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Abbott Vascular Clonmel


As bad as TEM is, I'm hearing more and more horror stories about the AV site in Clonmel, Ireland. Atmosphere is meant to be really bad and morale is desperate. Everyone I speak to or email over there seems to hate it. A real opressive sweat shop run by the third reich. Is this for real you guys?

Been over to Clonmel myself a few times and seen it first hand myself. I wouldn't have a good word to say about the management over there and there attitude towards there people.

Oh ya, the fire. I had forgotten about that !!! Remember when the cleanroom was under about a foot of water and the management told us that there was no flood, it was only a water spillage!!!! Lie, lies, lies.

Abbott Vascular Clonmel seeking 300 voluntary redundancies in Clonmel facility.

The move follows the company’s decision to streamline its cardiovascular business, putting a greater focus on science based nutritional products.

Abbott's facility at Clonmel currently employs over 1000 people.

However, the streamlining of the global operation will mean that these products will no longer be produced for the US market.

The Clonmel plant will continue to produce certain devices for other international markets.

Abbott has many manufacturing plants in Ireland and earlier this year announced an investment of €85m in its site on the Manorhamilton road, where 175 highly-skilled employees are to be taken on.

This investment is not affected by today's announcement.

SIPTU Organiser Frank Jones said there was no expectation among their members that such an announcement was imminent.

He said the "sheer number of proposed job losses will shock the workers who have given loyal and dedicated service to Abbott over many years".

Union representatives will meet tomorrow to discuss the situation with the hope of saving some jobs.

Abbott Vascular Clonmel seeking 300 voluntary redundancies in Clonmel facility.

The move follows the company’s decision to streamline its cardiovascular business, putting a greater focus on science based nutritional products.

Abbott's facility at Clonmel currently employs over 1000 people.

However, the streamlining of the global operation will mean that these products will no longer be produced for the US market.

The Clonmel plant will continue to produce certain devices for other international markets.

Abbott has many manufacturing plants in Ireland and earlier this year announced an investment of €85m in its site on the Manorhamilton road, where 175 highly-skilled employees are to be taken on.

This investment is not affected by today's announcement.

SIPTU Organiser Frank Jones said there was no expectation among their members that such an announcement was imminent.

He said the "sheer number of proposed job losses will shock the workers who have given loyal and dedicated service to Abbott over many years".

Union representatives will meet tomorrow to discuss the situation with the hope of saving some jobs.

Someone needs to get out more eh?

Now they try to get Shingo prize this year. Wtf?! This shi*hole can get prize for becoming another Aushwitz. It makes me sick when i see all this posters "Site of choice" What a bulls*it!
They are all about numbers, nothing else...

Now they try to get Shingo prize this year. Wtf?! This shi*hole can get prize for becoming another Aushwitz. It makes me sick when i see all this posters "Site of choice" What a bulls*it!
They are all about numbers, nothing else...

Agreed. This Shingo sh*t is just the latest stick to beat us with. I wish they're f*ck off and be honest by saying, we're here to make as much cash as we can by flogging you mongrels to death, bending tax incentives and tax laws and shoving the half baked finished product out the gate, and we're really not pushed at all about compliance or quality (except if we're caught). I suggest replacing the "A promise for life" slogan with, "A promise to lie" or better again "Arbeit Macht Frei, Abbott uber alles"

best opinion of clonmel is this fact:
every second week there is qe/me/supervisor goodbye session as so many of qualified and experience people is leaving. whoever is not left yet is looking for new job or lives in clonmel.

Oh ya, the fire. I had forgotten about that !!! Remember when the cleanroom was under about a foot of water and the management told us that there was no flood, it was only a water spillage!!!! Lie, lies, lies.

Also don’t forget the time when they found sh*t on the floor of the cleanroom days before an audit. That will tell you how much respect people have for AV Clonmel.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but apart from the sh*t in the clean room, wasn't there sh*t left in a plastic bag in security too at one stage? Never mind, once the fat cats keep getting 3x the bonuses we get, that's all that counts. Face down, snooker ball strapped in your gob, ass up in the air.