Has anyone gone thru the final process yet or received an offer? Im interviewing next week with the the two janssen dm's and rd
it seems like this three person process will happen across the country next week.
did anyone get any answers as to how many they moved forward/ i have two spots in my area and interviews are only one day so im assuming six people for two spots....but i could be wrong.

Has anyone gone thru the final process yet or received an offer? Im interviewing next week with the the two janssen dm's and rd
it seems like this three person process will happen across the country next week.
did anyone get any answers as to how many they moved forward/ i have two spots in my area and interviews are only one day so im assuming six people for two spots....but i could be wrong.

I believe there are 2 final candidates for each opening.

Can anyone provide feedback on what the three janssen managers may be looking for to help you stand out?
I have cardio experience but am not familiar with the janssen culture so feedback would be appreciated.
Also, how much influence does the quintiles dm who moved you forward have?

Has anyone gone thru the final process yet or received an offer? Im interviewing next week with the the two janssen dm's and rd
it seems like this three person process will happen across the country next week.
did anyone get any answers as to how many they moved forward/ i have two spots in my area and interviews are only one day so im assuming six people for two spots....but i could be wrong.

Recruiter told me only 2 people per spot. Offers will be made by Sept 5th. I asked recruiter these specifically.

Can anyone provide feedback on what the three janssen managers may be looking for to help you stand out?
I have cardio experience but am not familiar with the janssen culture so feedback would be appreciated.
Also, how much influence does the quintiles dm who moved you forward have?

It sounds like they're fairly conservative, be extremely professional and know your STAR stories. THe Q DM put you forward so they want you there, it's hard to get a feel for who has the most influence but, since we would be embedded in the Janssen districts I would think they probably have the final say, at least that's how I'm preparing for next week.

It sounds like they're fairly conservative, be extremely professional and know your STAR stories. THe Q DM put you forward so they want you there, it's hard to get a feel for who has the most influence but, since we would be embedded in the Janssen districts I would think they probably have the final say, at least that's how I'm preparing for next week.

I think you are right, The Q DM just wants to know if you will complete your admin duties on time. That is what a O DM field coordinator does really, just admin stuff, and putting out fires. The call for who gets the job is up to the Janssen People, I think the RM will have the greatest influence.

First time considering a position with Quintiles or contract sales, so I have a couple of questions. Any help would be appreciated!

1. If I do not get hired on with Janssen after contract and do not get another contract with Quintiles, will I be eligible for unemployment?

2. What are the best and worst things about working for Quintiles?


First time considering a position with Quintiles or contract sales, so I have a couple of questions. Any help would be appreciated!

1. If I do not get hired on with Janssen after contract and do not get another contract with Quintiles, will I be eligible for unemployment?

2. What are the best and worst things about working for Quintiles?


1. Yes, that's where I am right now.

2. Completed my first contract and believe I have a good shot at this one, I've been impressed with everyone I've been in contact with here and the culture fits me. Others will obviously have different opinions. I also think there is good room for growth here and clearly pharma is moving more in Q's direction than they are within their own sales groups. The break between contracts is finacially stressful but if you work hard and network with everyone on your current contract you have a better chance of being rewarded with more work.

I was not trying to be rude. My interview is this upcoming week. I guess i incorrectly assumed that if they interviewed you next week they would have an answer within a week of your final interview.

The two janssen dm's and rd are not interviewing all the 800 people stated above.
there clearly are different dms and rd from each region doing these interiews so the sept 5th date of getting an answer does seem a little bit of a stretch, in my opinion.
good luck to everyone.

The two janssen dm's and rd are not interviewing all the 800 people stated above.
there clearly are different dms and rd from each region doing these interiews so the sept 5th date of getting an answer does seem a little bit of a stretch, in my opinion.
good luck to everyone.

You don't really think someone thought there were only 3 people interviewing everybody do you? That's funny.

This process requires 3 members of Janssen management to be in the same place at the same time for an extended period. If each candidate has to be seen by each manager and each manager interviews 8 candidates, 1 an hour all day, that is the equivalent of 2 candidates for 4 territories. There are 400 territories, I think this process may change especially after this next, first week. It just doesn't look like there's enough time to get this done in 2 or 3 weeks. We'll see

Alot of work to be completed by janssen in the next few weeks. The only drawback of the sept 5th date (if that is the date reps are told if they landed the position) is that for those who interview next week it is a good three weeks untill they find out and they could accept other positions if they are actively seeking.