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Anyone else choosing NOT to get vaccinated?

Wow this thread is riddled with insecurity. For those of you that work in the industry and speak to adverse event profiles on a regular basis, how do you let Facebook (or whatever platform that breeds these idiotic group-think) lead you to believe that this is a political issue.

The vaccine will bring us back to some level of normalcy. Just shut the fuck up and take the vax, or don’t. Just keep your bullshit conspiracy theories to yourself and stop spreading misinformation.

I will never get the vaccine because I plan on using Covid to stay home for at least another year or 2! The virus has allowed me so much free time that I don’t think I can ever go back to working 4 hours a day! I get stressed out just thinking about it! Let’s hear it for COVID! COVID! COVID! COVID!

If you get the vaccine why mandatory to wear a mask. Pfizer already came out for a booster 6 months after the second shot.
does anybody know honest questions
1- how many antibodies do you need for protection
2- if you had covid how long will that protection last
3- if you get Pfizer two shots why now a booster , are the antibodies not lasting
4- are the democrats using this to control the masses .

The vaccines are only 50-60% effective at stopping spread. They never tell you that, if people knew they wouldn’t get vaccinated. That’s the reason the masks will never go away.

Wow this thread is riddled with insecurity. For those of you that work in the industry and speak to adverse event profiles on a regular basis, how do you let Facebook (or whatever platform that breeds these idiotic group-think) lead you to believe that this is a political issue.

The vaccine will bring us back to some level of normalcy. Just shut the fuck up and take the vax, or don’t. Just keep your bullshit conspiracy theories to yourself and stop spreading misinformation.
IOW stop thinking for yourselves and do as you are told. No thanks Bucky.

Companies will mandate people back to work. A lot of legal cases surfacing to support companies. Be aware - getting vaccinated could be a criteria to see as some customers and if that happens not got for those who refuse. Good luck

Under development for 20 is all I need to know. If you can’t put together a reliable antibody test or give that to me first, before making me shoot up -
I’m good. If you can’t do that and identify that? Also - you are incorrect about this technology helping knock sars out back then. Otherwise this tech would not be emergency use dummy. I agree that the more people get the shot they will loosen restrictions under your boy Biden but that is not a good enough reason for people who respect themselves and have principles. Thanks though for helping us out fam! Have fun with your boosters and getting the virus after your vax.

Hey dummy. Your MAGA hat might be on a little too tight.

The mRNA technology is well established over decades. The current version was tweaked to stop Covid 19. It’s not the same as the vaccine created for SARS in the early 2000’s. As such, the FDA granted emergency use to fight this virus.

Here’s the deal. Every baby receives a series of vaccines like MMR to protect the public. Asshole parents who don’t vaccinate their kids endanger others. Covid vaccines work and will help us move on. Idiots and conspiracy theorists who won’t get vaccinated stand in the way of everyone climbing out of this crisis

Facts don’t care about your stupidity.

Ya right !

just like every flu shot works right ?

smh at your stupid explanation, as they already said..... wait you will need a 3rd dose later on..

then it will be, well it’s not protecting against this strain - it’s covid2, so let’s vaccinate for that also...

Ya right !

just like every flu shot works right ?

smh at your stupid explanation, as they already said..... wait you will need a 3rd dose later on..

then it will be, well it’s not protecting against this strain - it’s covid2, so let’s vaccinate for that also...

Do you get a flu shot every year? Covid is a virus just as the flu is a virus. Why would you be surprised to need a booster or annual shot?

Loosen up your MAGA hat stupid.

I will never get the vaccine because I plan on using Covid to stay home for at least another year or 2! The virus has allowed me so much free time that I don’t think I can ever go back to working 4 hours a day! I get stressed out just thinking about it! Let’s hear it for COVID! COVID! COVID! COVID!
I agree! I’m able to go run every day, keep my house clean, and spend all the time in the world with my doggy. COVID is the best thing that’s ever happened to pharma sales!!

Yes I’m loving covid !

my kids haven’t ridden the school bus in over a year! I’m there to take them to school and pick them up every single day...

love the flexibility !

Do you get a flu shot every year? Covid is a virus just as the flu is a virus. Why would you be surprised to need a booster or annual shot?

Loosen up your MAGA hat stupid.

You are an idiot! Trump is responsible for having these vaccines warp speed available. FYI I’m a MAGA supporter and I got my vaccine. No need to disparage a group of people because they don’t agree with you.

I will never get the vaccine because I plan on using Covid to stay home for at least another year or 2! The virus has allowed me so much free time that I don’t think I can ever go back to working 4 hours a day! I get stressed out just thinking about it! Let’s hear it for COVID! COVID! COVID! COVID!

Covid has allowed me to make 6 figures for doing nothing! I am in the best shape of my life because I have the time to really workout! I have spent time at my kids school volunteering! Covid has been great for our industry!

Under development for 20 is all I need to know. If you can’t put together a reliable antibody test or give that to me first, before making me shoot up -
I’m good. If you can’t do that and identify that? Also - you are incorrect about this technology helping knock sars out back then. Otherwise this tech would not be emergency use dummy. I agree that the more people get the shot they will loosen restrictions under your boy Biden but that is not a good enough reason for people who respect themselves and have principles. Thanks though for helping us out fam! Have fun with your boosters and getting the virus after your vax.

Darwin wrote a thesis about motards like this individual.....

Do you get a flu shot every year? Covid is a virus just as the flu is a virus. Why would you be surprised to need a booster or annual shot?

Loosen up your MAGA hat stupid.
Not a MAGA person so I don't know where you're coming off with this. The annual shots for flu is a joke. When you're working (do you?)? and you talk to HCP's in the field in all realms, I can't tell you how many get the "shot" and come down with a nasty flu that kept them out for like 2 weeks. 2019 was especially bad. I never get the shot, am exposed to people all day and do NOT get the flu. However jacking up my immune system naturally is a winner.

Not a MAGA person so I don't know where you're coming off with this. The annual shots for flu is a joke. When you're working (do you?)? and you talk to HCP's in the field in all realms, I can't tell you how many get the "shot" and come down with a nasty flu that kept them out for like 2 weeks. 2019 was especially bad. I never get the shot, am exposed to people all day and do NOT get the flu. However jacking up my immune system naturally is a winner.

Right. Nevermind the hundreds of millions of people who get the flu vaccine every year who have little to no side effects. You go ahead and stay focused on the five people you know who had a flu like response.

Vaccines work. They’ve eliminated the scourge of smallpox, measles, mumps, polio, etc. by all means, build your immune system but also, get the damn jab so we can move back to normal.