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Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Ladies and gentleman it has come to my attention that the guy reported in recent weeks , in which who planted an unknown sample of liquid (DES suite 2 material handling room which is reported to be Urine) has been seen back in the DES suite 2 today lingering around again. It has been reported that he planted the Urine and left for holidays just as the storm unfolded in DES. If operators have any more information on the blue hat man who was involved in doing this , please come forward further with more information as we do NOT want him having another incident on our Site which could cause more punishment for him or whichever operators are involved in conversations with Mr.Lennon. Thank you.
Tel. 0892546113
Thank you again.

Ladies and gentleman it has come to my attention that the guy reported in recent weeks , in which who planted an unknown sample of liquid (DES suite 2 material handling room which is reported to be Urine) has been seen back in the DES suite 2 today lingering around again. It has been reported that he planted the Urine and left for holidays just as the storm unfolded in DES. If operators have any more information on the blue hat man who was involved in doing this , please come forward further with more information as we do NOT want him having another incident on our Site which could cause more punishment for him or whichever operators are involved in conversations with Mr.Lennon. Thank you.
Tel. 0892546113
Thank you again.
He just needs to lay off the cheese cakes and do his job I feel. Unfortunately he is to much of a *Gossiper*, suited for L2 perfectly , I seen them in action again today and it is mind boggling how cringy they ar.

Look at the way they move people without looking for volunteers to move, it’s a shame they don’t move leads and sups on power trips to other areas or out the door. Might actually help in some areas. Way too many ops are leaving now over toxic behaviour which these folks do nothing about because the bully can make 600 parts an hour. Way too many overheads in the place. Tier 1 meetings are been skipped and people don’t say anything because concerns not respected or listened too. Just consistently push push people snap it leads to a toxic environment. Push push push micromanaging breaks can’t even take time to digest food because it has to be inhaled. Yet sups, leads, engineers can all take over an hour for breaks. Showing a complete lack of respect for those on the lines who if 5 minutes late are like slaughtered lambs. Miss target by a few parts you get a supervisor standing behind you for 2 hours. Telling you to work faster!!! Do not listen to music, do not talk only listen to your masters. Engineer always blame operations and quality the same. No help or assistance only look at me I wear a different coloured hat and I can watch the match and look up hoilidays on computer. Ops raise concerns manager gets DVP operator gets 20 quid if lucky. Constant guilt tripping people to do more. This type of work and way to run a factory is outdated even in sweat shops in Asia. So many reasons to leave yet if you have a heart attack or something wrong from a health point of view you better off dying because they will force you into the coffin anyway.
percent absolutely spot on.

Computa says nooooooooo.
They seem concerned alright. So concerned they have to keep checking Cafe pharma everyday of the week for storys… then again , what do you expect when your life is so miserable that abbott and work is your life?? … ppl tend to enjoy focusing on other ppls gains/downfalls more then there own miserable lives. No wonder they are so many ppl overweight in this place and poisonous begrudgers. Ppl are Hoping for others ppls downfall but being fake behind it all pretending they care…Welcome to abbott ladies and jelly babies.
Ps I am not working on an operation line in DES , but I know exactly what you lot are like from the storys being told to me … and to be honest everything I am reading seems to be spot on lol :)

If abbott is as bad as ye say it is why don't ye go on all out strike. Stand up to them other places do it and get better conditions come together what are they paying 30k to 40k per year come on you would get that anywhere. 1 week all out strike or organise an all employee sick week where everyone rings in sick with stress or abbott flu. It would at least guarantee a bit of OT coming into the winter.

If abbott is as bad as ye say it is why don't ye go on all out strike. Stand up to them other places do it and get better conditions come together what are they paying 30k to 40k per year come on you would get that anywhere. 1 week all out strike or organise an all employee sick week where everyone rings in sick with stress or abbott flu. It would at least guarantee a bit of OT coming into the winter.
Do you really think that all them Lick asses up there are actually going to come together to do this? , this idea would be EXCELLENT … BUT if not for the usual suspects who talk the talk but won’t walk the walk when push comes to shove …

Happy weekend folks. Enjoy the cheese to those with spotty heads , fake quads and shitty shitty bang bang cars. Vroom vroom.
U are tryin far to hard to take the heat off urself pal most of the ppl in DES know who u are replyin to urself most of the time
go and do sumthin for the wkend instead of spendin time here gettin a stiffy for urself

Foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot foot

U are tryin far to hard to take the heat off urself pal most of the ppl in DES know who u are replyin to urself most of the time
go and do sumthin for the wkend instead of spendin time here gettin a stiffy for urself
I see you have also joined me here my pal… you must have a boring weekend to eh?? You see nothing Tw*t.

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