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Just so I’m clear…we lost 3 marketing ppl and got one in return….we are losing formulary status it seems like daily….we have all new managers….all new directors….we have horrible retention…..but we’re still taking this seriously?

Just so I’m clear…we lost 3 marketing ppl and got one in return….we are losing formulary status it seems like daily….we have all new managers….all new directors….we have horrible retention…..but we’re still taking this seriously?

selling drug by the end of the year.

it's pretty much a done deal.

Just so I’m clear…we lost 3 marketing ppl and got one in return….we are losing formulary status it seems like daily….we have all new managers….all new directors….we have horrible retention…..but we’re still taking this seriously?

no they are not taking any of this seriously. dumping drug soon. making no money

This is a mess.... but if they were selling the drug, no one on this bit$& board would actually know! More importantly no one would buy it!! All the CGRP's are in the same boat. To much competition, priced to cheap... not worth the price Amgen wants to sell for.

but love all the conspiracy theories!

This is a mess.... but if they were selling the drug, no one on this bit$& board would actually know! More importantly no one would buy it!! All the CGRP's are in the same boat. To much competition, priced to cheap... not worth the price Amgen wants to sell for.

but love all the conspiracy theories!

O wise one, a prophet told me to begin with Vice President CB, follow the trail thereafter, listen carefully and take pause, you will find the answers you seek within. The clues you desire are right before you.

O wise one, a prophet told me to begin with Vice President CB, follow the trail thereafter, listen carefully and take pause, you will find the answers you seek within. The clues you desire are right before you.

CB leaving just the beginning. 3 InBU rad's, new Lilly guy who likes to cut heads, no cvs, oral competition, all the warnings.it just gets more fun daily

no money for half the country too

Sources tell me a hq only call occurred announcing Ross Arno accepted a global position under Vice President Carly Baron's team.

Good for him but I would have liked to see Amgen put Ross in a town car with KD. KD gets dropped off at a tavern and Ross assumes director of sales.

You know things are going south when RA takes a job outside the US to leave this dumpster fire.

Good for him but I would have liked to see Amgen put Ross in a town car with KD. KD gets dropped off at a tavern and Ross assumes director of sales.

You know things are going south when RA takes a job outside the US to leave this dumpster fire.

Lmao - better yet, put Gomer on the corporate jet and take him to Ukraine

This is a mess.... but if they were selling the drug, no one on this bit$& board would actually know! More importantly no one would buy it!! All the CGRP's are in the same boat. To much competition, priced to cheap... not worth the price Amgen wants to sell for.

but love all the conspiracy theories!

layoffs by end of the year

Good for him but I would have liked to see Amgen put Ross in a town car with KD. KD gets dropped off at a tavern and Ross assumes director of sales.

You know things are going south when RA takes a job outside the US to leave this dumpster fire.

These posts are soooo entertaining. Someone has a beef with kd and needs to seek help or let it go.now back to ross, is it true he dated leah remini in 91' or 92'? Wasn't she on some episodes of 90210 at the beach club. Was ross in the background in some episodes during the summer of 92' at the BH beach club? I'm also 100% sure he was interviewed on the local Fox News station that summer after an episode of 90210 leading into Melrose place. The net wasn't around then and I couldn't find an IMBD. I asked him one time if it was him on the interview and he said yes,, but he got quiet after that.

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