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Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Good evening all,
The luncheon roll bandit here.

All I'm hearing is piss here, piss there. DES there, DES here.

What else is going on in AV?

How are you guys doing in core products? VC? The office staff that keep the place going? The cleaning personnel (thank you for keeping this place clean)

On a side note, could goldy locks stop revving his black Subaru up and down the road by my home. It's not cool and it sounds like my shed door in the wind.

The Luncheon roll bandit

Good evening all,
The luncheon roll bandit here.

All I'm hearing is piss here, piss there. DES there, DES here.

What else is going on in AV?

How are you guys doing in core products? VC? The office staff that keep the place going? The cleaning personnel (thank you for keeping this place clean)

On a side note, could goldy locks stop revving his black Subaru up and down the road by my home. It's not cool and it sounds like my shed door in the wind.

The Luncheon roll bandit
Is that you Gary longballz?

So many scumbags from Fethard in Abbott these days. Sick of these council estate imbeciles from outside Clonmel getting in.
Give it a rest ya sad cunt .Tis obviously only you in here having conversations with yourself hence the same words and language used over and over.Go jump off a bridge if Ur that fucking miserable .Or maybe you don't have the balls to do that even, seeming you don't have the balls to say these things to people's faces . Pathetic

Give it a rest ya sad cunt .Tis obviously only you in here having conversations with yourself hence the same words and language used over and over.Go jump off a bridge if Ur that fucking miserable .Or maybe you don't have the balls to do that even, seeming you don't have the balls to say these things to people's faces . Pathetic
Here's proof how far we've fallen as a company, this individual cannot spell. Report to the DES offices for immediate punishment.

So I hear the g*y singing twa*s finally got in trouble for singing and dancing as they had PFM not being reached? It is about time something was said but they will all probably go back home su*k eachother off and do it all again tomoz … sad pathetic cun*s.

Those 3 Annoying Tw*ts on l1 would really want to stop singing and dancing , honestly don’t know how anybody from l1 can be normal listening to them pri*s. It is beyond a joke and how anybody can think that’s normal is beyond me. Come to L2 and listen to what you all are really like. It is a joke and cop on and grow up!.

It's called doing your job. Do it. I bet you're one of those terriers from Line 2, too busy gossiping in the canteen.
They should bring that Woman from L1 crimp by the wall over to the ugly dogs of L2 , she would fit in rightly with the gossip merchants of L2 … another terrier added to the pile of nosey ugly sh*t already over there.

Those 3 Annoying Tw*ts on l1 would really want to stop singing and dancing , honestly don’t know how anybody from l1 can be normal listening to them pri*s. It is beyond a joke and how anybody can think that’s normal is beyond me. Come to L2 and listen to what you all are really like. It is a joke and cop on and grow up!.
Ah shurly there not all G*y? , isn’t one of them married ? Than again so was Philip Schofield.

L6 would want to stop spreading rumours! Sad so so sad for that person to come in to L2 and 1 and spread false propaganda. What L6 and L7 try to do is make all of us on L2 and all from L1 go slow so that L6 and 7 can be seen as the good little lick asses that they are! , absolutely pathetic from yet another Blonde bimbo walking around. There is just to many in DES and it is unaffordable to keep hiring these uselsss Blonde idiots in DES. Everywhere you look there is one and all Dog ugly and full of s*it. It just isn’t fair to have so many of them in one place.

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