Boston are offering 6 months contracts at the moment,all temps should apply. At least you have a union to represent you in that place and working conditions are better and you will be better paid. If I was a temp I’d be gone better than doing 12 months on weekend shift or going through the uncertainty of Abbott over the next 12 months They’re taken the piss out of people, one job that is not under threat is hers and her handling of this crisis from start to finish has been a major disappointment and she comes out with that waffle and spin today, She comes across as if she hasn’t a clue what’s going on and it’s not very reassuring for anyone. I don’t mind if the place is in trouble but they should be honest and say it she said absolutely nothing about the rumours circulating like wildfire in the factory, Stop treating staff like you own us you pay us a wage we don’t really care about how fantastic a company Abbott is and how great someone did on a project. It’s cringeworthy what’s going on up in that hellhole.