Does the 55.5/mile on the car include gas?
Did they say anything about cell phone/isp allowance?
55.5/mile is the IRS standard (just increased from 51.5) and includes gas. Mileage is logged on expense report each day and reimbursement is once a month. $65/month for cell phone; $50/month internet; $35/month office supplies. Corporate AmEx for most expenses (not gas).

It does not seem that the calls have started to go out yet on this project. With 400 positions, when the calls start going out, this board will light up. $600 per month for auto and gas car has been standard for Q for a while now.

55.5/mile is the IRS standard (just increased from 51.5) and includes gas. Mileage is logged on expense report each day and reimbursement is once a month. $65/month for cell phone; $50/month internet; $35/month office supplies. Corporate AmEx for most expenses (not gas).

55.5 includes everything related to your car expenses, if your car is paid for you're golden, if not, it's still a good deal.

I have. Base is 68K, 25% target bonus, 55 1/2 cent/mile reimbursement. Recruiters have to complete interviews by 8/8, then second round interviews will take place mid-late august. Report to 2 DM's, J&J will be calling on accounts as well. Start date mid sept. In addition to Xarelto reps will also be promoting acid reflux drug & 2 pain meds.

hope that is helpful.

Thanks-would you report to a quintiles DM and a JJ DM? Also do you interview with the JJ DM? I interviewed with one who was extreme did not get the JJ position. Thanks

Thanks-would you report to a quintiles DM and a JJ DM? Also do you interview with the JJ DM? I interviewed with one who was extreme did not get the JJ position. Thanks

Q will supply an administrative Field Manager for every 30 reps or so, 3 days in the office, some time in the field. Regular work trips will be with a Janssen manager (please start calling this a Janssen contract, they're the ones writing the checks and though they are part of J&J don't want to be referred to as that. You're welcome.)

Thanks-would you report to a quintiles DM and a JJ DM? Also do you interview with the JJ DM? I interviewed with one who was extreme did not get the JJ position. Thanks

I was told that the second interview would be with both Quintiles and Janssen DM. That the Quinitles DM will be administrative and the Janssen DM will handle all of the selling related interaction. No mention was made of specific year/model of car or mileage limitations, was told it would end up being around 700/month.

No car allowance; no gas card; max bonus is 25% of salary, milage 55.5 cents per mi.;
Anyone else hear about your own the car that must be a 2009 or better?

The 2009 thing is just more crap, trying to be humorous, from that guy. Read the post again about dial-up only internet, c'mon, don't be so naive.

I was told that the second interview would be with both Quintiles and Janssen DM. That the Quinitles DM will be administrative and the Janssen DM will handle all of the selling related interaction. No mention was made of specific year/model of car or mileage limitations, was told it would end up being around 700/month.

What are the janssen mgrs like and how'd you come up with $700? Avg mileage per month?

Has anyone in Kentucky been contacted yet?
If you have can you tell if it's phone screen, f2f etc...
Does anyone know the recruiter for the project?
I really like the potential of this project and the position in general plus the JnJ guy is a riot too.