Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Freak accident misfortunate and unfortunate it’s a shame always wanted to try golf but the people involved kind of keep to themselves and don’t really bother with outsiders it’s kind of a dirty old mans club and you have to be experienced player they have no interest in rookies or ladies but Abbott should play more sports like gaa, soccer,Rugby; basketball try new sports anything to improve the atmosphere in the work environment maybe a game of chess anything but sports and social club is only about getting drunk and a monthly draw and cheap cinema tickets and running especially running because Abbott are the biggest sponsor for world marathons, water sports anything that doesn’t involve a voucher worth 50 quid I have been saying for years the sports and social club is a flawed society where people just go to dogs get a meal or go to an Ireland rugby game, all Ireland final tickets, tickets to concerts and matches hopefully the s&s club will reform I never see Abbott sponsoring local teams or society’s very disheartening especially when Boston sponsor marathon event in Clonmel yet the biggest employer in town sponsors very little except for charity of choice which the employees pay for always found it unbelievable that a company of our size could not match what employees gather but that’s the organisation which is surprising given what happens in other plants across Ireland, Clonmel has lost its way massively took them months to get p.p.e for a few local nursing homes when the covid was spreading like wildfire in those settings, Morals are all wrong I’m not sure when they lost their way but they have and it’s very sad yet when the fda come round we are coached on what to say if asked a question yet most people have been working for years at their particular station

Hopefully Abbott move the whole place to China a better educated workforce and cheaper wages not sure if china can compete with Ireland magical zero percent cooperation tax for the company our amazing government pays Abbott in excess of 100 million a year to stay in Ireland in case you are wondering why you lot haven’t seen a redundancy package yet contract ends in year 2023 but Abbott are the Ida biggest employer jobs safe for a longtime rehires of about 50 or 60 in January/February next year paid for by the Irish government costing an extra 10 million to Irish tax payers but this is life heard Abbott also signing up for the apprenticeship scheme taken on 15/20 so they get an extra 20 staff for pennies 150k roughly place is a joke sooner these companies get out the better, all covid products produced by Abbott only available in the USA what does that tell you think about that built as if intended for my family yeah if all your family is Americans

Askin us in VC would anywan like to go to the weekend shift haha are they havin a laugh

Dont know why your laughing because operators are being swapped around at the minute.
so regardless everyone will have to do it at some stage doesnt matter if your full time or a temp. theres no union in abbott so fuck all you can do about it.
you will love it anyway.....