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Sources tell me a hq only call occurred announcing Ross Arno accepted a global position under Vice President Carly Baron's team.

'From the desk of T. Nickel announcing Ross Arno got promoted'. Great, he's special and I'll admit, has helped me over the years. What I worry about is 'From the desk of T. Nickel, all staff mandatory call' without a good news reference. I realize there is fabrication on this site but is there any truth to a sell-off or layoffs? Rumors aside, the truth is the truth, Ross, Carly, Krista, Kacey have all abruptly left Neuro hq for other roles. This cannot be a coincidence

'From the desk of T. Nickel announcing Ross Arno got promoted'. Great, he's special and I'll admit, has helped me over the years. What I worry about is 'From the desk of T. Nickel, all staff mandatory call' without a good news reference. I realize there is fabrication on this site but is there any truth to a sell-off or layoffs? Rumors aside, the truth is the truth, Ross, Carly, Krista, Kacey have all abruptly left Neuro hq for other roles. This cannot be a coincidence

no cvs
no bridge
3 warnings
Carly left
ross left

division in trouble

3 new RSD's from INBU............................ and we are Safe???????????????????????????????

no cvs
no bridge
3 warnings
Carly left
ross left

division in trouble

3 new RSD's from INBU............................ and we are Safe???????????????????????????????

Very sad news indeed. Ross Arno was a great lobbyist-politician who worked hard for us at society meetings. I'm guessing our medical teams will try to cover that gap.

Very sad news indeed. Ross Arno was a great lobbyist-politician who worked hard for us at society meetings. I'm guessing our medical teams will try to cover that gap.

If you are still advocating for this BU you are sadly misguided. Look at all the writings on the wall. You must be blind if you cannot see them. A word to any listening ….get out, transfer BU’s, or get promoted while you still can or you will be an overpaid primary care rep that will be the first to be let go in the next round of layoffs.

If you are still advocating for this BU you are sadly misguided. Look at all the writings on the wall. You must be blind if you cannot see them. A word to any listening ….get out, transfer BU’s, or get promoted while you still can or you will be an overpaid primary care rep that will be the first to be let go in the next round of layoffs.

could not agree more

this BU is over

Very sad news indeed. Ross Arno was a great lobbyist-politician who worked hard for us at society meetings. I'm guessing our medical teams will try to cover that gap.

A bit too late, Amgen is arrogant and Neuro leaders only cared about stepping over one another to get promoted. Someone with balls should have put him in charge years ago and our revenue would be double today. But nooo, now we aren't even a dumpster fire anymore, we are simply ashes to our customers and competitors. I mean, who runs this shit show? You had Ross who was 1 of 15 pharma human beings in the world to actually work on oral cgrps over a decade ago. He was against the hub, begged BD along with Marek to buy Biohaven for 2.5 billion at the time. He was against a PC salesforce, wanted to fire anyone from Amgen that arranged the fing Novartis collaboration. So why are we screwed? Let's keep hiring people who sold canned food, bar soaps, and consumer items. Why can't Amgen get out of their own way? So that Ross has left us, effing get some balls and hire some hq Allstars from Biohaven, they certainly haven proven themselves.
But no. Tiff will recruit a friend, or maybe an outsider that sold dogfood or shampoo. As we near 4 years we should be celebrating but I fear our time is running out

A bit too late, Amgen is arrogant and Neuro leaders only cared about stepping over one another to get promoted. Someone with balls should have put him in charge years ago and our revenue would be double today. But nooo, now we aren't even a dumpster fire anymore, we are simply ashes to our customers and competitors. I mean, who runs this shit show? You had Ross who was 1 of 15 pharma human beings in the world to actually work on oral cgrps over a decade ago. He was against the hub, begged BD along with Marek to buy Biohaven for 2.5 billion at the time. He was against a PC salesforce, wanted to fire anyone from Amgen that arranged the fing Novartis collaboration. So why are we screwed? Let's keep hiring people who sold canned food, bar soaps, and consumer items. Why can't Amgen get out of their own way? So that Ross has left us, effing get some balls and hire some hq Allstars from Biohaven, they certainly haven proven themselves.
But no. Tiff will recruit a friend, or maybe an outsider that sold dogfood or shampoo. As we near 4 years we should be celebrating but I fear our time is running out

you are correct on many counts. Tiff only hires her friends who say "yes" to her.

This division is about over. It is a totally sinking ship. Ross was great. Many good leaders have left as they saw the writing on the wall. This cvs debacle is a joke. They try to tell us they are making money and I call total bs on that. No way we are making money. We are third in the class with 4 warnings and no cvs.

The only states doing well are those who have little to no cvs and how is this ic plan fair? Thanks to Tiffany , Romo and TQ who developed it.

you are correct on many counts. Tiff only hires her friends who say "yes" to her.

This division is about over. It is a totally sinking ship. Ross was great. Many good leaders have left as they saw the writing on the wall. This cvs debacle is a joke. They try to tell us they are making money and I call total bs on that. No way we are making money. We are third in the class with 4 warnings and no cvs.

The only states doing well are those who have little to no cvs and how is this ic plan fair? Thanks to Tiffany , Romo and TQ who developed it.

What ever happened to Hub Dub? I need my rap fix for the latest developments, last time Hub Dub appeared was xmas.

A bit too late, Amgen is arrogant and Neuro leaders only cared about stepping over one another to get promoted. Someone with balls should have put him in charge years ago and our revenue would be double today. But nooo, now we aren't even a dumpster fire anymore, we are simply ashes to our customers and competitors. I mean, who runs this shit show? You had Ross who was 1 of 15 pharma human beings in the world to actually work on oral cgrps over a decade ago. He was against the hub, begged BD along with Marek to buy Biohaven for 2.5 billion at the time. He was against a PC salesforce, wanted to fire anyone from Amgen that arranged the fing Novartis collaboration. So why are we screwed? Let's keep hiring people who sold canned food, bar soaps, and consumer items. Why can't Amgen get out of their own way? So that Ross has left us, effing get some balls and hire some hq Allstars from Biohaven, they certainly haven proven themselves.
But no. Tiff will recruit a friend, or maybe an outsider that sold dogfood or shampoo. As we near 4 years we should be celebrating but I fear our time is running out

So True!

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