long for this world.
Bottom line, you are screwed soon. This is not a charity, it is a business. They don't pay large groups of people to support a product that has a falling revenue stream and only looks like it will continue to fall much further.
Even your St. Jimmy cannot help you there. Best guess, by end of this year you will be shredded. Maybe sooner.

I do not understand what you are trying to say here. I do not understand business practices or basic economics.
Please dummy down this point you are making about our making our sales plan.

Originally Posted by Anonymous View Post

So you are making your plan numbers in Metabolics, eh? Well genius, that means they obviously booked a steeply dropping plan number because your actual numbers have been falling like a rock for quite a while now.

Let me explain to you what all this really means. The company has accepted the fact that your business is a loser, they are making it easy on you in the very SHORTTERM.
BUTTTTTTTTT, they know this is not an ongoing venture that is long for this world.
Bottom line, you are screwed soon. This is not a charity, it is a business. They don't pay large groups of people to support a product that has a falling revenue stream and only looks like it will continue to fall much further.
Even your St. Jimmy cannot help you there. Best guess, by end of this year you will be shredded. Maybe sooner.
I do not understand what you are trying to say here. I do not understand business practices or basic economics.
Please dummy down this point you are making about our making our sales plan.
C'mon Jim, thought you knew everything. Even how to predict the future. But you cant comprehend a simple business concept like sustainability and accountability?
How can you be the president of our company without this basic knowledge?

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