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Anyone else choosing NOT to get vaccinated?


I haven’t gotten my COVID vaccine, and I’m not planning to. Certainly not while it’s not even fully approved by the FDA.

I don’t care what others do, but I don’t want it.

Frankly, I’m sick of it being the new “discussion” with everyone.

Should I just start lying to offices when asked?


I haven’t gotten my COVID vaccine, and I’m not planning to. Certainly not while it’s not even fully approved by the FDA.

I don’t care what others do, but I don’t want it.

Frankly, I’m sick of it being the new “discussion” with everyone.

Should I just start lying to offices when asked?

You’re probably going to need to get it if you plan to travel anywhere or attend a social event or live concert. New York already rolled out their vaccine “passport” Excelsior. Other blue states are looking at similar, app based tracking and validation. If you think the ruling political class is going to make life easier after the pandemic passes, you are mistaken.

I just got the Pfizer vaccine, sick for a few days.
I will never show any passport or vaccine record to go anywhere.
That is total BS, why not the same for the flu vaccine. Just a way the democrats can control more citizens. This is not a communist country . You wonder why there is a mass exodus out of NY .

I just got the Pfizer vaccine, sick for a few days.
I will never show any passport or vaccine record to go anywhere.
That is total BS, why not the same for the flu vaccine. Just a way the democrats can control more citizens. This is not a communist country . You wonder why there is a mass exodus out of NY .
I agree with statements but if you believe in those statements, then why get the jab? This whole thing is a farce and many Americans are unfortunately following like sheep rather than truly digging for the true information.
I WILL NOT GET THE JAB! Being forced to is against our rights.

Risk Vs Benefit. Risk of Bell's palsy, anaphylactic reactions, blood clots, stroke, multiple deaths due to side effects, and potential fertility issues with women of child bearing age. Benefit of getting the vaccine and people still getting covid = poor efficacy. Sign me up - no thanks.

You’re probably going to need to get it if you plan to travel anywhere or attend a social event or live concert. New York already rolled out their vaccine “passport” Excelsior. Other blue states are looking at similar, app based tracking and validation. If you think the ruling political class is going to make life easier after the pandemic passes, you are mistaken.

great business plan, 25% of population has the vaccine, and is waining ...

that should fill up flights and boost tourist revenues

sounds like something the libs would do

can’t force it, it’s illegal and would be prosecuted to high heaven


Passport vaccine, sure
Voter ID - no way!
Lol classic

You’re a bunch of idiots to not get vaccinated. MRNA vaccines hv been under development for 20 yrs & we’re lucky there available just when we need them. Get the vaccine so we can all move on!

You’re a bunch of idiots to not get vaccinated. MRNA vaccines hv been under development for 20 yrs & we’re lucky there available just when we need them. Get the vaccine so we can all move on!

Thank you. Agree 100%. The mRNA technology is well established over decades. It’s one of the tools that stopped the SARS virus in its tracks in the early 2000’s. True, most who contract Covid come through it with minimal side effects and very few deaths. But the government will keep us locked down as long as possible until we get to herd immunity. Vaccine gets us there faster.

Thank you. Agree 100%. The mRNA technology is well established over decades. It’s one of the tools that stopped the SARS virus in its tracks in the early 2000’s. True, most who contract Covid come through it with minimal side effects and very few deaths. But the government will keep us locked down as long as possible until we get to herd immunity. Vaccine gets us there faster.

Under development for 20 is all I need to know. If you can’t put together a reliable antibody test or give that to me first, before making me shoot up -
I’m good. If you can’t do that and identify that? Also - you are incorrect about this technology helping knock sars out back then. Otherwise this tech would not be emergency use dummy. I agree that the more people get the shot they will loosen restrictions under your boy Biden but that is not a good enough reason for people who respect themselves and have principles. Thanks though for helping us out fam! Have fun with your boosters and getting the virus after your vax.

I just got the Pfizer vaccine, sick for a few days.
I will never show any passport or vaccine record to go anywhere.
That is total BS, why not the same for the flu vaccine. Just a way the democrats can control more citizens. This is not a communist country . You wonder why there is a mass exodus out of NY .

They will make it where you have NO CHOICE but to get it and carry your “vaccine papers” with you. Biden’s administration will go down as the worst in American history.

If you get the vaccine why mandatory to wear a mask. Pfizer already came out for a booster 6 months after the second shot.
does anybody know honest questions
1- how many antibodies do you need for protection
2- if you had covid how long will that protection last
3- if you get Pfizer two shots why now a booster , are the antibodies not lasting
4- are the democrats using this to control the masses .

Risk Vs Benefit. Risk of Bell's palsy, anaphylactic reactions, blood clots, stroke, multiple deaths due to side effects, and potential fertility issues with women of child bearing age. Benefit of getting the vaccine and people still getting covid = poor efficacy. Sign me up - no thanks.
This is the silliest post I have seen in a long time. Poor efficacy. You have been trapped at home too long chicken.

If you get the vaccine why mandatory to wear a mask. Pfizer already came out for a booster 6 months after the second shot.
does anybody know honest questions
1- how many antibodies do you need for protection
2- if you had covid how long will that protection last
3- if you get Pfizer two shots why now a booster , are the antibodies not lasting
4- are the democrats using this to control the masses .

We are wearing masks so we don’t spread the virus. The vaccine does not prevent you from carrying the virus. It decreases or maybe negates manifestation of symptoms.

hey sheep, you may want to read the latest study performed by Stanford University just another study proving your statement false. BTW show me a study that they work—THERE ISN’T! That should tell you all you need to know!

Remind me, Who is the sheep?
"Stanford Medicine strongly supports the use of face masks to control the spread of COVID-19," Stanford Medicine tweeted Wednesday. "A study on the efficacy of face masks against COVID-19 published in the November 2020 issue of the journal Medical Hypotheses is not a 'Stanford study.' The author's affiliation is inaccurately attributed to Stanford, and we have requested a correction. The author, Baruch Vainshelboim, had no affiliation with the VA Palo Alto Health System or Stanford at the time of publication and has not had any affiliation since 2016, when his one-year term as a visiting scholar on matters unrelated to this paper ended."
Medical Hypotheses admittedly says its purpose "is to publish interesting theoretical papers. The journal will consider radical, speculative and non-mainstream scientific ideas provided they are coherently expressed." Articles that appear in Medical Hypotheses are not peer reviewed.

hey sheep, you may want to read the latest study performed by Stanford University just another study proving your statement false. BTW show me a study that they work—THERE ISN’T! That should tell you all you need to know!
The REAL Stanford University just disavowed this study as not theirs. Does that tell you all you need to know nitwit?

You’re a bunch of idiots to not get vaccinated. MRNA vaccines hv been under development for 20 yrs & we’re lucky there available just when we need them. Get the vaccine so we can all move on!

Under development for 20 years because everytime they have been tested in animals it fails and all the animals die. It was only under the cover of this giant hoax that these "vaccines" were approved...under Emergency Use Authorization. They'll never be fully approved.