People speak the truth yet it offends, nobody takes what’s sed on here seriously, I think if you don’t like someone in work you should not slate the person on here for the simple reason your enemy today could be your friend tomorrow, always a fine line between love and hate. I’m not embarrassed to call ye coworkers because I understand people need to release frustration. The “clique” in vc has been going on for a few years now it’s about time people called them out on their horrendous behaviour towards others I have seen how they treated people and it’s scandalous, laughing and belittling people behind their backs, telling false whispers to sups and sniggering amongst themselves making people mentally drained, forcing individuals to leave without handing in notice as they can’t deal with it anymore, calling people useless behind their backs and completely ignoring new people making it horrendous for anyone to work with them long term, laughing really loud all the time and if someone goes out of work sick belittling their illness yet when they ring in sick they get holidays all to ensure their reviews are better which is disgraceful and it’s been going on for years I can only hope that when I rise to supervisors position I will do everything in my power to get those individuals sacked