Abbott Vascular Clonmel

This is terrible they don’t care about any ops, we have way to many directors,managers engineers,supervisors and qc yet none of these clowns get let go and a lot of them only started positions in last 18 months if they need to make cuts cut the lads who are earning in excess of 70k a year leave the ops alone I’m not training anyone else this decision is pure stupid

Maybe they should start drug testing people at the door, it should whittle down some of the dopey stoners that smell like shit and the coke heads too.
at least the decent people can be kept on then.

Maybe they should start drug testing people at the door, it should whittle down some of the dopey stoners that smell like shit and the coke heads too.
at least the decent people can be kept on then.

If they did that Abbott wouldn't have much of a work force. It's not just the operator doing coke and other drugs. It's managers and the likes too. That's why drug testing is not done.
Got to see higher people in abbott out on groups. What the get up to in the toilet is shocking.
Drug tests will never happen in abbott FACT

None of ye have a clue what’s coming, they should keep on the good honest hard working temps and get rid of the full time wasters that have been their years and know how to play the system. 90% of the full timers up their are only using up hair nets and gloves their good for nothing else. Your man in the criblet is about to blow on bshift. Stick him on a station and ya see how useless he truely is

they have no idea what they are doing ,shutting down lines ,letting temps go, building parts that are going no where like literally storing them in office spaces but all is good according to management. Please give me a break no leadership no clue gobshites place is so toxic up there now it s a joke!!!!!!! ABBOTT CLONMEL SUCKS!!!!

None of ye have a clue what’s coming, they should keep on the good honest hard working temps and get rid of the full time wasters that have been their years and know how to play the system. 90% of the full timers up their are only using up hair nets and gloves their good for nothing else. Your man in the criblet is about to blow on bshift. Stick him on a station and ya see how useless he truely is
They are training a young fellow to take the pressure off him
They don't want that last lazy fellow back in with them..

It’s not full time ops fault that temps were let go these decisions are taken by managers who look at people as commodity’s unfortunately now our supervisors are all sheep years ago supervisors would fight to keep the good ones or at least the ones that were related to them or good buddies with, I’m disappointed supervisors didn’t question this decision the ones we have now are more interested in power and control I remember supervisors fighting for ops not sure what as changed but all them good supervisors left and now we are left with this where more will be left go they should all of been made permanent last Xmas it was a disgraceful decision then and this is even worse, I hope they all find new jobs quickly was looking at jobs market and in fairness I can see plenty of jobs locally. So hopefully they will be back in full employment soon