Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Maybe they should start drug testing people at the door, it should whittle down some of the dopey stoners that smell like shit and the coke heads too.
at least the decent people can be kept on then.

Brilliant if they did. Half of the people up there would be sacked and the rest of us non stoners would laugh at them as they lose their jobs.

I just got let to but I will wait for abbott to call me to come back. Sure I can be on covid until March and I think they will rehire us by then. A nice little break.

Better off out of der. If it wasn't for my youngfella and tis weekend shift id be long gone. Come in and lash out da pfm ND out da gap. Thank god I don't see the click amymore

I just got let to but I will wait for abbott to call me to come back. Sure I can be on covid until March and I think they will rehire us by then. A nice little break.

It sounds like a good plan, but even if you do get brought back you will be back to square one again a temp on a 6 month contract and in line of the management firing squad when shit hits the fan again.

they shut 1 line is des, so all temps are at risk because them useless wastes of air are going to be put into vc for training.
its shocking the way they treat people and that fool director giving false hopes to temps and reassuring people their jobs are safe, just so they stay a bit longer and fill up the warehouses.

People talk about mental health...targetting some of the nicest staff in there and going into personal issues is just to far..just cause your anonymous ye think ye can talk shit about people and try hit them where it hurts ...pathetic..if ye have nothing nice to say just dont comment ...its sad really..have a look at yourselves.

Jesus, ye are some bunch of miserable fuckers. Clearly A shift ops. If your not happy in the job, fuck off. Or better still, stop hiding behind a keyboard and actually grow a pair of balls and fucking speak up for yourselves in work instead of crying like babies on here. Listen to yourselves, some of ye are bitching about some click who is clearly a girl in vc. If it's men doing the typing, your fucking pathetic. Half of ye here prob don't have mortgages or kids like most of us. It's an income ye bunch of soft pussies.

People talk about mental health...targetting some of the nicest staff in there and going into personal issues is just to far..just cause your anonymous ye think ye can talk shit about people and try hit them where it hurts ...pathetic..if ye have nothing nice to say just dont comment ...its sad really..have a look at yourselves.
I agree, no need to target anyone but this is Charlie... unfortunately some people are using so much drugs they do not know their words can hurt or cause embarrassment, somebody recently said that randomised drug tests should be introduced in Abbott and I agree with them I saw someone recently in toilets near canteen doing a line at the sink!! It’s rampant now I don’t want the drug users sacked I would just like to see the company help people get the help they need!! Obviously I have concerns because these people drive to and from work and then they operate machines on the floor

Those directors have some load to answer for, their the worst of the worst, they have absolutely no regard for anybody’s personal life up their leaving temp ops hanging on until the last second. The not knowing anything must be a killer I pitty them all while those rodents sit comfortably in their nests.

None of ye have a clue what’s coming, they should keep on the good honest hard working temps and get rid of the full time wasters that have been their years and know how to play the system. 90% of the full timers up their are only using up hair nets and gloves their good for nothing else. Your man in the criblet is about to blow on bshift. Stick him on a station and ya see how useless he truely is

Jesus, ye are some bunch of miserable fuckers. Clearly A shift ops. If your not happy in the job, fuck off. Or better still, stop hiding behind a keyboard and actually grow a pair of balls and fucking speak up for yourselves in work instead of crying like babies on here. Listen to yourselves, some of ye are bitching about some click who is clearly a girl in vc. If it's men doing the typing, your fucking pathetic. Half of ye here prob don't have mortgages or kids like most of us. It's an income ye bunch of soft pussies.
Stop crying baby

So what if we go in to work stoned nothing new it helps pass the time & you can concentrate better on the job I'd have to recommend it productivity & numbers is what counts shur everyone's at it

As regards to talking about people with weight issues totally wrong he is one of the nicest people you will come across & a good mate to many of us on the other hand you must be a model plus your a disgrace

As regards to talking about people with weight issues totally wrong he is one of the nicest people you will come across & a good mate to many of us on the other hand you must be a model plus your a disgrace

Here here !!
That chap is one of the nicest people in the whole of Abbott!! He would bend over backwards to help anybody out and is one genuine guy!
For anybody to write demeaning comments about another person just shows what a complete and utter scumbag they actually are!
Remember karma has a habit on coming back on people!!

Bullying & drugs are what you call a Norm in work I worked along side a lad not so long ago before he was moved to boxing he treated us like dirt tried to intimidate everyone & got away with it complaints are swept under the carpet but our area is so much nicer now with his Bonze gone

Everything is very hostile at the moment in there. Its actually crazy. Some people actually go to work to get a break from home and instead people are leaving work with their heads about to explode. Abbott make covid tests so why can't they test their operators.. the stress on people's faces in their lately is staggering

Anyone taking the time out of there day to comment negative shit on this are what's wrong with abbott. I don't know why ye devote so much of yer time into that place ye only get paid to work in there not think about it all day put yer heads down and work on to fuck.

Anyone taking the time out of there day to comment hurtful negative shit on this are plagues to Abbott. Come on, don't let that place put ye down we only get paid to work there for 8 hours a day so why think about it for the remaining 16. Like why are ye all so invested in that place hahaha. Put the head down and work on to fuck.