Did they sack the guy wasn’t it an Abbott event?
It was not a freak accident there was tomfoolery going on and the guy who did it turned on the other guy and he’s only still workin here because of family connections in hrIt's was a freak accident at a golf outing so stop talking shit
Sher wasn’t it the golfing event that happened poor aul eyeballpaul
Askin us in VC would anywan like to go to the weekend shift haha are they havin a laugh
Dont know why your laughing because operators are being swapped around at the minute.
so regardless everyone will have to do it at some stage doesnt matter if your full time or a temp. theres no union in abbott so fuck all you can do about it.
you will love it anyway.....
Hold on in there all of ye that are here for many many years, news is coming, there will be light at the end of the tunnel.
Askin us in VC would anywan like to go to the weekend shift haha are they havin a laugh